I dare you retards to disagree. Mech E's and Civ E's are out their with their working class boys on the site, giving instructions and making on the spot changes to build massive structures. Programmers sit under fluorescent lighting all day and think in "algorithms" (LMAO).
Xavier Hill
>wagecuck >alpha
Ethan Moore
I'm going to guess you don't know much about the biology or chemistry user. That being said, whomever gets to build buildings and rockets at least gets stand in the presence of their creations.
Adrian Reed
Yeah, they're boring as fuck and you work in a dimly lit lab all day doing fuck all. Mechanical Engineers are out soaking up the rays of sun holding their blue prints bantzing with real men, not faggot beta Chink lab assistants.
Benjamin Jones
Penetration tester.
Zachary Peterson
>Working on getting a PhD-MD in genetics >Looking into setting up on an island somewhere with lax laws on genetic experimentation
What could go wrong?
Thomas Peterson
Not sure what kind of mechanical engineers you know, from my experience they usually work in offices with the design software, or in conference rooms talking with clients about design specs. The closest I or any peers come to being around working class boys is walking down to the shop and asking a tech if some machining operation is possible and what they think the turnaround time is.
Evan Campbell
pretty accurate minus the dimly lit part. LMAO fuck me for choosing molecular biology
Jace Baker
mechanical engineer here, thanks for sucking my dick.
Luke Bailey
in alot of these you could run your own business or be self employed.
Nolan Ross
My posts are accurate in describing what you do, aren't they? And you're a 6 foot handsome roided high IQ mechanical engineering jock, aren't you?
Noah Wood
>work with filthy blue collars >alpha
Leo Long
pretty much everything a mec. eng. do is project management when working for a big company in the automotive industry
Christopher Watson
They all sound like faggot tier jobs
Noah Roberts
1. medical examiner
make your own hours and work at your own pace only 2-3 days a week $350k/yr
Matthew Gray
>Most alpha STEM profession in order >unironically using alpha
is this really how you think? what the fuck is wrong with you
Kayden Hill
He lives in the world as it is. Unless you can find a bubble reinforced by someone else's, living in the world as you wish it were leads to pain.
Sebastian Diaz
>wagecuck >alpha
Nice just kek’d 100k
Jack Sullivan
Electrical engineer detected
Dylan Wood
>list made by a retard Here’s your bump fucking retarded brainlet. Im certain you don’t even know what each of these professions do.
Carson Campbell
Enjoy wage cucking you fags, commerce/ finance dual degree I got 1.5m on wallstreet out of undergrad plus made a 6m bonus first yr all I do is snort rails all day
Logan Scott
Not everyone desires to sit in mommies basement forever user.
David Gutierrez
How's your programming job treating you pussy? I need that "database" cleaned up by tomorrow, looks like you'll be eating lunch out of the vending machine again faggot, and your wife will be dining on another man's cock tonight because you won't be home in time for dinner.
Zachary Clark
>get rich off crypto >pointlessly keep the consumerist, debt driven economy going for Mr. Shekelblatt because it’s all you know how to do
Caleb Baker
Most alpha degrees: 1. Political science 2. International relations 3. Law 4. Philosophy 5. History
Then join a fraternity (uni or an occult), intern for a politician and get close enough with him to get his patronage, then start running for offices and enjoy ruling the plebs with an iron fist, while never having to wageslave in your life.
Oliver Phillips
If I was in age to go to uni now, I'd do my best to do the same as you
>Thinks he's a genius for buying crypto with mommy's money. >Thinks the only option to buy crypto is with mommy's money.
Jonathan Morales
Miners smash vaginas
Anthony Roberts
Learn to code. Do bioinformatics.
Wagecuck (starting salary > 100K) but as you do, side hustle by writing software packages like Snapgene.
Once passive income enough, buy island and continue gods work
Andrew Flores
OP, you do realize mechanical engineers don't work on HVAC systems exclusively, right?
There are plenty doing design work sitting under fluorescent lighting all day. In fact I'd go as far as to say there are more doing office work than field work.