hehe beep boop! 1up! grow up fucking manchild
Just wait you fucking man child, you'll get them at 1/4 thier price in a few months
Throw it in the fucking toilet instead you braindead faggot.
I said pc gaming not soytendo
Oh yeah?
>pc gaming
No one on this board even mines you dipshit. This board is overwhelmingly for trading. Keep squealing though.
Reading pc gaymer salt threads/posts is my new favorite past-time. Reddit is a goldmine, some good videos out there by hardware faggot jewtubes.
If you guys have any screenies please share.
You don't have time to be playing games, wagie.
Tick tock
Better get to bed
>Reddit is a goldmine
They're actually defending tech companies being megajews.
Think again, I have the day off tomorrow.
i just looked and a "dream machine" would only cost $3,000 to build.
Stop being poor, OP. I was thinking of dropping a few thousand for an 8k video camera just to record how i look in different outfits and play it on the tv.
I'm not *that* poor but electronics are already expensive as fuck in Canada without you niggers ballooning the prices.
Why is that user?
Yeah just wait until the feds crack down on your cryptonigger garbage than I'll be the one laughing.
get fucked video game fag
I pay my taxes wagie, plus no country is going to ban it because they would lose the technological edge over other countries that adopt it. You think there was ever a serious discussion about banning the internet kek?
Fake hope
What technological edge? You're going to have to elaborate how a country benefits from having an unregulated, volatile market. They're going to take ownership of it to the point where it's no different from regular stocks.
>being poor
I'm glad you fuckers now have to pay more for hardware. I make sure the cards I sell on ebay are on the verge of death for the sheer amount of work and heat I put them through so that when you gamer fucktards think you're getting a great deal on your cards for MUH GAMING it dies on you after a few days.
When I buy cards for my mining rigs I always make sure I'm buying the whole store's supply just so I can ruin some gaming faggot's day.
kek then we go to decentralized exchanges you dope. It is similar to torrents. They will solve their liquidity issues soon enough. not that you know what that is you filthy nocoiner.
My gf just bought me a titan XP lmao feels good not being poor
> I make sure the cards I sell on ebay are on the verge of death for the sheer amount of work and heat I put them through so that when you gamer fucktards think you're getting a great deal on your cards for MUH GAMING it dies on you after a few days
That's fine anyone who buys a used card right now is stupid as fuck and deserves to be burned.
>my gf bought me
How's it feel being a cuck?
>They're going to take ownership of it to the point where it's no different from regular stocks.
You don't know what a block-chain is do you? You can't "take ownership" of a block-chain or crypto you brianlet, with your intelligence it's clear why you are so poor. DYOR, nobody is spoon feeding you.
Nobody gives a shit about your stupid games. What are you, 12? You can't afford a $2k gpu for your "hobby"?
>How's it feel being a cuck?
His woman is investing in him and the relationship, you understand that's a good thing right? Go back to /V/eddit or /R9k/ singlet.
when i was a child i thought as a child
when i became i man i put away childish things
>i said pc gaming not soytendo
you think there is a difference
you're in the same category as those fucktards, don't forget. You're witnessing one of the biggest financial revolutions in the history of humanity and all you have to say for it is that your fat wagecuck ass can't afford hardware for software that helps you escape your shitty ass life.
Is that what they call it these days? Because I call it being a soyboy cuck.
Yeah I'm sure you won't be on the same level as goldfags in 5 years.
If your going to sit here and tell me your gay ass PC is different from a console then I don't know what to say, at least that guy has a GF, you can't even BUY what you want kek.
Fantasies of being some rich woman's boytoy is more /r9k/ than anything.
ITT delicious gaymerfags tears
>he doesn't average 138k/year relying solely on his crypto investments
kek, poorfag. I haven't worked a day in my life and I'm way richer than you
No faggot it's called having a relationship, I don't care how many MGTOW videos you watch or how many Return of Kings articles you read, you're not some guru about women. Kek you sound like the type of person to watch a few Patrice O'Neal videos and thinks he "understands" relationships and women.
Sounds like some projection on your part, my dude. The man has been the provider in relationships for thousands of years. History is on my side, cuck.
It's the same shit soyboy
I just bought a PS4 instead and abandoned PC gaming. The market will correct itself eventually when enough sectors suffer from cryptofaggotry.
>Sounds like some projection on your part, my dude. The man has been the provider in relationships for thousands of years. History is on my side, cuck.
>A gamer man baby talking to me about being a cuck
Yeah his girlfriend gifting him something out of love and respect isn't the same as her taking care of him, but man-child doesn't need to think about these things. Yeah History is also filled with tough strong men taking charge and leading, sitting behind a computer bitching about computer parts for your wish fulfillment isn't convincing anyone that your tough faggot.
>all this projection
>Gamer man-child detected
Reading your posts in this thread is embarrassing. It's like I'm actually listening to a 14 year old.
Fucking /v/edditors are the cancer of this site. Just remember next time people like you are the reason everybody hates your board.
our games are better than your games. your games are kids games.
>implying people don't hate Veeky Forumsfaggots even more
I'm going to laugh my ass off when you cucks lose all your savings. Already lapped up lots of delicious tears when BTC cratered last month.
Yeah keep telling yourself that needing a woman to fund your hobby doesn't make you a cuck. I can afford what I want just fine, you faggots just add frustration to the matter because your "hobby" completely fucks over markets.
t. manchild that wastes away his pathetic life playing games.
its simple:
ban cryptos - get 0 tax dollars from crypto market - people still trade crypto
allow cryptos - get lots of $$$ from crypto market - people still trade crypto.
the genie is out of the bottle and they cant stuff it back inside
i would absolutely be some rich womans boytoy
I'm a gamer and a /smg/ fag. Veeky Forums is one of the few communities I actually respect, at least they are trying to do something with their money to improve themselves, other than spending it on weed, loot crates, and getting zelda tattoo's.
Keep complaing about not being able to play your video games fag, I'll keep making money, lets see which of us leads more productive lives.
Literally nothing is stopping you from investing the entire paycheck into crypto and then build the best pc you can think of. Also, modern games are starting to stink anyway. I wonder if it's worth it upgrading my graphic card from a R9 270x
>I can afford what I want just fine,
you created this thread to complain about how you cant afford to buy what you want
I play vidya, but I've been wondering about the habit recently. For some people, it really seems to envelop the whole scope of their existence, to the point that they're donating to streamers and listening to Kingdom Hearts music on the bus.
It's ok to play games because it's not much different than people who watch mindlessly shit movies or shows anyway. Just make sure you have more productive hobbies like reading and exercising to balance it out.
says the guy """investing""" in imaginary money
So? The money is real, all I care about kek
It's not made up if you can realize gains in US dollars.
i know a guy who tells people "ive been to new york" if he played a new york level in a video game. and its not just that he tells people, he will look at you with a straight face and tell you that hes been to new york. im not sure if he actually believes it or not but its strange. he also listens to game soundtracks but the really boring elevator music style.
How is this not amvidias fault for not meeting market demand?
Go away poor fag.
Your GPU's are better put to use mining. Not playing kids vidya.
all money is imaginary dumbass.
a gpu may cost 200 dollars more, but you can earn that back by just mining when you're not playing.
don't really understand why gaymers are so mad
Doesn't that ruin your gpu though?
sigh old b8
>implying I need an external GPU in order to play the best game released in 2017, Doki Doki Literature Club