Currently have 70% of my portfolio in NEO. Considering moving half my NEO funds into OMG. Any opinions on this? Reasons I should/shouldn't do this? Please no DYOR comments, i'm asking Veeky Forums opinion to get an idea of general consensus on these two coins.
both will make you money
OmiseGo will have actual use and application. NEO is simply hyped by western civilization and won't even be adopted by the country in which it markets itself for.
go 50/50
My thoughts till now were that NEO was a safe place to park my money. Can genuinely see a 10x this year, so a lot more room for growth than ETH/BTC, yet it's a solid bluechip with a low chance of failure.
OMG also looks promising but i'm really not sure what to expect in terms of return. Seems more risky to me?
I think both will perform equally well but OMG has the better use case and tech in my opinion.
NEO is marketed as a worldwide cryptocurrency though? China's ethereum is a popular tag people put on it, but it is aiming to be better than ETH and arguably already is.
why did NEO even need to be made if ETH already exists?
>70% in "muh choynese ethereum" with downtimes
You could say that about a lot of crypto though. NEO is of course a direct competitor to ETH, but it improves on it in a number of ways.
Just get ELA.
Chinks seem to prefer their own branded web items: social media, search engines, etc.
Pretty much. Chinks are very insular.
because it just is broooo
That opening price will probably go to 500 or 1k pretty soon. Nuls, Devery, and Elastos.
>literal shitcoin made by idiots that somehow got popular
>the lightning network for ethereum made by ethereum that somehow is still under the radar
really fucking tough call OP
Both extremely overvalued. Even were OMG to handle the majority of the world's financial transactions, at millions tx/s capacity, supply will outstrip demand. Try a dividend discounting model for either using 5% capital cost 2% dividend growth $1 base dividends.
>also designed and developed by the guy who created lightning network
i'm sure 99% of the people holding NEO are chasing a 6 month pump. i just want to know what the 1% likes about it
Chinks don't give a shit about NEO though. Only deluded westerners holding this up.
Same for ICX.
Keep it constructive. "Muh Chinese ethereum" adds nothing to the topic.
>literal shitcoin made by idiots that somehow got popular
Have a think about that and come back to us.
>Faster transaction times
>Language barrier makes NEO more accessible for developers, this will be more important as crypto grows from a niche to wider spread adoption
>Dividends make it an attractive investment for people used to traditional markets
>Price of starting an ICO is arguably a strength. I realise though, a lot of people will disagree on this.
>Overall I just think it has a lot more room for growth. NEO is much more likely to hit 100b mcap before ETH hits 1trillion
The Western market is strong enough to hold NEO up. There is some speculation that China will regulate crypto to the point of only allowing access to a few Chinese cryptos. Where do you think this would leave NEO?
>constructive discussion in Veeky Forums
not gonna find that here newfriend.
better than nothing. thanks. i sold my Antshares at $10 last year and actually went all into OMG with it. hoping OMG plays out a similar way. don't want to miss the boat again.
Go 80% OMG, 19% NEO, 1% MINT
Thing is, if we always have 1 crypto one-upping the other, we will never achieve the end goal of having crypto be universally recognized as a medium of exchange in the place of cash
Thanks, will look into MINT, haven't actually heard of it. Crypto offers a lot more than replacing fiat transactions, that will be one of the last things to be achieved in this space.
Good luck on that move.
already a six bagger, but not selling any til at least $100. hope your NEO investment can outlast FUD like this
Not everyone comes here to shitpost.
OMG is the second best coin for stability in crypto, so I would say it's a pretty good bet.
people call it China's ethereum because that is its only selling point. its centralized. it doesnt scale. far weaker dev team. no enterprise adoption. its total shit.
>Thing is, if we always have 1 company one-upping the other, we will never achieve the end goal of having all personal computers be able to talk to each
This is how you sound, like we should only have Linux or Mac or Windows, not all... Because of some imaginary constraint in your head