Thanks for telling me to go all-in on LINK you fucking niggers
Thanks for telling me to go all-in on LINK you fucking niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
the first selloff
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
the price now literally doesn’t matter kys this is dirt cheap. mainnet will initiate the price singularity
Oh, you thought when you bought into this volatile market that your investments would only ever go up, is that right? Does your mom help you put your pants on in the morning?
None other coins have performed worse than ShitLink. It doesn’t even deadcat bounce...just straight down.
you buy now in anticipation of mainnet, your not making it before that happens, if you want to ride your luck and wait for dips that's up to you
Mainnet is already out. No one gives a fuck, retard.
Kek no it isn't pal
You seriously didn't buy TRAC did you? Its not even a coin that biz would waste their time even reading about. Reddit absolutely loves this project and there are no threads earlier talking about TRAC because literally no one gives a fuck. I want to see you lose money so buy TRAC and don't buy something useful like LINK.
somekind of retarded brainlet, are ya. quit talking about things you cant comprehend.
You seriously don't think the mainnet is already out, do you? That's just a sick joke that LINK holders like to play on newfags.
>he bought the pump
Mainnet doesn't come out until sirgay performs a 51% attack on total big macs eaten.
We fud it every fucking day, we literally shitpost about it 24/7, we laugh at stinkie linkies, yet you still managed to buy it. What the fuck is your problem? Link is 200m PnD and everyone who spent on Veeky Forums at least a month should know this. Are you retarded my man?
> tfw felt like a smart ass for buyin the dip @ 5300
Oh god, plz, let there be no more dump. Im already all in and cant average down
RUNT lol
>he fell for the link meme
You seriously didn't buy TRAC did you? Its not even a coin that biz would waste their time even reading about. Reddit absolutely loves this project and there are no threads earlier talking about TRAC because literally no one gives a fuck. It is a ran-jeet run supply chain RFID piece of shit project that will get burned by every other supply chain project. I want to see you lose money so buy TRAC and don't buy something useful like LINK.
OP don't you know
>always do the opposite of what /biz says
>fuckin moron
>He bought LINK
>buying a token from a fucking philosophy major
>shitting on a street in a hurry after too much curry during monsoon season
>he used digital currency to procure the token named LINK