Bought this 18k white gold tennis chain with VVS diamonds. It cost me around a 100k.
Is this a good investment? How did I do.
Im 19 btw
Bought this 18k white gold tennis chain with VVS diamonds. It cost me around a 100k.
Is this a good investment? How did I do.
Im 19 btw
nazi faggot
you sold the gold from the jews
>takes a picture of his mom's $5k necklace
>posts it on Veeky Forums to pretend he's rich
Nice the $19 silver plated CZ tennis bracelet that was on sale last week.
That's fucking retarded. 100k on jewelry? You won't have money for long
You're a nigger or a retard
this faggot is back
nice $100 chain you degenerate
Op rekt by quads.
I'll never understand the homo's that waste money on expensive jewelry
Not fake.
Sorry poorfags
>Literal nigger bragging about wasting his money on BLANG
Stop posting this thread user, we don't care about your rims or your ice
what is tennis about this?
You could probably find one on Craigslist for 1/4 list price. You're risking it at that point though.
>Buying jewellery for 100k
>Not buying a house that can give you stable income + appreciate in value.
Swear down, how can 19 year olds be so retarded?
just because you spent 98k on it does not mean it can't be fake. how do you know its authentic?
also why are you asking Veeky Forums if its a good deal? isn't that something you should determine before you invest your money?
I bought it from one of the most respected jewelers, and I got a certificate for the diamonds
If true then OP has my respect. If not then he can get fucked.
where can i cop one of these chad chains?
How many karats? How many diamonds?
Cut and clarity of the diamonds?
You dumbfag , I need more info to tell you if you’ve fucked up
I don't think you should play tennis while wearing such expensive jewelery.
Diamonds are bubble. You can make them by tons. You know that right?
Resell value of jewelry is shit. This is common knowledge.
Did you get it expertised by another respected jeweler?
Okay, well that's encouraging. However, jewelers mark up diamonds and other jewelry by a huge amount. When you want to resell, you will not get anywhere near that amount, unless the underlying metal or gems have vastly appreciated. You paid a huge premium for the fact that the gems and metal were crafted into a necklace, but I'm not sure what makes that necklace so special that it might appreciate.
If you were to sell that necklace today, how much do you think you would be offered?
Agreed...but most folks don’t know shit about designer jewelry resell market.
Lmao you're posting this every week. You must be desperate for attention
VVS my ass.
OP is a 19yr old dumbfag
He’d be lucky to recoup 50% of what he paid
Looks good try it on for us OP lets see how you look in it big guy
You write like a 12 year old
If you pay 100k you would know the kt size and clarity. OP is a larp
Read OP
>Is this a good investment? How did I do.
You need to ask after spending a small fortune? I don't know much about investing in precious stones and metals but wouldn't coins, bars and diamonds be more practical?
>spending 98k online
I didnt spend it online
waste of money.
also, looks girly.
Stop getting niggerich with your money and put it in stocks.
this. OP is baiting or the worst kind of wigger
You already posted this last month. The amount of new fags here is frightening
You keep track of everything that's posted on all the boards you frequent? There are better ways to spend your time.
You realize a store will charge premium 20-25% extra on top of the value so jewelry or any kind of antiques are HORRIBLE investments if bought from store.
Dont get me started on diamonds. Literally normie 'i finally made it'-achivement Tier item.
This. Jewelry has mark-up from retailers that includes tax and the fact you didn't buy it in bulk. Secondly diamonds are bullshit, a totally artificial scarcity enforced by Debeers whose value is based on the fact a lot of women are idiots who don't care who dies for their fucking sparkles. Buying bling is a certain sort of rich, real money doesn't show it off. Your best option is to find a bigger idiot to sell it to - given you haven't a plush jewelry store to do it from this is going to be tough. Use your money to buy stuff which generates income or diversify your portfolio of investments. It's only when it makes no difference to you whether or not you lose a $100k you start considering buying $100k jewelry and even then you're not supposed to buy it for yourself you're supposed to buy it for the sort of idiot who is too stupid or insecure to see it's pointless but too suspicious to not have it appraised as stainless steel and cubic zircon.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend, if you wanted to lose money on something you should have gotten a dog, that'll love you far more than any chick who's interested in you because you're wearing that I'm afraid!
stop making this thread you literal nigger
I never made this thread before
>actually rich
kek pick 1 faggot
Oh yeah?
Also, rainbow. Fake.
>Right click .98 cent transaction
>Inspect with Dev tools
>Change HTML to say 98000
Jesus christ, I own a pawn shop, I don't think you could have possibly made a worse investment. Your going to look like a nigger and loose a fortune after you fuck up all of your money and try to sell it.