Wow MOD pharma partnership! this is what we have been waiting for!
>some people bought $10+
>It will be extending handshakes to the pharma-blockchain company "Modum"
>extending handshakes
>Implying anyone other than an idiot made this shit up
extending handshakes...
is this the smell of a designated shitting street i'm smelling?
>Mfw this has been proven fake news like 5 times
And so he spoke...and so he spoke...that lord of pharmaceuticals
Mod virgins getting btfo'd hard
Wait is this real? Cannot find this on Pfizer website
is fake as fuck my dude how can you believe this shit?
soyboys BTFO
Jesus fuck are you still shilling this bullshit?!
This is a blatant FAKE NEWS and a bad photoshop
If that's all MOD has to offer they're worse than i thought.
Woo price going up, I am buying some more MOD now! Great team! unlike other shitcoins MOD is the next Bitcoin! Hope the FUDders will now shut up
99.99999% of the content here on Veeky Forums is fake news
if it isn't paid shills then its bagholders
haven't seen one good tip this year
Always knew MOD will deliver. A bit more and we are at ATH :-)
Literally about to go into a dangerous freefall if one whale decides to dump
lemme just cancel that buy order
2nd-lowest volume on Binance at 19BTC! Congrats guys!
It's going to get delisted one day
MOD cannot get delisted because its a security token, which is the future unlike the shitty utility coins. Watch the price increase! Pfizer is one of the biggest pharmas you fag
buy amb