Overrated Garbage

Filet Mignon

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Great post OP! Your sure to get replies! (you)

bay leaves
french wine

Pleb; the post.

Reddit; the post.

Buttblasted; the proof.

Sounds more like angry poor person, the post.

Nice man; the post.

Gay fags: the posts.

the post

OP's favorite meal

chicken on pizza
shrimp cocktail
creamy pasta sauce
mac & cheese
baby spinach
BBQ sauce
ranch dressing

Overrate garbage: OP

More or less agree, except for bay leaves. If anything, they're underrated. Many people seem not to know how to use them, and they can really make an impact on a dish.

I think the problem with them is that many people have never had good fresh ones. They have cheap shit from McCormick that's been sitting on the shelf for months so they're totally flavorless. Same issue with Paprika and Turmeric, really. It can be hard to find those spices in good quality--a lot of the time it's just flavorless colored dust.

People should get into the habit of smelling their spices and tasting as they go. Bay leaves are extremely intense, they should be impossible to miss.

People should get into the habit of smelling their asses and tasting as they go. Poopies are extremely intense, they should be impossible to miss.

What else can you do if you're blind?

Half cooked steak.

How long until this turns into the saffron thread?

Bay Leaves are bullshit:


You can troll your guiding dog into thinking you actually have sight. It will be confused for days to come.

See what I mean about the dry flavorless crap people mistake for the real thing?

Yeah I mean

>what does a bay leaf smell like

That's pretty bad. If you crush up a bay leaf in your hand, smell it, and it isn't a strong, almost chemical-y overpowering smell, you have expired bay leaves.

Try simmering them with just water to give a sense of the taste.

Was meant for


Saffron is actually good if you know how to use it

Especially on burgers

youre a watermelon short of joinning the klan

>he doesn't know the difference between Mediterranean bay leaves and Aussie garbage




Any kind of steak

you're a faggot
you're a faggot
you're a faggot
you're a faggot
you are correct.

these are all good
