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No I'm buying this Ripple Run because it's about to Tripple. I'll be RIIGHT back ;) 1000 Eoy
>all time loss: $69.54
Haha stinky
I've had enough OP. Dumped the last of that shit today.
Big thanks to the fag who sold his bags at 5k to me. You're a fucking martyr.
when you take a chance, ever wonder who you took it from?
this user will kill himself in december :(
the best part about buying the dip is imagining that someone sold you his bags at a loss. gets me fully erect.
chain zelda, fucking kek
What's happening in December?
imagine chasing 3x gains in crypto
>link meme
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
Are you fags only pretending to be as devoted as you claim to be?
Im a poorfag, user. Link will be the fuel for my actual moon mission by 2020.
Witness me, marines.
Good he deserves it
link is the moon mission
I only own 130. Need link being at 10k to make it
are you all in?
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
I also own 600 req but I already stored in a wallet. Gonna forget about it for 2 years and hopefully make it
post proof and i might be able to help if youre not lying
where are you from? the states?
No. Im from Brazil. Commies ravaged the country, not as bad as Venezuela, but still got pretty bad last 2 years, but we are recovering now thankfully
Eth up
Linkies down
The absolute state
10/10 rpg of the year every year
beautiful answer. ill send some aid from the states in a little while. might be a couple days. make sure you pay it forward one day.
Fellow BR here
We're all gonna make it
>t. 5k LINK and 8K REQ
Thanks, user.
Now I understand that Sergey's singularity wasnt about the price, but abouting bonding anons together. This link of ours will never be broken, marines.
Dont worry, when the time comes Ill repeat your act of kindness.
dont get touchy feely on me now user. gonna make a marine cry. we have to now do back to over projecting our manliness lol
>literal brazil pajeets are who's been shilling chainlink
I salute you, marine
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
you wasted 2/10 pasta
shit pasta. Here the thing though fudding to buy low ultimately destroys organic price rises and if you swing trade ultimately you will miss an upwards rise, and be poor. So be poor. The biggest single obstance to links success is he biz discord which utilises it as a swing trade. Comically enough to acquire more link that they have destroyed the value of. Literal retards. Until they are gone from link its untouchable..
Nah I don't shill shit to anyone.
I'm too convincing and people might buy and become rich
there is no "biz discord" stop spouting bull
america ftw
In order for link to rise every single wallet related to biz PnD with over 10K has to cease to exist. When the known discords/telegrams as verified as dead then its a by while the biz discords large swing traders and telegram groups exist IT IS a waste of time. That's not even FUD its reality. They run Pnd aggressively to ultimately acquire more but are too stupid to see they are actually making that a useless objective. No one will want to be paid in link or bother to run a node as long as they influence price in any way. Ultimately that means sergey HAS to drop the link token or limit it to an irrelevance for the project to succeed. Shame but retards tend to fuck shit up for themselves
stop panicking. Fudding and dumping to drive price down is the single stupidest thing you could have done right now, but you are too dumb to have that 'o shit' moment'.
checkem and loool