Post the shittest/most suspicious crypto dev teams you know of.
Post the shittest/most suspicious crypto dev teams you know of
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Holy fuck, is that real? Is it just a joke, right?
It's legit. 90% of Chinese guys are called Tyrone Fountain
i-is that the fucking Goose?
KEK it's fucking ryan goseling
You posted the best though.
They used to have more pics but I assume had to take them down because none of them are actually involved. Check out the website it's hilarious
and yes this is still listed on cmc somehow
wtf that's real
and that's a picture of ryan gosling lmao
oh god, this isn't real is it?
Kingsley Ennis is mads mikkelsen
>Mr. Green
>Mr. Lightgreen
>no one wanted to be Mr. Brown
reserved for a pajeet to join the team
>all indians underneath the masks
What the FUCK they have raised 75 BTC, look at their site
>Tyrone fountain
I'll pass on this one
unironically the $MAN team
How about this classics, guys
best thread atm
I think I win
btw, their coin has never mooned. I'm just sayin'
Why is this allowed.
Techshares website is insane WTF
also never even been traded by the looks of it
yeah. rip in peace pajeet coin
must be awesome being a filthy 3rd worlder like this and being able to just straight up fully embrace your subhumanity.
altho the euro ones which are always "'business guy' wearing a suit" are arguably worse.
>yfw Mr. Pink exit scams
Different haircuts different people.
I don't see anything wrong with that. just roasts famous crypto and crypto devs as inspiration.
The entire site is worth a laugh if you haven't seen it.
i'd trust him with my money, he seems like a blockchain pro
This team looks shady as fuck.
>Also an expert in Microsoft PowerPoint
Definitely STORM
I mean who the fuck are these guys?
Have you ever seen a bigger bunch of confirmed scammers and nobodies in your lives?
This is obviously the biggest scam in history, and I'm definitely not accumulating the absolute fuck out of it because it's motherfucking time.
Name a single thing any of those partners do
el joosto
>born to blockchain
Take their money in order to have their name on the site, no joke.
> Mr. Green
> Mr. LightGreen
Did an argument break out over who could be Mr. Green? Like lmao did they not realize there were more colors in existence?
I didn't know Ryan Goseling changed his name and is now a graphic designer
"I draw...'s only part time"
>Fap Legend
kek af kikecoin BTFO
>no ver
late adopter central over there
Are you serious about not knowing who Charles Hoskinson is? Like you're not joking are you? Are you???
Am I being baited?
does anyone have that photo from the last dev team thread of all the south africans?
the CEO looked like a millenial kunta kente
>mr. sappharine
>top lan
top kek
Di Iorio is also involved with AION.
That joke>>>>>>>>>
Your head (o. O)
How is this not here yet?
the most amazing team
I'm crying.
i know everyone's hating but this actually looks like a lot of fun
>This is what Asians think English names sound like
>Tyrone Fountain
topkek and fucking blade runner as the graphic designer
These guys are all dressed perfectly for their roles. It's almost inspiring.
>old Asian guy
this one's the best, was about to post meself
Livestars coin.
Linda looks like a woman I could trust my money and that's saying much of women.
Lol mr. Light green got cucked
Oleg looks like a gangster in a shitty action movie
But sir, we've already taken hundreds of perfectly good shots.
this one
LOL all of these names sound like autogenerated shit for a video game
holy shit how can anyone make that site and think its good lol
somnone post HTML COIN
SOMEONE POST HTML COIN!!! funniest shit ever
>philly delorme
to be fair "sapharinne" was already taken.
ok this project is the sketchiest but they recently revamped their website and removed their team page, I used to archives.
They basically have contracted out all the development to a few freelancers on github (legit good ones) but it's still a fucking scam. They have so many "diretors" and "executives" and if you check some of these guys on linkedIN they are paid in HTML coin to shill this shit on reddit and maybe Veeky Forums. Reddit they list on their linkedin.
pic 1 of 2
so many marketers.
>ammar tumbi
>toyo theophilius
>whanderson da silva
>rich chambers "the official wordsmith"
>using times new roman
are these all one person with different hairstyles?
lol at the "photos" of their office.
>All those niggers
>Having a woman
>Having a BLACK woman as anything
This shit it's born to fail.
look at how many commits and how dedicatd one of their devs (who isn't even listed on the team) is