Pump during the next 12-24 hours.
Pump during the next 12-24 hours
Got 1.5k here
Please don't be a fucking LARP. I sold 408 VEN yesterday for these bags. Guess I fell for the Chad CEO memes and Nestlé rumors.
I sure hope so
Don't worry amb will 40x by eoy ven only 20x in that time
This doesn't automatically make Nestlé partners with Ambrosus, does it?
They are rumors until confirmed.
AMB is one of those coins, along with HPB for example which everyone knows will blow up massively at some point, but no one knows exactly when. Smart money is already in and waiting. With alt season approaching fast, it's a good idea to get in quickly.
Got 2k
smart people buy something before the inevitable announcement you weak handed faggot
this better be fucking true OP.
I'm a big buyer. I will find you by your IP if the pump does not happen.
Make it rain daddy , im ready!
Holy shit dude, that's a lot of AMB. are you kimchi?
Chadsetti reporting in
Suspicious orderbook activity with buy wall and multi biz/tg/reddit post. Be careful.
Kimchi out for night.
No kimchi. Pump and dump faggots.
Why shouldn't I place a sell order for 50 percent higher and buy back in after dump?
So this is not a real kimchi? Just pump and dumb??? :(
The actual kimchi trip posted in this thread calling it out as a p&d
it's a strong indication that if nestle do get onto the blockchain train, they'll be doing so with amb
And what do we do with rumors, user?
lmao at you fucking retards
this must be the 4th or 5th time /biztards are about to getting dumped on in less than 4 weeks?
everytime the same shit
You're really gonna make it. Enjoy being your own Chad bro.
Kek why would anyone care about the opinion of a poorfag like you
One of the more hilarious rumors in recent memory. Nestle? Really? You think the dinosaurs at underperforming nestle are going to partner with a complete nobody from that buttcorn boom they read about in the paper one time?
Just like alibaba programmers joining the trx team, kek
sure they will because the swisslarper is actually the nestle ceo
they will also implement link btw
they team have top executives from the food industry
Gordon Ramsay on the blockchain? I'm all in.
well, for one thing, being a poorfag gives you more incentive to dyor so you can escape the poorfaggery. I wouldn't put any money into something that Im not confident with.
I only got 2k as well. Are we going to make it?
I'm so tempted to go all in on this in case it pulls a VEN and I miss another one..but also scared it's another WABI that just doesnt go anywhere forever
I fell for this the first time the board tried to pump it.
Definitely on the 4th or 5th time this thing is going to "explode".
All in.
We fucking sell the rumors and buy the news dip, brainlet.
Definitely going to see some price action this week anons. XRP as well