When i see this my faith in humanity suddenly disappear

how can someone be so stupid to think this is correct?

What is wrong with it?

I... I'm sorry, but I can't f-f-find the error...

Math is one of those things where you can make up any shit you like because 100% of math is just symbols to represent shit. you don't need to have all that retarded shit in that image. all you need is:

2 = 1

And it is correct on its own, because math is like that. It is all just symbols that don't mean anything on their own until you assign them meaning.

(a-b) is essentially 0.

if we didn't know (a-b) was equal to 0 then we could simply by dividing by (a-b), but in this case that would be equal to dividing by 0.

when you divide by 0 you fuck shit up senpai

It is a result of high school math classes teaching mindless calculation skills without any real thinking about what you are doing.

2 * 0 = 1 * 0
Divide both sides by 0:
2 = 1


>Divide by 0


>a = b
>divide by (a-b)
>2 = 1

>doesn't understand OP pic is exactly the same, hidden behind symbols


>if we didn't know (a-b) was
how the hell did we know from that equation that a - b = 0?

a = b

the retardness in this post is such awsome
"how can we know a-b = 0" it is written in fuckin first line
"math is just symbols blablabla..." true fucking fat kid but you know, you cannot exchange what it represents because they are made to represent something, if we could exchange meanings as we wants we would be studing letters philosophy or fucks like these

Do you even know how to read you god damn faggot? It's >>"°|lLITERALLY|°"

0 is indeed 0

Same way one could believe a smaller falling structure could implode a larger structure with the acceleration from gravity, forgetting the whole equal and opposite law of energy

The precise reason why maths uses the term "undefined" rather than "unknown"

Back to whatever containment board you came from

>"proove" that 1=2 and Veeky Forums immediatelly spots the fraud
>"proove" the same way that 1=0.9999... or that 1+2+3+...=1/12 and they fall for this and worship it
You're just not very good with fractions, eh?


the word used is unironically, remember we are on Veeky Forums