College freshman here. I'd like to get your advice on what to study.
Some background: I'm in a top 30 school in the US. I had a 3.6 GPA last semester, and I'm doing well this semester. This isn't me bragging. I just want useful, appropriate advice.
I'm a well-rounded student (especially now, after my freshman 15 haha), but I'm not really passionate about anything. I've taken mostly required courses, but I need to think of a career path soon.
I'm just looking for 2 things in career path. 1. It's not engineering of any kind. I just find it pretty unappealing, and I don't want to live a life doing something I dislike. 2. It makes a lot of money.
I can change my mind later, but I figure I'd at least figure out a Plan B.
Eli King
Currently have no passions so I'm studying Economics in hopes of getting an alright job if crypto doesn't work out for me.
Oliver Long
College is an institutionalized scam.
>I'm in a top 30 school in the US.
This has literally never mattered less. In fact, the better the school the worse you're being scammed.
Ivy leagues are the Amways and Herbalifes and Madoffs of the upper education world, lower tier schools are the equivalent of everyday American Greed style ponzis.
If you're already in school then it's too late to leave, they get you in and once there's any sunken cost it only makes sense to finish.
Luis Flores
Advanced Statistics will make you big bucks. Statistics are the teeth to business that nobody has even a basic understanding will put you ahead. Only thing is you'll have to be good with math or you'll kill yourself
Advanced Econometrics is the fun shit
Eli Parker
If you don't know what to study then either figure that out or don't go. Make sure whatever you do it's something you actually give a damn about.
You're unironically better off joining the military than going to college these days.
Matthew Walker
Actuarial Sciences if you're into math If not, well, dunno, behavioral psychology
Justin Foster
>top 30
Never repeat that again. The most you can get away with is top 20. Mentioning anything below that is pathetic and completely unimpressive. My dipshit little brother got into a "top 30" school as well.
Anyway, take finance/STEM/computer science classes. If you can find an internship that has something to do with crypto, great. Whether that be trading them, programming them, or whatever. This is your generation's internet revolution. Take advantage of it. And even if crypto went bust, finance or comp sci or STEM are all top tier majors.
Charles Ward
Harsh but true
Parker Sanders
Do computer science. I graduated Industrial Engineering and learned a bit of programming, now learning more on my own. I have a solid job but my dream is to take crypto gains and just make apps and web sites all day until something works out
Cameron Green
Obviously gender studies, it’s the fastest growing field in the world
Noah Campbell
CS boiii
David Long
Considering this is a financial board, economics and business. But with a few caveats. University is about networking, not about education. Make friends with people who are going up in the world, they'll bring you with them. Within economics focus on behavioral economics, psychology, and philosophy. Number crunching isn't going to get you anywhere, the robots are better at that. They however aren't good at reading the pulse of society.
Also, take out as many student loans as you possibly can, either put them in VIX ETFs, forex trade with them, or sink some into LINK. All student loans are going belly up in the next 10 years, both the Dems and Donny are thinking of reducing the debts and providing a jubilee for those who are in good standing.
Besides that don't buy into the BS of college as a lifestyle. Don't feel the need to be politically active, don't go to stupid parties, don't try to impress girls with silly games. Waste of time.
Ayden Gonzalez
dick sucking. otherwise you will end up unemployed
Jacob Martinez
Total bullshit. College is only a scam if you're too much of a brainlet to earn financial aid, win scholarships, and pick a useful major.
Leo Rodriguez
Jace Jenkins
Try to find something you care about and do well in. Most people outside their first job never work in their field.
Justin Sullivan
>college isn't a scam as long as you work your ass off, jump through a ton of hoops and compete against thousands of other people for the opportunity to get fucked over for a slightly cheaper price, maybe free if you're lucky
Levi Bailey
Dual degree in computer science and finance/economic.
Gavin Wright
*Medicine Seconding this. Fuck business and economics. If you're not already involved in Comp Sci, do a concentration in biotechnology.
Kayden Jones
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
It literally doesn't matter. Pick something that you're interested in. As long as it's STEM
Landon Williams
drop out college is a scam unless you are at HYPMSC or on a huge scholarship
Jason King
I'm at a top 5 engineering school. It sucks ass, don't really have time to do anything other than school. I suggest going to the best public state college in your state and majoring in CS or another STEM degree.
Ian Morris
I did engineering and its kinda comfy, some places try to work you to death though. Also compsci is hot so you can find a job whereber. Just dont fall for the sillicon valley meme its alot ot effort and competition
Looking back i would have chosen pharma or geology maybe.
Hudson Jenkins
CS or bust. >far above median starting salary in any first-world city >medium-high effort in university if your school isnt shit >massive variety of niche fields to fit what interests you >one of the few fields your hobby can make money with no starting capital >friends and family who are not into tech think you're a wizard >don't sound like a brainless retard when talking about AI/machine learning etc. >easy to be the alpha male and cuck the progressive neckbeards in your class Most practical degree in the 21st century.
Lincoln Robinson
It's sad that the most useful degrees are the also the most boring ones. Other than astrophysics, I wouldn't have the patience to study some boring ass engineering or medical field. Do people actually enjoy that shit? Why not just do finance and actually get rich?
Levi Rogers
>Why not just do finance and actually get rich? The people actually getting rich are the ones hiring people with these fancy degrees lmao
Hudson Sullivan
If you can stand 4.5 more years of school become a PA. 6 figure job, rewarding work, dont have to slave away for 7.5 more years to become a doctor + minimum of 3 more years residency
Kevin Smith
What do you mean? Hiring people with stem degrees or finance? Because honestly I don't see any other way to get a millionaire without crypto or the lottery. Millionaires usually have a background in finance and business, it's never doctors or engineers.
Parker Murphy
finance, business, or sales/marketing, mostly sales tho