What does Veeky Forums think of this guy?
Matt Stonie
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I think his hobby is very wasteful and he will have horrible stomach problems when he's older. Seems like a nice enough kid though
I personally wouldn't do it, don't see why people do it, and he's probably gonna die before he's 40. BUT; I will give him props for being able to do it and whatnot.
why is he going to die? he's in shape
I don't care for this guy but this thread belongs in /tv/.
no it doesn't
competitive eating is stupid but he seems like a pretty cool dude desu
>unatheltic dude thinks he can reasonably try the diet of an athlete who, apart from already having a naturally high metabolism, expends most of his calories by doing extremely rigorous work for hours nearly every day
>>this is how Americans think health works
>a naturally high metabolism
He's nice, I like him.
he needs to cut his fucking hair
Phelps doesn't even eat nearly that much. Probably less than half. It was just some meme pushed by """journalists""" during the olympics
i think he sold out desu
He keeps a very healthy diet and exercises when he's not doing these ridiculously stupid unhealthy challenges
I like his videos.Him and LA Beast are fun to watch.
Health is complete luck. Some granny can drink shit soda all the time and live perfectly until 99. On the other hand, a kid eats a poptart and has to get doses of insulin.
I haven't watched his videos in a while, but he seems like a pretty alright dood.
I'm sure he does. He'll still have stomach problems soon enough.
Its amazing how people cringe at the word bulimia yet still make posts like the ones in this thread. Willful ignorance pisses me off more than legitimate mental retardation by birth.
He's probably the most insane eater I've found, and I know a lot of them. The amount of food he can put away is just ridiculous.
I don't know, I stopped liking LA Beast when he got all autistic about Shoenice's banter
Because everyone is EXACTLY THE SAME, nobody is different in any way. Some people absolutely metabolize faster than others. Not saying this in defense of fatties, but acting like everyone has basically the same body is absurd. Tbh famalamdingdong.
I agree.
Been watching him for years, it's not the same since he beat Joey Chestnut.
And this isn't just because I'm mad that he has a gf now, which is stupid and he should shave his head or something and apologize
Unless you have some sort of condition, yes all our metabolisms work pretty much at the same rate.
You never found anyone and you know nobody you lying nu-male cuck.
doesn't he just puke everything up after he's done filming?
>ywn eat this much food
A very small population of competitive eaters do throw it up, but it's very dangerous to do so repeatedly. You can literally tear off your esophagus off of your stomach over time and have internal bleeding due to the force of throwing stuff up. Most eaters don't do it for that reason alone. Also, it's bad for your teeth.
Ectually, yes, metabolism is the same for everyone because it's a series of well-documented chemical reactions. Unless your body is sick and produces too much or too little of the chemicals nexessary to metabolize, there really is no difference. I knew a fattie who used to pull the metabolism card. Can you guess if she's still fat or not?
Difference in metabolism for peopel with same height/weight/age/gender is no more than 200 calories in 80% of cases.
So yes, metabolism can explain why someone ways maybe 20 pounds more than someone else of similar stats, but anything more than that is just because they eat more than they should. Quit simple, really.