Shit's getting real in there AMA.
Anybody else enjoying Link's secret Telegrams tonight?
yup. did you get a load of Hillary ranting about how pajeet mobius is? lmao
copy paste some shit
shit is too real. most non linkers arent aware and havent the slightest clue.
Veeky Forums is going to be fun this year, all the way through.
I can't wait.
Can I get access with 1.5 k?
will post link for next trips id
can i join with 25k
i know OP
now delete this thread
You seriously didn't actually buy Link did you? Its a sick joke that biz likes to play on newfags. Ask yourself why no one talks about Link besides Veeky Forums? Reddit absolutely hates this project and there was a thread earlier where they rightfully were calling this shit a scam. I don't want to see you lose anymore money so sell and buy something useful like TRAC.
Don't. Whales and trips will just move to a new telegram again.
Yeah here's the LINK
really enjoying all this tranny porn being posted to the Link telegram. post more
Good, keep it contained to telegram you fucking retards
>initialize singularity
Tell us what's the haps, OP
>$0.28 Target Price
someone on the telegram told everyone to load up when it gets to 28 cents
rocket fuel, user. rocket fuel.
I'm not referring to that one.
dOoj00G my man
Wallet trackers and tripfags running in circles.
colonel here, you niggas let me in
Is that over 100K?
>he doesn't know the ranks, it is 75k100k
give a rundown
ga slape lul
Cool thread guy.
send tg here: [email protected] i know ab btw
Under 100K not allowed. Might increase to 150k if the price falls below. Only exception is for researchers like Assblaster, Sherlock Link and so on. No freebies for meme kids who pay fiverr fatties to shout Link memes.
Pen Island dot com. Get you a nice new Pen for your birfday. Treat yourself.
Me too. Can he vouch for yo
if AB is here, he knows me
so ehm, circlejerk much?
spill the beans or gtfo
send me a mail with some discord or tg name, i am not saying who i am on here
I meant the minimum might increase to 150k if Link falls bellow the 4200 resistance.
stop begging for beans, juanita. this is not a bean thread and you are not welcome.
Ask him about the group then- provided you hold 100k.
sold link. Never touching again.
I want to join this telegram, I have held link for fucking ever it feels like it, I'm not a trip fag but I actually do research into link and never fucking post here about link. And no I don't have over 150k, no where near but I think I deserve a spot here, fuck I have had my link hacked and stolen and still didn't give up
he isn0't on discord atm, and you are larping saying you know him mate, just send that mail:
You don't have shit to show but think you 'deserve' a spot? Life is going to be rough for you, user.
He'll be back in a couple hours. It's almost Monday morning in Belgium.
I sold at 71 when it was obvious price manipulation was going to kill the utility of the token to the project. may succeed but the chainlink token is already worthless.
You didn't see someone offload 400K Link in a minute today? That's a group member, the question is who.
I disagree. Sergey explained at the recent conference node payments will be allowed in Link.
who are you in the group, going to have a little beef with you when i join in a few hours
>the shadow telegram
so what you're saying is that you're in the group and you know the same that us
wow so useful
>I disagree. Sergey explained at the recent conference node payments will be allowed in Link.
Who wants to be paid in a manipulated token?
That's why I'm not interested in running a node. Bought neo instead.
>the chainlink token is already worthless
How dare you doubt in our lord Jason Parser?
We're all friends in the group.
i don't know about that mate, just tell me
While the thread may be a larp (or not) the fact is LINK is massively manipulated on binance. The idea are node operator payments are made in it. However given that its value is decided by manipulators its not useful as payment.
Exactly, user. No extra information in the group. Nothing to see. Don't join.
>We're all friends in the group.
Do you finger each other anuses? Comfy in neo
OK, we're all friends until someone's suspected of concealing information. Happy now?
Here's an analogy. You are paid to keep a car running. You cover the maintenance, oil, tires but you are paid in a token that is price manipulated for swing trading purposes. One months is worth a bit. The next its lost 60% of its value. You have no control over the price. You don't take the job maintaining the car. is broken as long as link is how node operators are paid. Links network needs as many node operators as possible. Links network is not going to get them.
gotta admit. I never trusted AB from the start. he talked the talk and walked the walk but proclaimed he wasn't one of them gtfo
Are you talking about Bitcoin now?
or, brainlet, they get paid a certain constant USD amount that is paid for in various amounts of LINK.
AB is utterly irrelevant. Unless you believe in time travel no one can predict the future. Alternately he's real and links price is so manipulated that he was in a position to do so in which case
>Here's an analogy. You are paid to keep a car running. You cover the maintenance, oil, tires but you are paid in a token that is price manipulated for swing trading purposes. One months is worth a bit. The next its lost 60% of its value. You have no control over the price. You don't take the job maintaining the car. is broken as long as link is how node operators are paid. Links network needs as many node operators as possible. Links network is not going to get them.
So whether AB exists or not is irrelevant. Like chainlink. Comfy in neo
i'm not sure what manipulated means but i guess she knows about a coin that doesn't go up or down.
>telegram whales think they're hot stuff
you "whales" are going to seem like shrimp compared to the big boys that will come when mainnet launches and sergey distributes the remainder of the tokens
His attitude changed a lot since idiots on this board doxxed him and he 'changed jobs'. Cannot blame him, really.
>or, brainlet, they get paid a certain constant USD amount that is paid for in various amounts of LINK.
Not possible if the price is manipulated which it has been since the iCO. Its useless as a payment mechanism.
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my other coins. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty coins on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking faggot.
LINK needs constant updates for one reason only. The Veeky Forums LARPfests that ensue when there is no actual news to talk about are excruciating.
your posts are more than 10% of the whole thread.
that's a lot of time to spend on something you don't like.
Sure, that will be the time to dump Link. And who's more likely to have information on when to exit, us or your poorly drawn anime girl?
>Cannot blame him, really
yeah you can. this is no different than /b/. he brought it all on himself.
How do you get in if you have well over 100k link?
He got sloppy.
Most of us like ab. You have to think long and hard about what you post on Veeky Forums.
I'm selling my link bags after this post.
All in xmr. Fuck you all, im retired
failed LARP. just bought 100k
there, there, no need to fight. You're all stinky idiots.
>dump LINK just as the price singularity starts
he thinks I'm the stupid one
Link will go no higher than $70
I like you, user. Your words reek of alcohol and sincerity.
>I'm selling my link bags after this post.
post proof
>your posts are more than 10% of the whole thread.that's a lot of time to spend on something you don't like.
>Here's an analogy. You are paid to keep a car running. You cover the maintenance, oil, tires but you are paid in a token that is price manipulated for swing trading purposes. One months is worth a bit. The next its lost 60% of its value. You have no control over the price. You don't take the job maintaining the car. is broken as long as link is how node operators are paid. Links network needs as many node operators as possible. Links network is not going to get them.
I sold at 71. Had them since November. You could see the price manipulation on binance. Link is useless to pay node operators. I was kinda interested in running a node but if the payment is link then fuck no. Comfy in neo. Debate me regarding the utility of using an asset with a manipulated price as payment.
I have 175k linkies, how do I join?
Bullshit. What did he do?
These larp threads are miserable.
Truck system
A truck system is an arrangement in which employees are paid in commodities or some money substitute (such as vouchers or token coins, called in some dialects scrip or chit) rather than with standard money. This limits employees' ability to choose how to spend their earnings—generally to the benefit of the employer.
>price manipulation.
he doxed himself you fucking mong. turn your brain on. he came here to play fuck fuck games with us and thought it was cute. it wasn't.
Simply put chainlink is a truck system token. And truck systems are heavily against the interests of anyone operating a node. Therefore it is in no ones interest to operate a node. Therefore a system that depends on many people doing so fails. Are we there yet?
The only way chainlink could suceeed is if the tokens are widely distributed (ignoring the fact there are 1 billion with 350 million in circulation, with a high concentration of them in a relatively small number of owners making price manipulation possible). So chainlink becomes a truck token and node operators suckers.
very common in crypto but critical if a token is to be used as an incentive for node operators in a truck system.
You know what? Coming here was my mistake. Bye.
Anyone who considers running a chainlink node is an idiot. At that revelation I sold chainlink and bought neo. Comfy.
due to the nature of smart contracts LINK can't really be considered a truck system payment
you get paid something previously accorded by yourself, not the employeer
we get it, you bought NEO
Just sell the node payment from link to fiat, you dumb fucking bastard
see ya gay boy
>buying neo, a smart contract platform with only 23 smart contracts on its network.
I keep telling you idiots, us whales are dumping LINK in 10 days. Don't listen to these warnings, hold these bags, we don't care. Enjoy $0.35 after SXSW
>us whales
post proof you're a link whale
>You know what? Coming here was my mistake. Bye.
If true yes it was. AB is like I say irrelevant. However if real his predictions were indicative of a price manipulator and therefore that chainlink is a truck token and that running nodes is a mugs game as long as you are paid in truck tokens. Truck shop economics is NEVER to the benefit of the operator/employee. Of cource the fact that there are 750 million tokens to be issued by the employer makes the possibility of manipulation 100%. Even the existing concentration in a relatively small number of hands does to. The lethal rub is that for chainlink to succeed it needs a dispersed and numerous high quality node infrastructure, which the relatively small number of holders are unlikely to be able to provide. Particularly as they are being paid in...a truck token.