Everytime I poach eggs they end up different. Sometimes they're perfect and sometimes they're shit...

Everytime I poach eggs they end up different. Sometimes they're perfect and sometimes they're shit, but I feel like I'm not doing anything differently each time. How do I poach my eggs properly every time?

What I usually do
> boil water
> add a pinch of salt and nip of vinegar as it boils
> stir until I get the whirlpooly thing going
> add egg
> let egg poach
> take out and put in a cold water bath to cool

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Fresh eggs my man.
Get chickens

>really fresh eggs
Fresher eggs have more firm whites and spread less.
>crack onto a very fine mesh strainer and let liquid whites drain through
Same reason. You'll be left with a yolk surrounded by firm whites that won't spread.
>salt AND vinegar in water
Season eggs and help the whites set on the outside quickly. Helps preserve an even shape
>water not too hot
Should be below a simmer. Move the egg around a bit periodically with a spoon or silicone spatula, GENTLY
>give it time
It'll cook a bit slower below a simmer, but that gives you a longer window of perfectly cooked egg-ness. Don't cold shock it unless you're saving it for later; if so, either cook it a tiny bit under and reheat in simmering water, or cook to right where you want ut and reheat in a bowl of very warm water.

Fresh eggs can make a big difference, but also pay attention to the egg's starting temperature. If they're in the back of the frige they can be colder, and if you leave them out for a while they can start out warmer.

>fill coffee mug halfway with water
>crack egg in
>microwave 80 seconds

Perfect every time, it's my easy no-fuck-up morning breakfast if I forget to make a smoothie the night before.

If you want more than one, that method doesn't work though. On Sundays at work, we just throw a ton of eggs in a big pot and cook them at 145 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes. Take them out, throw in ice water, keep in the fridge. When an order comes, crack the egg into a pot of hot water for a few minutes to reheat. Easy as fuck.

anyone used one of these?

>Water to boil
>Egg in a bowl
>Swirl water if only doing one or two, add vinegar if doing a lot
>Turn off heat and add all eggs
>Wait 5 minutes

Perfect everytime.

ok. Buy sandwich bags. put a drop of olive oil in the sandwich bag and rub it between your hands until it spreads. Place sandwich bag in a bowl that lets you open the bag into it. Boil your water. Crack your egg into the sandwich bag you've opened into the bowl. Tie off the bag. wait for boil. Drop your egg into the water and time it to required doneness.

Perfect poached egg every time.

and get cancer???

no thankyou!

Stop trolling to be stupid. It's not fun if everyone knows you're dumb.

lol...you think cooking in plastic is good for you.

let me know how that's going in 30 years.

You dipshit, polyethylene at 90 degrees vs. everything else on the planet. You're either a relentless troll or a inner city educated north american.

Regardless, up your game.

Tried this. Posting results.

After 1 minute.

After 2 minutes.

+ another 30 seconds more.

Final result.

Very tasty. Classic poached egg but overdone.

that's really over cooked dude...

You should colour correct your results so it doesn't look like a planned parenthood result. Otherwise, great work. Get Photoshop pls.

Have to agree. Also at a glance, what's going on, microwave? If you have to dedicate a vessel to the poached egg, then you should double boiler.

Don't blame me, dude. I just went with the instructions, but clearly one minute isn't anywhere near long enough.

Pay attention. See .

Look. You need to learn your own cookware and style. Shoot for 5 minutes and adjust up or down. Boil your water first and then start your cook. If you want to free cook its fine. You can cook in a plastic bag without giving yourself cancer as well. Try things.


I said in my post to microwave for 80 seconds. You microwaved for 2 minutes 30 seconds, which is 150 seconds; almost twice as long as I said to. Of course it's overdone.

I can set my microwave by increments. You can clearly tell that at 1 minute it's nowhere near set. Even at 2 it isn't and somewhere between 2 and 2,30 it went to shit.

Don't get your fucking panties in a wad with me. I quite clearly said it was overdone at end but still tasty. By my reckonkng, and based on the evidence, your assertion of "80 seconds" is way under the desired result.

Bring the water to a very, very light simmer so that just a wisp of steam is escaping and a few bubbles are on the bottom of the pot. Crack an egg in there, wait 4 minutes, and remove with a slotted spoon. You don't need to salt or vinegar the water, you just need to be patient and delicate. Also fresh eggs are better.

I wasn't being an ass, sorry if it came off that way. Microwaves vary widely in cook times but I've always had success with this method and timing no matter the microwave; the water in the mug does a good job insulating against variations in wattage.

So you have one of those microwaves that increments; maybe set it to 2 minutes, then stop it when it's counted down to 30-40 seconds left? Obviously you'll have to play around with it for optimal results, but the method does work well for single servings.

Nah, no problem, man. I apologise for being shitty. You definitely know what you're talking about and I was intrigued at having such a straightforward way do do it. It's a standard domestic microwave which might be the issue + the fact the eggs are not premium freshness. I'll get fresh tomorrow and try again starting at one and then 30 second increments from there.

I'll keep ya posted. I can assure you thought that even if it was a little overdone (by my reckoning as I personally prefer a slight yolk rim), it tasted as good if not better than the usual vinegar/light poach/etc faff I usually do. Outstanding tip; thank you.

you microwave in metal bowls?

>what is ceramic

you know, the most common type of bowl

No, I don't know. Plastic bowls are for more common than ceramic bowls.
Go to Walmart, you know the most common place to shop, and go to their bowl isle.

You might learn something.

Fuck that would be awesome if you were really a dumb fuck that only microwaves with ceramic bowls.

you people all live in poverty and ignorance. Couldn't cook an egg to save your life. Stop looking for help and start looking for a way out, because this is embarrassing.

you sound poor

agreed. you sound poor

If I had some eggs on me I'd cook one for you. Poached eggs in a coffee mug are a sort of science. I like my yolk runny, with the whites just barely done.

If I were you I would go for one minute and thirty seconds to begin with... cooking in increments in a microwave doesn't work very well from my experience. Possibly add more water as well... again, coffee mugs and microwaves do vary in dimension and wattage.

Fresher the eggs the less likely they are to split in the water. You want it barely simmering when you add the egg.

i did, you might as well keep your egg in the shell.

it doesn't give that smooth leathery texture to poached eggs.

You do everything correct. Turn the heat down alittle after it starts boiling - so it is just simmering. Then make sure you cook it the correct amount of time each time...3 minutes is PERFECT. Set a timer. If you like them super soft go for two minutes, if you prefer a firmer egg, then 4 minutes.

Also, you dont have to put them in a water bath - after you take them out of the pot they will cool off enough on their on to keep from cooking too much. And this way you wont have cold eggs when you eat.

I just boil water, add in some vinegar, then when it's boiling i pop the eggs in and since I always eat it with toast I put my toast down in the toaster.
As soon as my toast pops up I put a little butter on them and by then the eggs are 9 times out of 10 perfectly cooked and ready to go on the toast.

Very rarely do I get overcooked poached eggs

no vinegar as it's pointless
don't salt the water, just season on the plate
only slightly bubbling water
whirlpool, but only very gentle
break egg into cup (to check for shell mainly) and tip into whirlpool
older eggs are more likely to go messy
just let the white get solid and use a slotted spoon to remove the egg from the pan and give it a min to drain but not too long