I want a comfy Veeky Forums thread about a specific "making it" goal--your dream home. I feel like this is something that all of us have thought about, "where will I live if I do end up making it?"
Lets post images of your ideal environment and dream about the future.
>pic related I work literally 2 blocks from this building.
I can only imagine how beautiful it would be having a condo like that, surrounded by lights, a fireplace in the center room, a complete PC and entertainment system setup in a corner near one of the windows, neon lights around the window to complete the aesthetic.
I often see clouds shrouding the very top of it on a foggy day. I look up and think of a person living there, looking out into white nothingness sipping hot cocoa in a blanket, charts on one screen with Veeky Forums or a game on the other in front of them.
Unfortunately I'd need to have tens of millions to even consider one of those apartments, but any kind of high rise like that in a city is incredibly appealing to me.
A big house in the alps, preferably in a secluded valley. This would be the place to retreat to when the world starts going tits up.
Wyatt Baker
Lincoln Evans
Mason White
Cameron Cooper
$1M - live in one unit of my brand new quadroplex $5M - live in one unit of my brand new 16 unit aparment building $10M - live in $3000/ mo apartment in nice city near my apartment building $30M - live in baller pad near LA with view of pacific
Xavier Cooper
Michael Scott
Christian Reed
Vermont's Northeast Kingdom
Caleb Phillips
Austin Cooper
wouldn't want to live in a large city. a nice mansion somewhere cheap would be great. need a few million for construction tho.
my primary priority is to quit wagecucking tho... i'll rather live in my small apartment and not be a wage slave than live in a large house and wagecuck
Kayden Ross
Traditional Japanese houses look nice but they are very uncomfortable to live in. Older ones have poor insulation/heating and the wooden parts need constant maintenance. Newer ones can be better but retain the features of older ones which will kill your back unless you're okay with doing everything on the floor. Also real estate is not a good long term investment in Japan b/c people prefer to buy new.
Don't buy a house by the shore unless it's a cheap beach house you can afford to lose. Coastal real estate will plunge because of global warming and erosion.
8/10 would summer at.
Leo Russell
I'm with you, OP. Ivory tower, high up with tons of glass windows is the dream. Probably NYC too. Hit me up sometime in the future and I'll fuck your gf
Aaron Rivera
Its either granite or serpentine rock so erosion wont be a problem for hundreds of years, also the cliffs are a lot higher than the picture shows.
Liam Johnson
Looks like a mental hospital
Thomas Foster
regardless of what it is i prefer to call it home thankyou
I'd have one of these but I'd spend a load decking it out with purge-level security shit like hidden metal shutters, bars, surveillance. Assuming it had a basement I'd fill that shit with long-lasting foods and items prepper-style. I'd also build a tunnel from the basement to an underground bunker in the garden in case of nuclear war.
In addition I'd buy a sweet apartment or townhouse in the local city for when I wanted to do my annual socialising.
>tfw live in suburbs in a cramped terraced house that has fuck all storage space, no security and no basement.
Oliver Moore
i guess it'd be appropriate
Connor Carter
ooh, or maine:
Lucas Foster
Those tiles are hideous. Definitely a beatiful house though.
Tyler Cook
Pretty much in anything similar to this in Mexico. There's a lot like these for the rich people.
Ian Wright
Hope you have a high budget for security. Gringo buying a house like this surely makes you a huge target for kidnappings etc.
i would build it in the outskirts/just outside of a city though. i dont like noise, pollution or lots of people
Anthony Howard
>all these mcmansions lmao americans, do u even chateau
Brody Davis
Is that bomber's place?
Xavier Young
Do you think anyone here wants to entertain people? A comfy chalet would be fine.
Evan Lopez
GTFO with your yurt, faggot.
Charles Roberts
Something like pic related, but a bit bigger, 25-2800sqft above ground with a full basement, and a large garage/woodshop. This sort of setting as well. I'd like to be able to live off the grid but still within an hour or so of services.
Caleb Campbell
Nice house down the gold coast oath.
Hunter Morris
nice but too close to neighbors
Lucas Reed
>Not making the entire garage roof a useable outdoor area Most definitely doing it wrong.
Otherwise it seems decent for an overcrowded rich suburb
Henry James
Any arcologyfags here?
Liam Russell
+solar panels and a well
Hunter Green
are there no regulations about where you could park up in one of those things? Also could you cross the ocean?
Ethan Williams
>creating architectural design principles for very densely populated, ecologically low-impact human habitats
i either dont like or dont care about any of those things
Joshua Garcia
+ a lot of fucking work
You better love doing manual labor, paying some peasants, or pumping out cum-clones.
Elijah Evans
wake me up when that shit's real, and not some artists conception.
Leo Lopez
What's not to like?
Nolan Fisher
Yeah thought someone might say this but in all honestly i dont really mind. Mum use to take me and my brothers down to a holiday home similar to this and i loved it, obviously not a house like this but waterfront canel property\.
Yeah nah was thinking the same thing with the garage roof outdoor area. Would be nice working with the oldman on the house.
Grayson Cooper
I want to build a home that would be too expensive to knock down.
Xavier Cooper
Leo Sanchez
Calling your work now
Blake Parker
You can get that right now
Nathan Kelly
I love that house, but I wouldn't buy it where it's currently located. It needs a much bigger yard.
Robert Edwards
This would be my second choice if not a city high-rise. The fucking Tuscany scenery is magical.
Dominic Clark
this channel has some cool homes. and lots of shit ones
Not sure how comfortable I would be in such an oppulent place, but I think I could get used to it pretty fast.
Nathan Lewis
tfw you've stayed at an airbnb on the 45th floor of the jenga tower.. and got your dick rode while basking in the glow of the world trade
David Ramirez
with a multi room underground bunker
Ian Mitchell
>global warming
Oliver Gonzalez
Why don't you homos open up a antique shop b&B while you're at it.
Elijah Bell
maybe i will tbqh
Joseph Perry
Just checked, yeah it is on airBnB, damn user.
Angel Harris
i'd want to design my own house. my buddy is a Dallas architect who has always done floorplans for fantasy dreamhouses since we were young. would definitely hit him up.
I'm thinking of moving to the Netherlands and buy a Dutch villa, something small and comfy with a nice garden and in front of a river or lake. Pic semi-related, not exactly this one but something similar and maybe not made of wood because I'm paranoid of wood bugs and fire accidents. Additionally, maybe some chateaux with a vineyard in France and a beach house in the French Riviera or Spain
Benjamin Mitchell
Don't leave US waters. Piracy is a real problem these days - you'd be boarded and attacked in Asia and Africa. My relative used to have a large sailboat, and would go on long trips in the Pacific - find some small atols or islands and just chill, but they got into too many dangerous situations to do it anymore. They also had to sneak some pretty heavy duty guns on board. Also, living on a boat sounds cool, but one good big storm out at sea will cure you of that dream pretty fast. Ships like that are really meant for docking near expensive resorts for weekend parties.
Logan Brooks
Do you know these harpoons at the front of whale fishing boats? I'd just install those every two meters except heavy machine guns instead of harpoons. Nobody can attack such a highly armed boat.
Austin Richardson
It's 2018. You're literally retarded if you still think global warming is a myth/conspiracy.
Anthony Allen
You have to stay out of shipping lanes and shit like that, but you can drop anchor pretty much anywhere off shore. You can't just pull into marinas, though, you have to pay for a berth. Those luxury boats can cross, but they're not really designed for rough weather. They usually stay in safer waters. There are boats, classified as "explorer yachts", that are outfitted to survive out in the ocean better than that - that yacht is a toy for a rich arab, for weekend parties, not real travel. My dream for a long time was to build my own Calypso - retrofit an old military boat for travel, but without the subs and shit Cousteau had. But you can't run a ship like that alone, and the older I get, the less I want to be around other people. Also, while traveling the world by boat sounds cool, getting fuel and supplies, not so much. There are no 7-11s out there. And you better have a good engineer and a good tool room and parts bay, because if you break down in the middle of the ocean, the Coast Guard isn't coming to get you, and you can either hope a big tanker will divert to pick you up, or you can pay through the nose to hire someone to tow you back to shore.
Andrew Nguyen
56 leonard is in one of the worst locations in the city. even the loft in big daddy is better than this. there are 8500 sq ft apts in a few blocks west in tribeca that sell for the price of apartments in this building. enjoy watching girls dump you for the subway just before crossing the open sewage aka canal street on your way home from dinner in soho you shithead.
Mason Jenkins
This looks like the house from Gladiator.
Owen Bennett
Adam Stewart
Kind of lame, but honestly, just my childhood home.
Oliver Sanders
Nothing lame about that. I loved my childhood home but I would never move back there because it was ancient (by American standards) + haunted.
Jaxson Fisher
What do you do when pirates with RPGs put giant fucking holes in your hull?
Jeremiah Garcia
Us Navy prototype, $50M to build (Swath hull has the stability of a hull 3x it's size), and it's beachable, Philippines Red cross bought it in a Gov auction for $1.3m youtube.com/watch?v=O1_Aia3dlwA I am so pissed, even though I could never afford it. Navatek also designs these hulls in Hawaii, they would be great for the superyacht market. Swath is also invented by a Leaf.
Adam Hernandez
When I make it I'm gonna have pic related built on a few acres in Eagle River, Alaska. I'm gonna stain it a dark mahogany color
Kayden Cruz
Thanks user. How old was your house? And how did it get haunted?
man you're only scratching the surface. get deeper with your idea, develop it. don't buy a home off the shelf!
Landon Martin
Cost US$15 million to design and build, but you can have it now for the low, low price of just $180,000.???? Lockheed Martin The Sea Slice Swathboat youtube.com/watch?v=Fjqcv5UoKQQ
Logan Nelson
I'd love to buy the house I grew up in. It's small comfy, in a non-major city area. I'd retire there in a heartbeat.
Sebastian Wilson
I know what you mean. It really depends on how much I make. If only $1-3 million, I'd get something like my above pic. I'd attach a garage and have a bowling lane in the basement. Also a woodshop. Definitely have a heated swimming pool with hot tub as well. If I make more than $5 mil, I'd design my own dream home. When I was a kid I aspired to be an architect so I have some exoerience with drawing floorplans and all the technical aspects. I'm really hoping to hit it big, of course, because I think designing some crazy, eccentric and extreme house/castle would be so much fucking fun.
Jayden Clark
Susitna SWATH / barge convertible expedition craft, which was built for US$80,000,000, The vessel also built with an ice strengthened hull (the first-ever for a SWATH hull) sold for $1.75m youtube.com/watch?v=hQoXo9hP4vA
Dominic Martinez
Or silo home $2.7m
Samuel Watson
Anyone into modern houses? I'll be comfy in one of these.
Brody Jenkins
Then they don't get anything because the boat is sinking. That aside, instead of using machine guns, I could also use rocket launchers myself. Or use a sniper rifle to kill the pirates before they get too close.
Nathan Sullivan
Nice taste user.
Charles Hall
Huge windows on the first floor are scary.
Joshua Walker
With the right color scheme(s), sure. Too much white and it's just too sterile looking. Like living in a clean room. Earth tones in modern homes look great imho
Ethan Peterson
Porsche Design Tower in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida.
Brandon Williams
damn, if you're a manhattan fag might as well buy the new tallest ny building that looks like a straight upright box
Daniel Cook
>Sniper rifle >On a moving boat
Jesus, how fucking retarded are you?
Cooper Martin
When pirates can use RPGs, then I can use a sniper rifle.
Levi Young
He's a navy seal of course
William Jones
I want to say 1923 but it could have been earlier than that. I don't know how it got haunted. It was built right next to an old fort from the revolutionary war and held prisoners of war during WW II. It would throw stuff around my room at night and one time it took an old wooden horse I had in my room and rode it around the room. I never told my parents either. I was too young to really understand what was going on (10 years old) but it is why I got into the occult later in life. I think it started when I used to lay in bed and actively will the shadows to move around the room.
Julian Walker
I looked at place in Manhattan around 5 years ago, newer places in towers. Some of them were really nice, but the rent and utilities were horrific. The more self-contained places, with washer and dryer, and balconies I could live in no problem. Here's a building I toured, the unit was near the top - if they'd had washers and dryers in the unit and there wasn't a $1500 monthly maintenance fee, it would have been perfect.
I'm already making plans to buy a condo in the middle of Bangkok, where I will stay a few months every year. Sitting there trading while having nightlife Bangkok next to me will be supreme.
John Hill
Nice story user, just don't forget to take your pills later.
Andrew Smith
Thats cool af. You should shill your story to that TV show, "A Haunting". Who knows, they might want to make a dramatization of your story. I fuckin love that show. Some of those episodes are creepy/scary as hell.