Something just

Looking at my portfolio, I feel pretty happy with it and confident in my picks, but I cant help but feel this nagging suspicion that I should have 30% or whatever in BTC or one of the major coins (BTC/ETH/XMR/NEO-LTC?).

What do you guys think about this age old suggestion? If you do agree, how would you retool my portfolio to take position in one of the coins mentioned, and if so, which coin would you go into as a hedge?

Also, general portfolio rate thread?

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I haven't been doing this for too long, got started in march 2017 so have only been doing it a year. But from what I've seen in the market thus far, alts have pumped already and will flow to btc if it rises. BTC has always been at least 50% of my portfolio. But now it is about 80%. Your alts will bleed. Almost all of them did at least a 4x (many 10x) in the past couple of months.

Needs more GVT

Should you keep 30% in AOL? no? why not they were first.

I don't think you understand, the market is not that mature yet. The fact of the matter is nobody has any idea who is google or yahoo or askjeeves yet. That time will come.

0% In Link stay poor fag

alts didnt pump faggot

stop giving wrong advice

Fuck off with your shit LINK lol. I'm soo tired of hearing about that fucking coin. Even if it does moon, I couldn't give 2 shits.

I like this read (Of course I'm a bit biased being a holder of GVT) and the logic makes sense, but I wonder if thats just not the perfect storm of things to go right to achieve that insane price point. I dont think ill expect 94k per coin in 3 years, but who knows. Even if it hit 1k each, id be elated.

Are... are you serious? xrp, ant shares, omg, eth (not really an alt anymore), and ltc just to name a few off the top of my head have mooned exponentially in this last cycle. Nearly all of them outperformed bitcoin and it will bleed out. How long have you been doing this? What time frames are you using?

why is BTC dominance rising so rapidly if alts are bleeding it out?

I dont get the logic. Percentage wise, I believe every one of those coins went up quite a bit more than BTC did. So, why again should my portfolio be 80% BTC? I understand some people find sanctuary in the coin when "times get tough" (Whales fucking with the market), but I just am not sure its a necessity anymore. And if it is, then the crypto market isnt going to make it if we all have to dip into BTC anything something goes wrong. The market will either mature, or it wont to the point where we dont need the crutch. But I guess I still posed the original question so it still does have me wondering.

BTC dominance is rising because alts are bleeding. It just goes in cycles because the market isn't mature yet. Everything is 100% speculative at this point, so everyone swims back and forth between alts and btc, and that's why btc dominance changes all the time, though long term it is going down. This is a healthy thing, I agree with you, but the fact is we are still in an emerging market and much like the early internet days nobody honestly knows who is going to be google and who is going to be hotbot.

I meant alts are bleeding out and the money is going to btc. I did word it a bit funny.

Always been a fan of GVT, this is crazy if it’s true

Oh ok that makes more sense then. I agree. I dont know, I just... I mean I like BTC alot. But its not the "sexy" pick, ya know? I am willing to risk more to gain more, which I guess is why I dont have any BTC in my portfolio. Honestly, Ill never get rich off BTC. But if AMB or GVT moons, I wont get rich, (Unless 94k per GVT is true, then jesus fuck lol) but I could make a nice profit regardless.

It's just a gamble. Personally, in the short term I think you will lose sats and usd if you stay in alts (unless you get lucky). I would wait a bit until btc dominance starts its next downtrend and then jump in for the juicy gains. I'm giving my honest opinion, but you have to decide what's best for you.

Yeah I hear ya. I think if I was bleeding out heavy then I might feel the desire to jump into BTC more, but since all my alts are holding steady and gaining for me, I am pretty OK with my holdings. I think I may just stick it out. Actually, I'm kicking around the idea of adding some XMR to my portfolio tonight. Sell off some of each of my stacks and put it in XMR instead. Possible with OMG taking the biggest hit. I dont know. I really like OMG however.

Probably should all in on GVT...

I had money in xmr and omg. They're both good holds, and I'll be pissed if omg finally moons because I held it for seven months or so without it moving. My luckiest pick was ant shares when it was around five dollars. Took my profits from it. I hope you find the same luck op.

I don't know how to reform your folio, but ended deciding me to add BTC to mine was spending some time with futures. Other things are interesting and something may become the internet of the future, but when it comes to being used as currency I can't see anything else working ever. XMR is extremely interesting but it may take a couple of years until mining difficulty makes it explode. LTC has treated me really well but I don't really hold, I try to make plays from it, everyone discards it and then everyone goes full fomo, so you sell and buy more, I also like Charlie a lot. If you really have faith in this shit for years, I think there's a place for these kind of coins when you want modest safe gains.

I've already fomo'd so hard into it this past week. Don't make me do it more lol. But I do believe GVT could potentially be very big.

Thanks man for the well wishes, right back at ya! I may dive into XMR, we will see.

I see, I've considered dabbling around in LTC a bit as well. I will consider that as well as XMR.