>"bitcoin is so manipulated!"
>200 billion dollar marketcap is very easy to manipulated
>Just like Visa or Mastercard is manipulated with their 200B market value.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
>"bitcoin is so manipulated!"
>200 billion dollar marketcap is very easy to manipulated
>Just like Visa or Mastercard is manipulated with their 200B market value.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
Typical case of a brainlet thinking he's smart.
>Typical case of a brainlet thinking he's smart.
>>Just like Visa or Mastercard is manipulated with their 200B market value.
200 billion market cap that has been built up with 4 billion USD, out of which half is pajeet tier fake money that has been pumped to the market out of non existence.
>Market cap
>200 billion market cap that has been built up with 4 billion USD
>he doesn't understand exchange or trade
>he doesn't understand econmics
>all he does is look at charts and pretends to know them
>Visa is not a fucking asset
>Visa actually has value because its a fucking company that handles 10 trillion USD payments annually
>Visa handles 65,000 transactions per second
>Bitcoin struggles at 5
>Basically 1% of BTC transactions is actually used to buy stuff
you don't get economics.
>le I don't have a response so I'll just greentext what you said and post a brainlet wojak
>no u
>he doesn't understand econmics
>Bitcoin struggles at 5
>implying BTC didn't have resistance at 6k
>implying he had an argument
He was right, you're a stupid faggot and should kys
>Thinking crypto mcaps aren't unicorn farts
If you have a sack of rice and a friend buys a grain off you for $10, are you now a millionaire?
The entire amout of fiat in crypto is estimated around 10BN.
holy fuck this has to be a troll
no one can be this stupid
> Implying blockchain isn't the next step to currency
>Implying btc isn't the first step for normies
>Implying soon stocks aren't traded with crypto
>Implying this "imaginary" asset doesn't have actual coding
>implying this "imaginary" asset isn't backed by the black market
>implying crypto isn't the future
>If you have a sack of rice and a friend buys a grain off you for $10, are you now a millionaire?
>Implying you're not assuming the market price of it isn't $10 per grain
>implying I am not a millionaire if it is a fair market value
>Implying you aren't a cuck
>I believe the market cap = money in the system
This is now a CHAINLINK AMB FUN brap thread
>thinks that you need 200 billion dollars to manipulate a 200 billion dollar market
>doesn't know that just a single market sell order caused ETH to crash from 300 dollars to 10 cents in 2 seconds last summer
I want all newfags to leave and for OP to kill himself
Pajeet make 100,000,000,000 coins. Pajeet sell 1 coin for $1 to hes brother Pansun Now we have $100,000,000,000 capitalisation. WOW!!!
OP is probably the dumbest BTC bull I've seen on Veeky Forums in a while
so glad he's getting btfo, maybe Veeky Forums can be saved after all
Holy shit. This makes me want to place ridiculous buy orders on everything.
>a single market sell order
>worth multi-millions on GDAX
>GDAX crashes out of all the other market still substains.
Ummmmmmmmm makers u thank... uggghh..
Are you actually this dumb?
it's dumber than we initially thought
What do you think OP's IQ is?
I will have to say 95
>thousands of trades per hour
>is same as 1 trade
Wtf are you even implying? It seems you're helping me prove that manipulation exists. Yes it was a multi million dollar order. That's not 200 billion. The fact that it was just gdax means that it was localized manipulation.
You don't even understand that 90% of those "thousands of trades per hour" are bots.
>He also thinks that glitch was market manipulation
>implying FOREX whales don't move 40+ billion dollars at a time.
So let me get this straight, you don't think any crypto markets at all are manipulated?
>bot battling each other is market manipulation
>thinks it was a happy little accident that caused the price to drop to 10 cents
>doesn't understand how market orders work
>doesn't understand how stop losses work
>doesn't understand margin calls
>can't read a fucking order book
I am so glad that retards like you are in this market. Makes it so much easier to take your money when you're this ignorant.
>He thinks everything is manipulated by shadowy figures all the time every day, every hour, every minute and every second
RAAAAAAAAAAGGggga.......assss ss ppiit
Please answer my friend.
>I am so glad that retards like you are in this market. Makes it so much easier to take your money when you're this ignorant.