Post your blockfolio and your age
23 here
Post your blockfolio and your age
23 here
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Nice AMB stack.
Nice shitcoins
Got 65 butt coin private too. I'm 21
Sell everything and buy bangercoin instead
You got some balls dude. I only could only stomach putting 1k in a biz memecoin
26, retired by 30
And 44 BTCP. 18.
140k USD, I'm 30
1/3 neo
1/3 lisk
1/5 nebulas
ripple, cardano, aeon - the rest
Pls go
Eh not really. It's all meme money that came out of nowhere I don't really care if I lose it all
>all these richfags
22 and hoping to hit at least 70k this year
holy fuck you actually fell for link ? you realise it is just a troll right, its the definition of a shitcoin
yup lol. I have it bad, thinking about dropping my refund in in a week or 2. Although I think SXSW is going to dump, I really doubt a docusign partnership will come out of that
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
I'm all in on ENG with 1k and have about the same worth in my portfolio cash wise, I'm rooting for you man. Hopefully we both make it.
I literally just bought it for the memes because if it actually ever hits $1000 I will be a millionaire
Considering I think we're on the dankest timeline, this must occur
69 years old
That's some false-flag link pasta being passed around, ignore it. Link will never hit 1000, that's the meme I mean it would need like over 300 billion to do that kek never happening. Honestly if it hit 10 I would be shocked.
1000 will not be happening. 50 might ;)
24 year old broke MiLB-er.
100 ven
100 ICX
100 eng
10 GVT
1000 req
Going to scoop up as much Wan as I can when it hits exchange, hopefully dump for nice profit and the reallocate.
I’m hurting I know
Try and hit $1 first my dude, babby steps
this is all i have, plz tell me i will make it, biz. about to graduate with a useless humanities degree (useless for everything besides going to grad school), hopelessly depressed without any intimate/sex life to speak of, and suffer frequent and debilitating anxiety attacks. trading crypto is honestly one of the few things left that keeps me going (been in the game since last april). i'm such a fuck up, plz tell me things are gonna be ok
shut the fuck up faggot youll be fine dont sell till at least 2$
no idea if you will make it, I like REQ though, it's like 25% of my coins. But if you're even thinking about investments at 21 that's way better than most of your peers, so you got that going for you
who the fuck has 35k at 23? im 20 and have 1ksavings
Join the military or become a police officer.
48 ETH
2200 EOS
100 BTCP
literally the two things i hate the most in this world -- the US military and the police
i may be depressed but i will never be a fascist grunt worker or imperialist cannon fodder
Right? I just got out of college and I’m fucking struggling
also 22, good luck user.
you WILL make it.
This is incredibly bad advice. If you have a humanities degree, stay in academia.
23 here
Blithering retard detected
Hahaha hopefully. Starting slowly since I consider myself fairly new.
Don t feel bad. 25 and unironically more than I have in my bank account
26. Any advice?
24 yrs young poorfag
>All these link bros in here
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!
16. Mostly invested money that my parents give me.
Started back in 2014/2015. Would've worth a lot more if I didn't sell a shitton of coins early last year.
How much did you start with
Kek it's just 30k pal. I made it from 400 dollars poor fags are so dramatic
Holy shit nj user
Yeah. Hold your feet still, stop checking delta every day and just wait. You will make it no doubt
20, put in about 3k
nice LARP faggot
More like hit 1$ second since Link has already hit 1.20$ in december.
23 also
$4000 initial investment last April
Everything was over vauled then, work your way back up.
Go all in on Bitcoin Gold
gj dude
>100k value
>500 bucks worth of ripple
Scroll up nigga wtf
Kek it would take like 7 screen shots to show everything
Colonel checking in. The rest is mainly ETH and Aragon.
40. What? I'm old.
JNT? nice
you'll go far
Wtf you guys are rich af
Why'd you sell your BCH old timer?
No ETH or NEO? larp. If you bought into link you would still be holding on to those.
>Holding 99% electroneum
are you retarded? it's a literal shitcoin
I first started at the end of July and that's what coinbase owed me from the fork. I keep it to remember how much bitcoin I had when I started. The market has been good to me so far.
what has been your strategy? I may be leaning too much on blue chips
You’re actually going to make it
Look at his entire portfolio. Pajeetcoins
24. Am I gonna be bankrupt by EOY?
Feel kindaf old will i ever make it user?
I don't need much money i just want to hit 800$ to upgrade my pc then i can quit this crypto stuff ;_;
I've deleted Blockfolio, but total stack is now $53k and consists of;
>10% ETH
>10% XMR
>20% OMG
>30% NAS
>30% LINK
Whoop forgot pic imdumb
Oh, and I'm 29.
If you want to turn $50 into $800 any time this decade you're in the wrong coin.
>wants to 17x $48 to $800
>chooses ripple
You're not going to get 800 from ripple.
Pick a shitcoin that has supermoon potential like ZIL or MAN. Worst case you lose everything but it was like 50 fucking bucks.
You need to consider market cap not just price
put it in bnty and wait a few months
If I were you i'd hold 1BTC as well
32. Cashed out $135k ETH last summer. Current portfolio.
Will I make it?
29. I own 1000 EOS that's it
Ultimate hodl coin.
Oldfags hold EOS.
Jesus Christ who trades like this
You would've made it already if you just held your ether from last summer. What'd you sell at, $400?
People looking to turn 50 dollars into 800 faggot what do you think he should do, invest in fucking bonds?
Nice, yeah i'm an oldfag, but i missed out on making loads of money sadly
23 y/o eurofag
I've been thinking about scooping EOS up. Not sure if I have an account anywhere it's available though.
don't you feel you should have at least 10k link?
ITT people just typing random shit in BlockFolio to look cool
It's almost on every exchange except for bittrex
There's one or two possible larpers with $1M+ stacks in this thread.
Why the fuck would anyone larp about $20-200k stacks? That's lunch money at this point for anyone who's been in for more than 6 months.
> 1M NintendoCoin.
How am I doing biz?