Construction worker reflects on what teacher said to him
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the next few hours for construction workers is CRITICAL
Redneck John Goodman
>inb4 everyone hates on the trades cause they're neets
Why the fuck do blue collar faggots always feel the need to justify themselves? Is it because deep down in their hearts they know that they aren't as educated as your average college kid ,even the one's with a bullshit humanity degree? At least they have an exposure to the basics like higher level math, scientific methods, writing papers, etc.
>inb4 college is a Jewish conspiracy
Even if someone gets a worthless college degree they're still more educated than this fat fucking red neck with a paycheck.
>inb4 trades make a ton of money
Sure, if you want your salary capped at less than a 100k because after a couple of years there's no more upward mobility.
>inb4 start your own company
Most of these fucktards wont do that, they're the first ones at the bar blowing their money on cheap draft beer, that's why thery're all fat as fuck.
The bottom line is that college is a a pretty good deal for most, worst comes to worst you work in an air conditioned building instead if doing back breaking labor for the rest of your life.
Go to school for a good degree dumdums.
ok, realistically dumbass, i get where you are coming from, but talking about capped at less than 100K and lack of upward mobility, do u even realize how many white collar people are capped well under 100K and are stuck to rut in cubical farms anyway. Its a tough world for most people, to be honest I think a big problem with America's education system is the whole implication that blue collar jobs are for fuck ups or brainlets. Instead we have an oversaturation of soypeople with degrees and no good careers, and then shit labor force people since alot of it really is the fuck ups, which immigrants make good competition for
>reddit spacing
>asspissed faggot hating on tradies
>adamantly defending college and degrees
This is either next level bait or you have to back
Either way you're a dumb faggot
.t unemployed college fag with loads of debt
have fun with automation
As someone with a bullshit humanity degree i can tell you 80% of the valuable things i learned about psychology, chemistry, philosophy, etc. came from independent research online/in books. You don't need a degree to educate yourself, it's called reading a fucking book Good Will Hunting style. College classes tend to botch topics anyway, emphasizing the wrong shit.
>Why the fuck do blue collar faggots always feel the need to justify themselves?
Because little bitchboy faggots like you keep trying to put them down.
I may not have a job but at least I have a degree!!
you know who went to college?
The guy whos property hes building
Am I missing something, that was like $600? Uh anyone can cash a paycheck
Everyone has to answer to someone you stupid fuck.
>At least they have an exposure to the basics like higher level math
College algebra is not higher level math.
>scientific methods
Bull shit. Unless you're in STEM you will not get exposure to this (excluding philosophy).
>writing papers
You mean basic shit you should have learned in high school.
As a mechanical engineer I can tell you got some bull shit humanities degree and you're mad that you're making less than this guy and in debt.
If you had a humanity degree you really wouldn't have been in any classes where you can just google everything. Intro classes being an exception, pretty much every stem class is not going to be easy to research on your own on the internet. You can pretend like that isn't the case but I guarantee anyone who talks about how he didn't need to go to school to be in CS will never actually capitalize on his coding ability.
Education doesn't matter in the first place, colleges are a screening process. Unless you have extensive experience (good luck getting that without college), an employer is always going to pick someone with a degree.
can almost garuntee that's a tax refund
>not just moving money back and forth making more money than both the educated and blue color fags
yes and tradies answer to educated people
why are you mad btw lol i dont even care if tradies make good money, good for them. Construction aint for me
And a CEO doesn't have to answer to educated shareholders/finance people? I'm not mad I'm just trying to give you some perspective on the fact that you're a brainlet
>bullshit humanity degree
nobody. nobody beside ppl with bullshit degrees respect people with people with bullshit degrees more than construction workers.
construction workers do actual work that's absolutely necessary for everyone. people with bullshit degrees do child's play for 4 years then serve people at mcdonalds or live off benefits.
I didnt go to university cause its a scam unless your going into law or medicine its worthless. So i registered to become an electrical apprentice for 4 years and now im a tradesman earning 3.3 grand a week working in mining construction (4/1) roster on my week off i set up a little contractor business and go around and do small easy jobs and get around 1.3k CASH. Doing this i clear around 200k a year after tax (Aussie Dollars) while pouring excess cash into cryptos and stock cause why the fuck not.
I like this new meem
I'm happy for him, I study STEM but I respect trades because I worked a part-time blue collar job. I fucking hate people who think they're gonna be better off purely because of their degree when they haven't even graduated
My flatmate used to never shut the fuck up about how much money civil engineering students can make (apparently £25-30k), even though they're the first jobs to go when the economy tanks.
I just thought to myself ok cool I couldn't give a fuck how much you COULD earn, Then a few months ago I got offered £34k starting salary in IT and when I casually mentioned it to him I could tell he was mega pissed hasn't talked about how magic his degree is since.
In short unless it's STEM you're better off doing a trade. And even then a STEM still isn't a guarantee.
Software fag here. I grew up working construction jobs, and I prefer it over programming most of the time, because I get to work around fellow men and not with estrogenated cucks, and because it's generally satisfying. I can make some serious cash as an independent journeyman carpenter, under the table, answering to no one but the customer, always free to walk away – it's hard to beat that. I know guys doing HVAC that make $200k or more easily.
>unless your going into law or medicine
In the states those professions aren't the pay off they used to be unless you are going for free. The law degree market is over saturated atm while trades are in high demand. Med school will leave most in debt unless they go into something like plastic surgery.
infighting between the working class and the "intellectuals" is a common strategy of the left to destabilize the country. It doesn't help that most college graduates are easily convinced they are entitled to rule the world.
>Construction aint for me
because you're a faggot
>Sure, if you want your salary capped at less than a 100k because after a couple of years there's no more upward mobility.
Lol I'm a construction worker and do 100k in 4 months work
Yep, and even as a ME I know there are people in trades out there that make a lot more than me and I'm fine with that. I just can't fucking stand these ivory tower faggots thinking because they spent some time in a university that makes them better than blue collar workers.
This if you're connected you can absolutely make bank.
I install fucking curtains in hotels. I'm doing a 68 room property this week. I get $100 per room.
The shit is abosultely insane. I can work 3 days a month and have more than enough to live comfortably.
automation has more to do with computer/office jobs than anything nowadays. If automation becomes feasible, office jobs will be the first to go. No point typing spreadsheets when some AI can do it for you.
>Sure, if you want your salary capped at less than a 100k because after a couple of years there's no more upward mobility.
You start your own business, that’s what they all do and make bank
>he thinks he makes a lot of money
blue collar kiddos are really cute
guess who designed the devices you install?
and guess how much money they're making?
Honestly, capitalism has taught me that the true value of a society is the working class and how they get shit done. Without, society would collapse. They free up time for the intellectuals to ponder great ideas while the working class puts the heavy burden on their backs and carries society through sheer muscle.
So I own a construction company ... about 30 employees. If you have any experience or skills, I'll hire you for 70k a year. I am desperate for workers.
Wolf gang puck makes an excellent steak.
most colegefags won't ever get even close to 100k /y lmao
You should only go to school if it allows you to make more money in the long run
most degrees are worthless and I have 10x more respect to a skilled laborer than some fucking pseudo educated fucking soyboy with a useless piece of paper with no skills, no real knowledge.
t. engineer with a degree (the best grade out of my entire group that year)
Life is about having money, because money=times, both are therefore equally precious, good luck wasting both on a useless degrees you soyboy faggot
also, i don't have a degree and make over 500k a year. Bitchboi.
Tradies get the ladies
Miners smash vaginas
Couldn't imagine being a corporate cuck
That's deep, brother.
His body is going to be broken by the time he retires though.
Good thing he'll have more than enough to retire when he needs to. :)
of course I meant "time" you retard, keep catching onto spelling mistakes, that's all you got left
buying ripple under a cent doesn't count. congrats anyways though
capped at 100k? I made 120 a year in industrial trades. Foreman can make 150, general foreman even more and then superintendents above that. there is lots of money to be made if you enjoy that type of stuff.
>Honestly, capitalism has taught me that the true value of a society is the working class and how they get shit done. Without, society would collapse. They free up time for the intellectuals to ponder great ideas while the working class puts the heavy burden on their backs and carries society through sheer muscle.
Fucking hell the kikes really brainwashed you didnt they. Enjoy your $100k bit of paper when the next financial crisis hits
Inferiority complex, most likely. Every college graduate can become a construction worker (and they will if they graduated in English or some shit) but not every construction worker can become a graduate. I don't care how much money they make because as long as they are anti-intellectual they will never have my respect. They also seem to forget that the reason why they make so much money is because a) no one wants to do their shit jobs and b) it's physical intense which means they will have fucked up knees and back
Mfw my degree is completely paid debt-free thanks to taxes.
T. Europoor
Ex construction worker here don't fall for it bros the work fucking sucks ass and the pay is dog shit regardless what job it is America is fucked beyond repair
>state funded brainwashing makes it better
Enjoy your sub saharan africans and arabs
It appears I've rustled some tenders up in herr
Before any of you fags get anymore butthurt just know that I worked construction before joining the corps as a grunt. I would rather sit in an air conditioned office making less than 100k (although not likely because I'm using my GI bill for a compsci degree) than dig ditches for the rest of my life or sleep in a fucking fox hole.
Stay mad neets, I have more testosterone in my fucking balls than you ever had in your entire fucking life.
they will be better off than some limp-wristed soyboy chained to a chair in his slavebox.
Trust me, human nature is to move around, breathe fresh air etc. People are animas in nature, used to walk miles daily in search for food and so forth.
every job you don't like sucks. It's like 95% of the population. Fuck even if your job is you hobby you'll get tired of this shit doing it 8-12h a day for years.
The entire point is to make a lot of money fast enough to escape that slavery and enjoy life on early retirement
What is your career now?
>Sure, if you want your salary capped at less than a 100k
lol what? who told you this? my friend is a linesman and makes 180k a year.. one of the people he works with works hanging from a helicopter and gets paid $200 an hour.
Are kids being lied to in school about what jobs pay what? There are plenty of general contractors that make more than doctors that have absolutely no school debt. This get a college degree meme needs to die.
Now now billy, drink your soy latte and stop giving the man a hard time.
Nice larp billy, you obese micro penis sporter
I can't understand a word he's saying. How the fuck you americans actually manage to comunicate with each other?
>ITT: People with a highschool education go into absolute COPE mode
Dw guys the world needs ditch diggers and people to clean my toilets, good to see your shit work doesnt make you insecure or anything LMAO
I quit around xmas because I had enough crypto to focus on getting fit but I was driving a end dump, its comfy but trucking is absolute shit on the body
Kek this triggers the lazy neets
Where can I buy construction
Electrical engineers but i earn more than they do (usually 80 to 100k a year cause they got shit rosters and usually the first to go on a project). Also i started when i was 16 and finished by 20 most engineers have to go to uni for 8+ years before they even land a paying job ladening themselves with student debt.
he's still easier to understand than some british/irish/scottish redneck equivalents, that's not even english anymore what the speak
I don't know, why do you project? People that work in trades seem to be more proud of themselves than anyone else with little shame. I wonder why. Maybe its because they were making a living wage state out of high school with no debt and have more skills than basically 50 percent of the nation's student body. Its almost like job security in hard times like this is a good thing. Gee who would have thought? That 4 years of building actual marketable skills with little financial strains from usury will make a world of a difference in the long run for most trade types, you can count on it.
Sprinkler Fitter here out of Alberta. We clear 100k a year, benefits, pension, double time on weekends. When there's work trades can be great.
Btw not all trades are equal ( this is journeyman to foreman rate +-)
Elevator tech 48 - 56 per hr
Sprinkler fitter 46 - 54
Electrician 30 - 36
Plumbers 30 -36
Big tech seems to be getting automated fast than the skilled trades. Automation is a threat to everyone but it seems to me more computer-related tasks are becoming automated than trade work with the exception of assembly line type work. I mean not even just tech but other traditional crucial fields too, how long until we don't need interpreters because Google Translate is no longer a pile of crap? I wager its going to be much easier to program an AI that can competently fix and engineer code than it would be to build an android that can manipulate around a real world 3D space, getting into tight corners, and moving gigantic hot water heaters by itself. Artificial intelligence at the present moment is more of a threat to your desk job at the moment than it is on the blue collar job site. I still have yet to see Roombas drifting around basements scanning piping for leaks, however I do see menial data entry work and accounting work being gradually replaced with software. Face it, software that doesn't need to function in a real world space is miles ahead of robotics.
I know about Elevator Tech/Electricians and plumbers, but how do sprinkler fitters get horribly injured/killed on the job?
Not really. Auyonayion is imminent for repetitive tasks, and blue collars jobs are full of that. Office too, btw.
Generally the same way as plumbers.
Our recorded incidents are mostly service guys getting in car accidents
I wish him the best. Though, he should put a lot of that money away into an IRA or some other form of interest-accruing savings. When the body breaks down, it breaks down fast. I hate to see him poor and out of work due to ill health, but it happens to a lot of construction guys who think their bodies will hold-out forever.
LMOAing at all the pretentious white collar faggots in this thread
>be me
>make $500K/year
>low cost of living area
Most trades are dangerous. Electricians are at risk of zapping themselves, plumbers are at risk of getting hepatitis or breathing in noxious gasses, and HVAC guys are constantly exposed to equipment at risk of exploding.
Money, time and health.
You kill the last as a blue collar worker. There's always a price.
You're a fucking retard, kid; I'm a welder and I make $500K/year
You're also not very funny. We saw your cute little joke the first time. No need to repeat it
Awesome. Pretty much the same here. If cryptos fail us we'll have to blow the dust off the CV
What the fuck just seen this in reddit vancouver and now its on Biz
By sprinkler fitter I'm talking about fire protection. So danger wise the common shit is ladder safety and cuts. The shit that will kill you are things like systems being under pressure (air is especially bad) or falling from a height. Our rigid 300 machine has been known to snag a few fingers and could easily crush your shit as well.
As long as your smarter than your pipe you should be fine.
Throughout trade school is generally the biggest risk for a tradie
It would be risky as fuck for a corporate fag to try do half the stuff we do. Experience minimizes risk a great deal
Trades aren't a bad way to make a living, and you can get a nice paycheck, esp w/overtime.
However, I have a simple BA in FInance. I got hired by a major insurance carrier, then went into consulting. I make 110K before bonuses.
I also work about 25 hrs/wk. I am billed for 40, but the work gets done so quick and our major clients don't audit billings, and my rate is locked in for the next 20 months left on this contract. For example, tomorrow I am hitting the office from 10-2, and then I am going to step out for "calls" and go see a movie by my house.
So shitting on people with degrees is also fucking stupid. I make a nice livable wage, and I don't have to destroy my body in the process, or even work very hard.
Unless you're aerospace I call bullshit.
What's a billy? Also, once again biz isnt sending its best.
> no attempt to refute my claims
Thanks brainlet
this sort of b8 shouldnt generate this many (you)s
If you know what you're doing and have thought everything through, do college. IF you don't then wait, nothing worse than realizing your wasting your time on something or going into the wrong thing.
>miltary then college
>slay pussy as a marine then settle down
ez plan
I think alot of people on both sides look down on each other because they're justifying their choices. I think there's pros and cons to both and exceptions to both.
I have office friends who look at my trade and say "wow you don't have to take your work home with you after 2pm, that'd be nice".
I look at them and think about how nice it would be to have air conditioning or shit in a placed that is cleaner than my current lunch area.
How'd you land your first job?
I guarantee you make less money than that construction worker, and I also guarantee you I would drink a beer with him over you any day, faggot.
Welders are a dime a dozen these days it seems though. You guys are generally hot chicks though which was nice in trades school.
Have fun drinking your estrogen juice with an overweight wife-beater, you self-righteous faggot.
Charles is always insightful.
It's not very hard, he's probably a welder with a few rig trucks under him so his company is bringing that in, not his t4 wage.
What kind of consulting
t. work for IBM GBS and make 90k, but work is boring as fuk
Networking through a family connection, desu.
Managed services, cloud (Azure)
Not sayiing I wouldn't, I love my blue collar brethren, but when I get a job as a software dev working in a heated/air conditioned office making good money I'm not gonna complain.