>no github
>founder is a PHILSOPHY MAJOR
>basically no programmers
i'm selling half
>no github
>founder is a PHILSOPHY MAJOR
>basically no programmers
i'm selling half
Other urls found in this thread:
i agree sir chainlink is very bad investment
buy mobius instead very good team
>product is literally just a json parser
>no product
>no dev team
>philosophy major
>terrified of any alternatives which actually are doing work on solving the oracle problem
yup definitely a good hold XD
atleast 6 devs
Intel SGX also has HUGE security flaws
you're a drooling retard if you own this TOKEN
>5 years of development
>no product
>supposed "product" is literally an open source json parser
>any company can copy the open source code and make their own version immediately and for free
>value of link can't surpass $1 or else purpose of coin would be defeated
>fat-fuck philosophy major drop-out CEO
>no real partnerships
>founder is a PHILSOPHY MAJOR
I don’t get the 1000$ EOY meme. Chainlink being above 1$ literally defeats the purpose of the coin.
shitty fud
wow 6 devs huh
Sell it all OP. Any coin that has been shilled extensively in on biz is not something you want to hold in the long term unless you enjoy losing money.
you have to hold some, otherwise you'll have to kill yourself if it moons
i'm just cutting it from 5% to 2.5%.
>I don’t get the 1000$ EOY meme.
To get newfags to buy your bags of course
>btc got shilled here
>eth got shilled here
sold 100k
The fud is old and stale. You're a fucking faggot if you're trying to sabotage this project for muh accumulation. You're keeping this shit from reaching its full potential. You should have already accumulated. Link is a great hold. End of fucking story.
supply & demand
Not just a simple JSON parser. A 50 billion market cap JSON Parser.
o right, and will you sat next to crypto thot Perianne Boring talking about you "non-existant product" as well.
no. well go fuck yourself you worthless street shitting faggot
i'm whiter than you lad
btc and eth had one each you turnip headed moron
inb4 that same retard thats only Fud is 'kek what if the team doesnt deliver' 'why would you use this'
lol, i bet youre a fucking mutt. much french irsh german heritage