Who needs my help the most?
Other urls found in this thread:
Me user. I have no gf.
My dog died and I had an epileptic seizure in January and I can’t drive. Pretty fucked.
Dude you already made 3 threads today stop
Someone ban this larping faggot advertising already
the world is not fair
I'm so far in debt for school. Last night I made a pizza out of stale bread, sauce and old cheese, Mama mia its a pizza.
i need a car to gtfo of my current situation it's terrible 18NPpyuxEAStrkPdHWE6P45KBMbdotw3Mu
I like money
Did you just discover how to edit text? I am proud user.
Someone ban this fag already.
im just a poor fag 3C4BBYErNvqDL3c5xQA8uU7b6RtV8YF8cr
Forgot to link lol
I need help getting the rest of my humble family away from Venezuela and settle them in Brazil. We are not savages so we are doing it by the book which takes a lot of money.
I only accept emotional charity. Is there any way you could cuddle with me?
>venzuela to Brazil
gtfo pajeet
I grew up poor, im all in link. living on a prayer.
i just want to travel and take pretty photos. im a gifted photographer but im stuck in po-dunk town. just waiting my life away.
I live off of stale bread.
(fucked up my address(
please donate me something I'm from venezuela and I need money to eat, my life here is pure pain and suffering :(
Please OP
stuck user photographer here
i took this during our annual family trip to kure beach.
i can do so much with a good landscape. if you're serious I would gladly send you all of the good prints I take, for life.
god i fucking hate beaners. fucking filth of the earth.
There has only been one wallet posted that has a positive balance at all. I want to post to someone who actually uses bitcoin. Who’s that going to be??
OP has been making threads all night. You guys aren't getting shit
Assuming this faggot ain't larping, he has money, now he wants is people's attention
Don't fall to this faggots trap.
i moved all my BTC into alts recently as a hope and a prayer i can leave this shitty apartment living with a chick that i can't stand
I use BTC to get funds for spreading some messages to some PATRIOTS
if you know the story you know what I mean
I'm not ready to give Maduro my public address. I've worked hard on printing a paper wallet properly. They have been actively cracking down on crypto users since the pre-sale of their own shitcoin.
1LuJ687Hb1ZkwLED7aAWawnBZM7XRq3FNJ me because I got fucked by pump groups 3 times before learning my lesson then got desperate and listened to Veeky Forums (which I never do) and went all in on LiveEDU
Reported, saged, fuck you
OP just cash it out and give it to a homeless person, prob be more fulfilling than giving it to one of these idiots.
I’m so alone. I just want to help.
I got laid off at work and my wife has a baby on the way. I am going to do uber and lyft while I am looking for a new job.
My wife and kid left me after my house was robbed and my ledger was taken along with almost everything of value we owned. Pretty much just sit here thinking if I'll ever see my daughter again and if I should just kms already. It was our combined life savings and I don't know what to do anymore.
I just want to see my kid again
Need money for college. Thanks
Hold a paper up with your story hand written. You can wear sunglasses if you want to remain anonymous but I want to be able to see some emotion in your face.
Give me some internet shekels because I'm poor bla bla bla
Fuck you, you won't do it anyway.
Here's my address though:
I love you.
I don't need the it.
I have begun giving it away. Feel free to view my wallets pending transactions out to the wallet addresses y’all are posting. But for any address posted beyond previous post I’ll need that handwritten story with time stamp.