Veeky Forumsiness men, I was wondering what laptops you all use?
My current laptop is a 5+ year old HP dv6, works fine but gets way too hot.
What is the preferred laptop of /biz? Are MacBooks Veeky Forums approved?
Veeky Forumsiness men, I was wondering what laptops you all use?
My current laptop is a 5+ year old HP dv6, works fine but gets way too hot.
What is the preferred laptop of /biz? Are MacBooks Veeky Forums approved?
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I use a Macbook pro like your average TurboChad
>not a thinkpad
Thinkpad and MPB are both great. But make sure you get dockcase with the MPB. Shit is useless without it.
MBP* I'm autistic sorry
Understood what you mean, all g. Thanks for the suggestion.
Will look into thinkpads, thanks.
Thinkpad X, T or P?
Thinkpad t430s full voltage i5 windows 7 supremacist, bought it refurbished for like $250 a couple years ago, maxed out the ram and put in a second SSD. I've brought it all over the world with me, dropped it many times, all the corners are broken, and it's worked FLAWLESSLY up until a week ago where it started doing this thing where it will freeze every 10 seconds for 2 seconds at a time. It's random. Right now it's fine.
Just bought the newest iPad, liking it so far.
Clevo P870TM1
>Dual GTX 1080's in SLI
>6-Core 8700K @ 5.2Ghz
>64GB DDR4 3000Mhz
>780w PSU
>1440x2160 120hz 89% SRGB Cal
>512GB 980 EVO NVMe.
T and X are both good. Suggestion also, you can get a used one as the machines are durable as fuck, and you get them for quite a bit cheaper while the hardware remains pretty good.
They are numbered by generation, e.g.:
T4xx, T5xx, T6xx etc.
X series has a bit of a different model name scheme
What a fucking monster. A bit out of my price range though.
I was thinking a T or P series would be the best options. It seems like it's out of those and a MacBook Pro at the moment.
ThinkPad X - These are ultraportable business laptops. Devices such as the recent X1 Carbon are super slim, while the X1 Tablet offers the best of both worlds. Get one of these if you’re a frequent traveller.
ThinkPad T - These are durable laptops. Sacrificing portability for ruggedness, devices such as the T460p should hold up against the elements.
ThinkPad P - Like the T series, these are mobile workstations, albeit with a bit more power and slightly higher cost on the whole.
using it for crypto? just dont use windows, otherwise use whatever you're fastest with. get apple shit if you can afford it, or if you dont like osx get a business-grade non-chink laptop.
Actually, good suggestion. The P series seems a bit big, and too expensive for what I need. Thank you.
>void linux
>i3 gaps
>100% Chainlink
lol faggot what do you use that for, games?
HP Envy, the biggest one, couple of years old
my 5 year old slimbook was running out of power processing large PSD files so I finally splurged and got a Gigabyte Aero 15W. It has plenty processing power with its i7 processor, 16GB of RAM and a 1060GTX GPU. So it's definitely future proof for office work as well as some gaming.
It also is pretty slim so great for travel, which is what I do a lot. Trying to keep my office mobile.
So I'd recommend that.
>Picrelated, has the arm's width
Are you fucking serious?
If you want small and portable, Carbon X1 for example is pretty good
i had a shitty lenovo ideapad but it crashed recently. it had a pkey and address stored on it (i know i know). i think the hard drive is damaged but i dont want to get a refund on it because some fucker will probably recycle the HDD. just being paranoid but i figured even if i go to get it repaired, what am i going to say? dont look at this file it has my address and pkey? just couldnt take the risk even though its probably stupid. just didnt want some injun peeking around in there.
so now i dusted off this old macbook pro and im running linux on it. cant get steam games to run well on it though, it sucks. it has the specs to run what i want but i just cant cut down on the lag. apart from online gaming, its solid and runs well now. its not a tragedy to spend less time on games when youre my age anyway
anyone have a cheap suggestion for an air gaped computer for a cold wallet?
try pic related, theyre really good value for money
Get a 2015 MacBook Pro on ebay, the new MBPs are a fucking joke and Tim Cook is ruining Apple.
i'm looking for an x220 right now, i want to be a smooth node operator
I just got the 5th gen thinkpad x1 carbon, it's fucking sick
haha i have plenty of those. just looking to upgrade and streamline everything since its been a good year or so.
does it feel durable at all?
yeah but hes gay though. dont you care about that user?
do you even trade, bro?
I hear you proChad. I use the 2015 and just bought another 2015 for my dad.
A mbp is all you need for crypto.
xubuntu is the only linux distro worth your time, everything else is a fucking meme.
I have an x230. she is my wife . ive never loved a piece of technology so much
Any recommended cooling systems besides pedestals with fans for laptops?
yeah solid but not like you could throw it down the stairs
why do you guys love the thinkpads so much?
/g/ equivalent to switch soyboys.
the build is sleek, matte screen, the red nipple
its a great budget machine. I can edit video , make songs, play counterstrike .
Depends on what you're trying to accomplish with it. ASUS ROG is a great line if you want to do some gaming on it. The high end models are extremely thin considering how powerful they are.
Microsoft surface. I like it.
same here. easy on easy off. the old mainstreet hooker
can't find anything better
I got a 2017 MacBook for under 1k canadian. Pretty sweet desu. Although I would NEVER pay the retail price
What a fucking dumb way to lock hardware into non-exchangeable parts.
It just werks
>weak to water, fire, time
Gross, buy some metal plates and get to stamping.
Pretty much this. Honestly, even the 2015 models are cucked. The last good years for those were 2012 and those don't even have retina displays.
Chromebooks are nice if you're looking for something that at least isn't overpriced for the compromises it entails.
hate to say it and i wish it weren't true, but the only decent laptops are thinkpads
/g/ contrarians.
The laptop market in the last five years fucking sucks in general. Apple has lost its place, doing retarded shit like soldering SSDs and RAM to the board to save 0.1mm. Other laptop manufacturers are content to pump out shitty plastic laptops that feel like Trapperkeepers as they always have. Any new innovation in the market goes towards shitty hybrids like Surface which trade familiar convenience for insignificant ease of carrying.
The only halfway decent things out there are Chromebooks at least those are priced cheaply for being as underpowered as they are.
MacBook Pro 2017
The finest computer I’ve ever owned, just love using it
I'm still only my 2014 thank fuck it's still running like it's brand new. Can't believe what's happening to Apple desu.
It's pretty sad. I was buying a $3k laptop every three years from them. Not anymore.
I've gotten pretty comfortable running macOS on a hackintosh and running Debian on whatever Chromebook that I'm using for the year.
All I want is a thinkpad keyboard on a modern laptop. Probably never going to happen.
Yeah I'd go the hackintosh route but I think Xcode has trouble on them at times, fingers crossed Apple gets their shit together but it doesn't look promising.
absolutely this. the developments within the laptop markets are sad, where will this lead to in the end?
Inspiron 15 5000 Gaming, shits flawless. GeForce GTX 1060 GPU alongside Intel graphics with intel quadcore i5 cpu. Got it for just under $1000 a few weeks ago and I fucking love it, runs my vidya perfect and doesn't lag at all
if you dont give a shit about graphics, get a dell xps 13. light, reliable, good warranty, durable as fuck
>pic related
I had to buy the one with touch bar because of better specs & 4 ports. I absolutely fucking hate the touch bar except for monitoring prices. Otherwise I love the machine. I got used to the keyboard, the machine never runs hot and I almost never hear the fans even with multiple exchanges running. Battery life is pretty weak but I bought a 27000mah powerbank with USC-C that gives me extra 3 or 4 hours. Screen is amazing & the design is just the best in the market no questions asked. I'd say go for it.
the ultimate meme. .... god i miss i3. i wish I could use something like it in windows 10.
oh and it's a 2017 version. Avoid 2016 one at all costs. Apparently they made some small changes to the keyboard and it no longer sucks.
I feel your pain. I'm happy that convertibles are in style, lends to some choice.
>gaming laptop
The state of biz
For what it's worth: I've been able to download Xcode and run the stuff I need for lightweight webdev, using UEFI on a Gigabyte mobo.
I will say that the imac pro offering looks pretty decent though. I wouldn't mind dropping money on that if my system wasn't already better.
Good to know. You using a desktop or laptop ? I"m assuming desktop but I've seen some people w/ decent laptop hackintoshes lately.
Pic is me, only true alpha males use razer, I slay pussy so hard in my college dorm because of all my leet razer gear.
I use a Thinkpad x220 & and ASUS K55VD.
Both fantastic computers.
t. cheap poor jew
i used a t420 but was too heavy
now have a x230 with ssd and ubuntu in bag ( yeah i am too lazy to use your autismo linux and use it only for trading anyway)
Are you me?
I use alienware 17 inch laptops. If you complain about weight youre a fucking pussy. I use it for classes and work and its always poorfags telling me, "HEH YOU COULDA SAVED LIKE 100 SHEKELS IF YOU WOULD HAVE GOTTEN X BRAND INSTEAD, HEH" then I respond with, "listen you fucking mouth breathing kike faggot, do I look like some fucking pajeet nigger to you? See my skin color nigger? Know your betters and stfu before I call ice to deport your shitskin aids ridden ass".
2015 macbook pro reporting in
the new ones really are cucked. only usb3 ports ? fuckin serious?
not to mention how headphone jacks were "old tech" when the new iphone came out. but their still on the brand new top of the line mac pro?
apple can get fucked. but i hope my computer lasts forever because it is really well made
Fucking yes, the cage is made of hard metal, honestly feels extremely durable for how light it is
MTL bro?
I have a thinkpad and a chromebook, both are great
P is basically a T with more power. It can support up to 64GB memory. Get a P if you can afford it. Otherwise T is fine
OP do yourself good and get the 15 inch pro.
thats actually my next plan. ordered some stamps on ebay the other day
Just desktop, Haven't kept up with the laptop scene in recent years.
The funny thing about this is that my system is more expensive than that one.
Old skool i7 MacBook 13 inch from 2012 with SSD and RAM upgrade
Very repairable and does the job
being proud of an item is the lowest of all human traits
i think mine is a 2013. when i had it made i didnt go for the ssd and wish i had but i maxed out all the other specs. it hasnt let me down even though its been through hell and back.
surfacebook 2
Old-ass thinkpad x230 with a broken HDD running Mint off a thumbdrive
It sounds cool but it sucks :((
at least mint is classy. recently switched
The second nunber is changes with genaration T4x0, T5x0, for 14" and 15"
You know the song bro?
Thinkbook and macbook pro w/touch bar.
surface pro
XPS 15 and MBP Touch Bar
yeah it makes nice bips and zips when i put my pendrive in
If you're using it for financials, buy some high quality linux laptop. At least, avoid windows.
I've been eyeing the LG Gram for a while now
Better than a shit ThinkPad/MacBook for someone that wants to be able to game and appreciate a laptop that's fast and doesn't lag
What do you mean don’t use windows?
macbooks are chad approved but it's important to have a nice windows desktop at home as well
Hey, I work at ubreakifix!
because its the least secure os you could possibly use for anything crypto related. you should be using a ledger anyway, but for any exchanges you should be very cautious with windows.