I’m giving 10 ETH away. I really don’t care about crypto anymore. I’ve got six weeks to live. Non Hodgkin
First ten people that send 0.05 ETH to 0x5e296c1ea9f0e185484b7e74b19b29187ffe3b1c Will get 1 ETH back to the address that sent it.
Every now and again a good guy comes along and helps out.
Luke Rodriguez
To prove I’m not bullshitting check the address. The first ten people get money. How many people will see this thread? Who knows.
Oliver Hughes
Hey thanks user, i sent 0.1ETH sometime back and just received 2ETH. Praise the lord!
Joshua Gutierrez
do you really think anyone is dumb enough to fall for your fucking scam ?
Ayden Ortiz
lmao, at least you tried, this isn't twitter where people are mentally retarded, no one falls for this shit bruh
Isaac Scott
yeah, that's why the nigerian scams weren't the country's most profitable "industry" for years
Christopher Murphy
got damn you poor
Bentley Perry
Sent you 10 NGR!
Thomas Bailey
What these guys usually do is send ETH to other addresses via exchange withdrawal and play with themselves. Then some poor soul thinks it's working and the guy disappears.
Blake Reed
You don’t have to believe friend.
I’ve already gotten 2 people’s addresses. They will be pretty happy. I’ll likely an hero tomorrow anyway. So money doesn’t matter. 8 people to go.
Leo Edwards
7 left.
Aaron Bailey
>the country's most profitable
not a lot
Colton Green
are you even trying ? last transaction on your address is 9 day old. not to mention it only has 0.05 ETH in
Adam Evans
fuck off pejeet
Levi Rodriguez
Why not give 1 ETH to the first 10 people who reply with their addresses? Fake and gay, kill yourself pajeet.
Nathan Campbell
kek retard
Nathaniel Davis
sending 100000 FUCK tokens now
Elijah Edwards
Thanks just sent 0.00 eth and received 100k eth
Caleb Robinson
I really don't get this scam. Why you need a deposit to send something back? Simply ask people to post their public keys and deposit to the first ten pajeets that reply. No scamming needed. See you in hell.