Today I am glad to announce that. . .
We are still laughing
As a matter of fact we are laughing louder than ever
Please see pic related
Today I am glad to announce that. . .
We are still laughing
As a matter of fact we are laughing louder than ever
Please see pic related
But I don't think of you at all.
I'm starting to feel really bad for you guys
All this time you spend.. it's kind of sad
Yet we're over here making money
i hate it when they steal our memes. whats even worse is they don't fully understand them so they end up using them out of context or putting text over them because normies are so low brow they can't even understand a meme unless there is text telling them what it's about.
i forgot that subreddit existed lulz
+14% XRP gains today im laughing to the bank
see ya later wagecucks
this unironically
Love you guys, you always make my day. Keep wage-cucking.
Sure you did
if real, then you gotta be one bitter person to obsess over other people's success like that
When did that subreddit start anyways? Curious how long they've been laughing at people while watching the people they're laughing at make far more money than them.
We are still laughing
They've been around for 6 years.
>If I keep repeating this mantra over and over people will believe it's true
Come on dude, surely at this point you know that the more you see you dont care or aren't jealous about something the less believable it is?
FBI needs to keep an eye on that subreddit because im sure there are future mass murderers there.
I'm laughing too
almost retired while you "society contributing" wagecucks will work for us
I bought at 2.80 fuck you
2-3 weeks till my six-figure filthy fiat bonus, post tax, having not yet managed to spend a penny of last year’s. bitcoin unaffected.
Is /r/buttcoin just an attempt by coiners to spread FUD and mock salty no-coiners?
lol what are you laughing at? if you had bought BTC a year ago you'd be up 10x. your shitty subreddit has been around for 6 years, if you had bought BTC at any point in the last 6 years you'd be rich.
Buy iExec hold 2 years
the levels of delusion from these guys is even worse than that of crypto late adopters, jesus christ
See this actually weakens your case, I made multiple six figure amounts, CASHED OUT, last year, doing absolutely nothing. If you said you didn't care about money at all and were some tree hugging hippy, I could believe you dont care about the BTC gains. But truth is you obviously care about money. Now maybe you dismiss it all as gambling, but it surely weakens your argument that youre LAUGHING. A bunch of NEETs made more than you doing fuck all. I mean everyone who's been on biz buying crypto since before 2017 has made six figures, that's a lot of people.
>the absolute state
For real... OP is just made he didn’t listen to his only smart friend who told him to buy btc at $5 so now he’s omnipresent on the chink sweat shit forums of the internet trolling everyone who made it cause he never did
I thought they would have the best fud and be useful for DD, but theyre a bunch of retards. There is better fud in any biz thread. Fucking disappointing.
I honestly don't ever lurk Veeky Forums that much coming from /x/ and /pol/ for the story telling but reading that buttcoin subreddit everyone seems salty from the way they type. I have no idea how you can stay sane when buttcoin literally went from pennies to 20k and still manage to post the things they post.
How the fuck does anyone with a normal state of mind with 5% common sense and brain power even fathom participating in that subreddit? They don't even look like shills it's so fucking wierd, what kind of people are they? How do these people look? What do these people do everyday? Is it some kind of abstract hate filter just to shoot the shit? What the fuck. These people need to be studied, the comments and posters look like single moms with biracial black children in denial from aging post wall deprecating sexual market value in male form.
It's really sad considering most of the faggots on that subreddit have been aware of Bitcoin since 2010/2011 or earlier. Even if they think cryptocurrencies are 'stupid' or 'immoral', a measly $1000 investment would've set them up for life. Refusing an opportunity to make millions of dollars because of 'muh principles' and 'cryptocurrencies are for right-wingers!' is just dumb.
I'm starting to think these people are gold/silver investors. There is no reason to hate on cryptos at all in a serious way.. they have to be some sort of parallel with a reason.
I'm going to check what other subreddits they also look at because it's pretty interesting.
dude stfu i made a guarentee 3% on my 401k while you lost all your money fucking loser
Holy shit, what the fuck have I seen? Is this where every salty 50+ year old boomer cuck hangs out? Shit, they make Jamie Dimon and Gates look like crypto enthusiasts
Not sure what the joke is
Does everyone on r/buttcoin own Bitcoin
Makes kinda sense if this is a “pretending to be retarded” joke
I hold about 40k in crypto but regularly post in that sub because spreading FUD and acting condescending and morally superior is extremely enjoyable to me (You're giving your money to PEDOPHILES and DRUG DEALERS!!!!)
It's such an odd paradigm, some people actually believe in a form of Murphy's law so pretend that if they FUD hard the opposite reaction might happen.
I have no idea if it's confirmation bias but it's like in an FPS and look away the dude pops out a micro second of thinking about it.