Fuck Engineering Math Courses

Fuck Engineering Math Courses
"Solve the two variable DE"

4 hours of my life


Forever, for one problem


>engineering math
>plug and chug formulas from centuries ago

>no mention of Lp spaces, operator and spectral theory
>has no idea that he's constructing an orthonormal basis on [math] L^2[0,\pi] [/math]
>probably has no idea if his solution even converges in the [math]||\,\cdot\,||_{L^2}[/math] sense


maybe if you wern't that bad... any student in PSI or PSI* could do that in less than 5 minutes

>mathematical math
>work on useless sets
>work over ridiculous spaces
>assume all vector spaces have a base
>think they're the only ones doing rigorous math
>being in denial

>>assume all vector spaces have a base

This is such a retarded statement holy shit.

explain to dumb user pls

all vector spaces have a basis is equivalent to the axiom of choice

denying the axiom of choice breaks a lot of modern math

"all vector spaces have a basis" is equivalent to the axiom of choice over ZF. I'm an engineer and I know that, what does that make you, a fucking janitor?

How the fuck does a real engineer even use this?
HINT: They dont

what a PDE?
we use them in modeling all the time.

>Modeling is engineering

undergrads detected

>look mom i'm pretending to be retarded hahaha totally got them

>denying the axiom of choice breaks a lot of modern math
No it doesn't lmao

Why is your tutor physically unable to use glorious [math]\TeX[/math]
when teaching you at this level

>4 hours
You don't belong in an engineering programme if it takes you that long to calculate baby's first proto pde solution.

Also you don't actually have to do the problem sets moron. Just pass the prereqs and start working on more realistic problem solving. Once you're done pissing away the math department's tuition the real work begins.

>Why don't sophomores from another discipline do my baby junior level coursework :(

Fucking undergrad scum. All of you.

Sometimes you can make enough assumptions to set up a simplified system and have analytical solutions which helps with model validation and parameter optimization of the more complex system that you actually end up using. I've used analytical solutions in my work a few times and I only graduated 2 years ago.

>implying handwritten maths isnt superior
you're probably one of those faggots that prefers beamer presentations to actually using the blackboard

So glad I'm past that shit. Now I just solve almost any differential equation I encounter using numerical methods.

ingénieurs use it all the time
engineers in the english-speaking world don't mean the same thing as "engineers" in the rest of the world.

look at shit it's fucking unreadable especially page 2 and 3

So glad I'm past that shit. Now I just solve almost any differential equation I encounter using Wolfram

>I just solve almost any differential equation I encounter using Wolfram
How's your sophomore exams going user?

I'm a Professor Emeritus in a Ivy League college, with other 400 published papers and I don't solve differential equations by hand because that would be a waste of time.

No you are not.

And you don't solve DEs with wolfram, ever.

You simulate them with a real programming language. The concept of "solve" doesn't even make sense in the context of real DE systems which are hundreds of horrendously coupled non-linear equations with fucking deadtime elements and black box function calls to other unsolvable equations requiring an internal optimization routine.

No one "solves" DEs by hand, but only fuckwitted undergrads think you can plug real world systems into software without analytical work.

>Solving using Fourier series

Please no, baby :'(

this is how fourier discovered fourier series.
the solutions have to be series, you don't really have a choice.

>Not solving using series expansions in Bessel functions