Why is being a bear on Bitcoin so much easier and intellectually fulfilling than being a bull?
Is it because the bears are right and bitcoin will ultimately go to 0?
Why is being a bear on Bitcoin so much easier and intellectually fulfilling than being a bull?
Is it because the bears are right and bitcoin will ultimately go to 0?
the fact that I've just ready something so stupid confirms that this isn't a bulltrap. Once it becomes "trendy" to be a bear you know the bull run is beginning
t. bought at 19k and is desperately hoping for the pump so he can sell at break-even
You can also short a bunch of altcoins, which is bretty good
because once bears start trending and every retard on biz is bear, and "intellectually" fulfilled you can be safe in the knowledge that it's about to rise.
being a bear suggest you know something other don't. it's also easier than being a bull because you make money while it goes down which is usually not the case.
as always biz is a great place to scrape if you know waht to look for. bulltrend confirmed. thanks op
because youre a late adopter, and for your own sanity, its easier to delude yourself thinking you didnt mis out on much if you strongly believe its going to zero.
you think the early adopters who got in for a few cents or dollars per btc have a bearish outlook? a lot easier to be a bull when youre already up nearly 10000x
I do know something you apparently don't know: Paying over 10k for a bitcoin is a ripoff.
I've been in it since 2011. I am by no means a late adopter.
Just wait it out for 5 years bro. You missed this time but you'll get your chance one day.
Who cares about your ideology. People are here for the money. You sound salty af
Bears are by their very nature, cynics and contrarians. They pride themselves on being the reddit tier "voice of reason" while everyone else in the room is making money. Another way to think of bears is like a really autistic, overweight, and isolated version of a hipster. They are smug, like to predict a downturn, and when they are right (a broken clock is right twice a day), they like to rub it in people's faces. The gratification that bears get from Bitcoin sinking is due to the fact that they don't like seeing a lot of people happy, especially normies, late adopters, and chads. This is because because Bears have the emotional intelligence of a rat, and would rather everyone else be poor and they be rich while judging others for their "stupidity" and "sheep like" mentality.
>defending normies and late adopters
hi r*ddit
you did? No wonder you're a retarded bear. How does it feel to lose so much money buying at 18k, selling at 6k, and watching it go back to 20k?
you forgot the fact that bears almost never actually go all in on their predictions. they just talk.
In case my previous post didn't make it clear, I think bears are some of the lowest forms of people in the crypto space. They are the equivalent of "big money" and MSM who actively work to spread FUD and drive the price of cryptos down. The thing that bears don't realize is while they are making money off of helping suppress the price of Bitcoin and other cryptos, they are also undermining this whole system, helping the traditional powers that be buy in cheap and accumulate, only to dump on the rest of us in the future. This type of behavior ensures the status quo while continue, and all the people who had the chance to get financially independently financially thanks to crypto will have the rug taken out from underneath them. In short, bears are the equivalent of ((them)) and should be dealt with accordingly.
>doesn't understand the t. meme
How new are you?
>In case my previous post didn't make it clear, I think bears are some of the lowest forms of people in the crypto space
nobody cares what you think cuck
pretty sure it was used during your post
t.not a retarded newfag
>mah morality
What a fucking joke, are you kidding? This is crypto, for fucking sake. We're here for the gains, to finally make it. Not for your moralist preaching.
yep, you just confirmed you don't understand the t. meme
gtfo newfag
Not defending, I don't care about them. If you got Bitcoin early, normies shouldn't bother you, you'll be even richer. My concern is that the manipulation happening in this space, part of which is brought on bears, is causing legitimate projects to suffer, and their prices to tank. Most of crypto is reliant on Bitcoin and the manipulation, while making some people rich is going to eventually cripple the space. This undermining of crypto will not only cost a lot of people money, but ensure promising uses of blockchain technology disappear as interest wanes due to the lost money and manipulation. Ever heard the saying "don't punch a gift horse in the mouth?"
my point is you stupid faggots who think "muh revolution" are just succumbing to the same greed and bullshit you wanted to replace. now everyone is going to get fucked and those 35 and younger will just cement their wagecuck status to the ruling elite because they will get smoked by crypto
>muh legitimate projects
no one fucking cares cuck, crypto has been around for 10 years and there hasn't been a single legal successful large-scale use-case to justify the hype
if these projects were so solid and legitimate, they would survive in spite of any downturn and they wouldn't need faggy crying hand-wringers like you crying getting butthurt about healthy skepticism that is present in almost any mature financial market
Gosh, I don't know...BTC volume lowest it's been since bullrun and decreasing daily... (8600 BTCs on GDAX in 24h). YouTubers getting about 1/4 of the views they were getting during bullrun. BTC transactions per day have declined a ton.
The only thing bringing it up is Bitfinex wash trading. The meme graph was real, this is going to $4000.
Have a word with people who sold their BTC for chump change years ago. Being a bear is just as easy as being a bull in the respective market. You're a dick but I still want you to be happy and fulfilled so fuck it, let it crash. In the end we're gambling.
bitcoin has a use case but it's not as big as it's being pumped to be. no one is going to dump fiat for crypto as a daily currency. no one. ever. but that being said it does have uses. it's better than western union so it's already a great wire transfer replacement.
When multiple smug idiots start to make stupid comments like these, it might actually be time to buy.
This is crypto, it's an eternal casino. It has no end game, someone always wins, someone always loses. If it blows up, it will pump up again. Shut up with your preaching, grandpa
Those who use crypto in real life, i.e. darknet junkies, don't complain about price swings and bear trends. They don't give a shit because they USE it. But if you're in crypto in order to get rich, stop being a whiny little bitch and have some pride when losing. Even junkies have more of it than you.
Are you retarded? Just fucking trade yourself while it's cheap and stop complaining about others accumulating.
>I'm retarded so big money should be retarded too
Just bought a 100k