Our data sets are showing BTCP could hit $9,000 by December. This is alongside BTC ending up between 50-60k. BTC and BTCp will rise together this year, stalling most coins until 2019. This year won't be that great for most alt coins, they will likely be dragged upward in $ value by BTC but won't go that high in sats.

3 top picks for 2018 from the data sets: BTC, BTCP, ETH.

Each time BTC and BTCp dip, ETH will go up, then ETH will go down and BTC and BTCp will go back up.

Other well performing coins with decent gains will be: ETC, NEO, EOS, and pretty much any other privacy coin, even the least popular privacy coins will do good.

BTCP is divorce, tax haven coin

You are mostly correct. BTCp will become the biggest privacy coin and will be scorned by government officials as the terrorist version of BTC even though we already have other privacy coins that haven't got the bad press like BTCp will.


When does bitcoin private get its own fork? Bitcoin private cash with 8mb block size? Which is more private, and does this affect the segwit vs. bcash debacle?

I'm comfy af with my BTCP. When that Tor wallet with mandatory private transactions comes out ZEC cucks will kill themselves

I think you're right, I can easily picture BTCP being the thing that triggers the "BAN THIS TERRORIST CURRENCY" debate. I can already picture it on the morning chat shows

Block size is 2mb and block time is 2.5 minutes instead of 10 like BCH/BTC

> out data sets

Says who? Why should I believe you besides you're quads?

This coin is a fucking scam, bro.

Why not monero?

are u cliff highh hi?

Because Monero has a worse tech now.

LOL. Zk-snarks is an ongoing r&d project.

Kill yourself.

What about TRTL op?

>Another Zcoin meme

Whoever fuds btcp, is either poor and/or missed the zcl train at a solid price.

Your weak fud shows how strong this coin will be. Zk snarks with boost this coin into oblivion. Privacy is going to be huge, especially with normies. Solid play on the devs for the name. You don’t even have to believe in this coin, there is a shit ton of money to be made.

It’s better than bch and look that bch trades at. Btcp will rise to .15 rather quickly.

A trade alert you say? WOW Are you my Grandpa?
>Data sets
Sounds legit.
>Insane speculation.

>Actually thinking alts will stall rather than BTC
You're never gonna make it OP. Ask for a refund on those "data sets" or maybe shove them back up your ass.

Is there a roadmap for this coin or did they just copy paste the Zcash source code

>BTCP could hit $9,000 by December.
You're fucking delusional.

>our data sets

Retards fall for these type of words.

They accomplished their first roadmap. They just released a March roadmap

Quads above facts.

So are your for automatically ruling it out. This is how we know you’re upset that you missed the boat. KEK.

