Hey Veeky Forums I'm bored and drunk and I've been working at Burger King for a while now, ama.
Hey Veeky Forums I'm bored and drunk and I've been working at Burger King for a while now, ama
have you ever fucked with a meal of a costumer?
Costumers generally hang out at mcdonalds
What stations do you work on?
I used to be the master of 5" and we were the busiest store in my state and often did $1000+ of sales per half hour in peak periods
Liked doing specialities as well and eating the nuggers when the manager wasn't looking
i.e. spit in food or something else you aren't suposed to do with the food
Only once but it wasn't bad. It was today actually, a guy ordered two 10 pc nuggets and a water cup, i saw him get coke or something in the cup so I only gave him 8 nuggets in each bag, it felt more reasonable than getting in a shouting match over 6 oz of coke.
my store is off the highway, the closest mcdonalds is pretty deep into town so we get more business.
I work front counter only during the day, at night i do front counter, help specialities, help drive thru, and usually burger board too cuz minors have to go home early.
The fuck do you care if a dude steals a coke from burger king? It affects you in no way whatsoever, you pathetic wage-slave.
It's rude and I'd like to not get fired for negligence. I'm working at bk to pay for college and support my girlfriend. I also sell at a farmers market every saturday, wood carvings I do as a hobby :)
thanks for your input though friend.
>I'd like to not get fired for negligence
Bullshit, if that were the case you'd have done what you were supposed to do. What you did is worse than negligence.
>blah blah blah I'm not a loser
Yeah, right. You get one tiny micron of power which involves counting fucking chicken nuggets and you wield it like a dickhead over someone who never did shit to you. Petty fucking nugget police. I'm sure Burger King appreciates your loyalty.
If it makes you feel better i put the 4 extra nuggets in a 4 piece bag for a kids meal. :)
you have a nice day though.
also i'm gonna start calling myself the nugget police cause that's pretty comical.
>paying for college AND supporting gf
How the fuck does that work? Where i live BK doesnt even pay enough to make rent unless you work 60+ hours
Dude, take your meds. You're literally getting autismal over a nugget.
Minimum wage here is $9/hr and I make a few dollars more than that. 45 hours a week and I get like $400 a week after taxes. If I decide to take an extra shift I earn like a $150 since it's 1.5X overtime pay. It covers rent fine with a pretty fat savings.
What's your favorite thing off the menu there?
did you get banned from /r/ama because your amas are complete horse shit? is that why you came here and decided to burden us with your completely uninteresting blog?
How do you go to college while working 45 hours a week?
Don't be lazy
I'm in class for more than 20 hours a week, how do you even have time for travel, work, and schoolwork?
Low unit schedule?
What I'm saying is that to do it properly that would have to be more than 90 hours a week of work.
Do you work on campus or are studying in a fake major (english, _____ studies, art history, etc) or something?