Been holding this since july, and I love the project.
Still, i've been starting to get some second thoughts on holding this for super long. What if the staking dividends are really 3-4 usd? I have 1300 OMG, thats not nearly fucking enough to retire.
Been holding this since july, and I love the project.
Still, i've been starting to get some second thoughts on holding this for super long. What if the staking dividends are really 3-4 usd? I have 1300 OMG, thats not nearly fucking enough to retire.
It might be 3 or 4 for a year or so. The general idea is that this will increase as time goes on and with more transactions. This is at least a 5 year hodl.
Yeah but is it really worth waiting 5 years for this
People said the same thing about BTC back in 13'
Not saying this is BTC by any chance just so we are clear lmao
Wait only 3-5 years for the easist shot at financial independence you'll ever get or gamble on some bitbean and link. Have patience
Let's assume the demand for OMG is proportional to the staking dividends it provides (reasonable), such that it will always reach some equilibrium % rate of return. For it to be worth buying, it would need to have similar dividend payouts compared to stocks, so let's say that number is 4%. With the percentage fixed, a $3-4 USD payout would give it a value of just $75-$100. Considering the scale that OMG will likely have, a valuation of $1000 per token is likely in a few years if it succeeds, which would mean closer to $40/token in staking rewards, which is plenty to retire off of considering your current holdings. Now the percentage may be off, maybe it will only be 2%. But OMG has tons of room to grow in terms of payments that travel through the network. I think 1300 is more than enough to make it.
I also own about 1200 tokens. Dont know if thats gonna enough for financial indepence. If one token would make 25 usd yearly id be fine i guess
2$ per token seems to be the general consensus. Keep in mind too, if the block chain 3.0 usurps ETH than this token is useless.
you will make it.
Just buy more OMG.
Just reinvest the income? You are a fucking idiot if you thought you would be able to retire of 1000 omg
>You are a fucking idiot if you thought you would be able to retire off 1000 btc
>Considering the scale that OMG will likely have, a valuation of $1000 per token is likely in a few years if it succeeds, which would mean closer to $40/token in staking rewards
And you pulled that $1000 figure out of your ass?
Yes, i understand the supply difference and relative market cap. No one can predict the adoption rate of any of this stuff.
By the end of the year, $100 valuation is a no brainer, most people can agree on this. Omisego is highly scalable, and with the network effect (assuming it succeeds this year with plasma) processing 10x the amount of money it does in 2018 within a few years is totally reasonable. You may disagree that this will happen at all, fine. But if OMG swallows even a small fraction of current remittance/exchange fees, $1000 is easy.
You are beyond fucking retarded if you think you can retire from staking. How greedy can you be, you are literally making money FROM NOTHING
Just sell it dude honestly, sell it and fuck off
We are talking factual numbers here and you're just pulling memes
This is not a ven thread
The guy who calculated the $4 based his calculation on the actual revenue generated by omise
Omise takes a 3.5% comission for payments so I do think omg can reach $100
OmiseGo isn't just going to process what Omise (the company) is processing. It is going to be the backbone for the entire ethereum network. That is just the beginning though. How am I memeing when I am factoring in things like the $500 billion remittance economy, potential trillions in cryptocurrency volume, etc? Sure, if you plan on selling immediately upon OMG beginning the processing of Omise's payments, then the $100 price point is about where you end up. But I'm talking about expanding far greater than that. Why are you so condescending when this is completely in the realm of reality?
how many do i need to hold to make it iyho omger
>comparing omg to btc
Retard alert
4k is the accepted number
>Why are you so condescending when this is completely in the realm of reality?
We are talking concrete numbers
Yes, it can reach $100 quite easily but that's speculation and wishful thinking so far so I don't see the interest
I know OMG will outgrow Omise but so far we only know it's going to take over its business, there's still many hurdles beyond
Read the whole thread faggot. I understand theyre completely different.
what a retarded post from start to finish
There is a difference between factual speculation and baseless speculation (or 'memes' as you put it). OMG could be worth $0 in a few months if something goes wrong, I'm just going with the facts that we have so far. Given their massive advantages over traditional payment channels, large growth like I described is entirely reasonable. It's not some 0.01% chance crapshoot I'm talking about in desperation for my holdings to be worth astronomical sums.
Yeah, i understand. No problem
Except your tokens are actually working by validating transactions on the network. You're making money from the % that is the tx fee you fat fucking autist,
kys buy bitbean nobody cares
DAGfaggot coins will be the dumbest thing that will die quicker than anything else
that being said I'm buying nebulas just in case