You got me. Thanks for ruining my life. I trusted you all about Chainlink being the future. I quit my job and leased a nice car because i thought it was only time until I was a millionaire and now look at this piece of shit. I'm fucking ruined, going to call my boss and cry on the phone hoping he lets me back.
You have to understand how this market works. People shuffle shitcoins to chase pumps. the meme is over and any news isn't for a few more days (months in crypto time). So people are taking it out to put elsewhere. Nothing is wrong with the project itself, people are just chasing other pumps.
Joseph Bell
listen, after btc runs you get alt runs, so what you should be doing while alts bleed is buy them up as they go down, look at past historical support levels and correlate it with news and info you know that is coming or trending and get ready to lock in profits on the way up
Joshua Cox
HAHAHAHAHAHAH you got memed son
Sergey just dumped a couple milli for a fresh batch of McDonalds
Parker Hughes
Asher Green
I must be a real fucked up human being because Im getting a lot of pleasure out of reading your fucked up story OP
Jace Cox
Yeah well everyone on Veeky Forums quit their jobs and got a nice car. You're nothing special so quit your crying.
Levi Richardson
You invested in something a million NEET shutins have invested in and actively committed smear campaigns to. Not the brightest moment in your life I would hope.
Xavier Watson
Joshua Cooper
Sell it all. I'm in top 2000 wallets going for top 1000.
Levi Barnes
there's never any volume on LINK. it's the weirdest thing. it's been around for months and never any trading going on . selling only 10k link would drop the price 10%
Jonathan Taylor
Who remembers the user who spent his college funds on LINK post sibos and was posting pic related in his threads saying he wants to kill himself after the price bled to like 20c?
Any Chainlink oldfags here left? shit was hilarious, I wonder what happened to him at the end
Cooper Robinson
I feel you bro I fell for the meme as well
Isaiah Walker
Damn, that chart is a fucking mess.
Connor Sanders
>falling for the link meme kek, fucking newfags never cease to amaze me
Levi Cooper
trips of truth my newfriends, sell your link!
Ayden Bell
It's funny to think that I now count as an old fag. Only been on Veeky Forums since around September. Hope that pathetic student prick didn't kill himself, he should be fairly happy now. Just shows that you should shut up and HODL
James Wood
Just keep holding I SWEAR IT WILL BE 1000
Jaxson Gonzalez
lol. stinky link is one of the most manipulated tokens on the market.
it is literally a game for chad to dump bags on you, nerds.
Connor Sanchez
lmfao linktards btfo
Jason Watson
yea I wonder if he ever made it to see Link at $1.4. I remember he wanted to run away from home and live in some 3 world country, then edned up seeing some school psychologist explaining that he sunk his entire college fund in Link Good old times
Andrew Garcia
I...I'm doing that right now. Am I fucked?
Jason Thomas
last time people literally told that the only issue was that he didn't buy enough lol
You're not fucked. At least longterm, short term it could dip more maybe, just watch out on the support at 5k, if it goes below you can wait and see how it plays out
Nathan Johnson
Should have bought GVT lol
Samuel Scott
aka when it breaks support just watch it bleed out and watch out on the support at 4k etc
Gabriel Wilson
Yeah I remember that guy, poor fellow.
I didn't manage to buy Link during the ICO but I bought in within the first hour of it being listed on Binance. I also heavily bought the dip when it was sub 20 cents, including one massive buy in on the day it went to 14-15 cents. It was great I put so much fiat into Link in those few weeks under 20 cents because it means I've been in the green ever since.
Even when BTC dipped to 6k I will still way up on my investments.
Like I don't even give the slightest shit about shit like that because I am already so far up, that a dip just means an oppurtunity to move more fiat into Link. I kinda want another week sub 20 cents honestly, the amount of Link I could buy with the fiat I've saved since, fuck, I'd be a multi millionaire by the end of the year. Even during the BTC 6k dip Link only went down to like 34 cents or something, and I did buy that dip but it was actually my most expensive buy in so far IIRC except for one small buy in I did the day before SIBOS stupidly but that was for a pitiful amount of Link anyways and I learned my lesson with it too.