Has anyone here ever made a sex trip to Thailand? How was it? How much do I have to pay to have a qt thai slave who'll do anything I want?
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kys, degenerate
>me smart me pay for possy and boy butt hole :)
Blow me
Not business related
ya... go date one of these OBESE PIG white women... that's where it's at...
hi ShareBlue pig
>braindead paranoid /pol/fag wants to stick his dick in a nonwhite and possibly sodomize another grown man
Why am I not surprised?
You’ll be fucking girls who’s had dozens and dozens of old white ex-pats slam their meat in them for years.
Here is your cup of AIDS.
Thailand has one of the largest HIV prevalences in Asia and the Pacific, accounting for 9% of the region's total HIV population
"Int J STD AIDS. 2013 Jan;24(1):34-8. doi: 10.1177/0956462412472300. Epub 2013 May 6. Unexpectedly high HIV prevalence among female sex workers in Bangkok, Thailand in a respondent-driven sampling survey. "
don't forget to degrade your own humanity while you degrade someone's daughters too. Congratulations you are the sickness in the world. Literally and metaphorically.
Do you really need to go to a third world shithole for that? Why not at least goto the red light district or a brothel in the USA and find a cute white non-trap girl.
>non trap girl
Get out
yet still less HIV than black people in America
bangkok 112 soon most popular youtube traveller :D
"Cup of AIDS"
If you're gonna spend the money to fly to Asia for cheap sex atleast fly to a tier 1 Asian country like Korea/Japan/ maybe even China
Yes, Philippines and Bali too.
about 200-500 a month.
I'd suggest finding university kid, sponsering them, fuck them, have them invite you out, etc.
but in the end it's boring.
PIV is pretty rare.
because having sex is "degrading," right ShareBlue piggy?
oink! oink!
this, and then don't pay for it
just go out with girls using Tinder
Go to Kuala Lumpur Or Indonesia instead. Girls are much hotter for the same price, or less.
>Thinks a person telling him that he's a loser for sex tourism is a shill
As low as it gets. God help you.
Mate, I live in Bangkok. Make a tinder profile, be honest and say you’re on holiday, and have fun. Prostitution is a waste of money. You will have a better time and better sex with a proper lady.
I arrange sex tours ...let me know if you need a booking agent. We have some interesting options.
>white women fuck black guys in America
not a single person who wants to go abroad should be ashamed when you consider that, turd.
best countries for cheap white pussy? ukraine?
How much for a little one if you know what I mean.
how much for the most gassiest one if you know what i mean
>because having sex is "degrading," right ShareBlue piggy? oink! oink!
No but paying for it is /pol newfag
1000-2000 baht per day
I fucked this cute thai girl a few times. She had the smallest tightest pussy. Good times. She had a little upper lip hair though that turned me off and I couldn't get over.
But damn, she just had a slit. Would fuck that little body. Mmm yummy yummy
This. Since mudsharks are now embraced by mainstream western society, sexually frustrated white men really need to be cut a fucking break.
how much for a real juicy one
Sex is a huge business in Thailand.
Op-ed yes it's great. The more money you have here the better.
I'm now married to a Thai and launder all our crypto gains through Thailand and take it home as legit farming money.
agreed but I'm not a newfag ShareBlue
Brapesitas aren't cheap.
Midgets run a like 50-100 bucks
thai girls get a bad rep because of the sex trade but desu there are a lot of really fucking hot thai girls.
Reported -> FBI
cheese pizza times are over
is going for transsexuals the future? I think I connect with trannies more than cis girls, anyone else feel this way? I wish they could have kids
How can you fuck one of these skanks? Their bodies are OK but they all have monkey faces. I need a pretty face, or at least an above par (in European terms) face
ive been to thailand and i can confirm they are not hot unless ur an autistic basement dweller who cant fuck a skinny white chick
Wait if you drink AIDS blood would that give you AIDS? Wouldn't the acid in your stomach kill it? What if someone with AIDS spits in your drink. Would that give you AIDS?
you are retarded and have obviously never been to these places.
Japan is expensive as fuck and prostitution is not very open or accessible to filthy gaijin. almost no japs know english. Jap women have loose pussies and autistic personalities, I would not exactly call them a dead fish in bed, but more like a dying dolphin. Not sexy at all.
Korea is cheaper than Japan, and the women generally have a better attitude, but you could actually get locked up for fucking a hooker there. also, prostitutes will rarely fuck foreigners and you will most likely be turned away . Expensive as fuck too. Korea is not a 3rd world country.
China... ahahahhahaahaha, don't even think about it there. If you don't speak mandarin, forget about it, if you do speak mandarin, forget about it. Legally you can in very serious trouble. Even if you don't get caught, chinese lie and scam constantly and will find some way to fuck you over. expect a knock on the door from some very scary guys who will take you for everything
If you go to Bangkok's redlight districts, its FULL of japs, koreans and chinese looking to fuck thai girls. That is because the sex industry in those "1st tier" countries is expensive, highly illegal and sucks ass. When you are not native its 100x worse as well, so don't even think about it.
Thailand sex for sale is right out in the open and prices are cheap as fuck. 2000 baht for long time, so $60 USD. You get a reasonably attractive woman for an entire night until the morning. Thai girls are bubbly, out going and actually enjoy sex. No dying dolphin noises, no autism, no chink scams, and no kimchi smell.
not the street girls faget.
you wany a higher class of whore
>almost no japs know english. Jap women have loose pussies
fucking idiot, you've never been to Japan.
>Being this deluded
This guy fucks hookers.
One time I fucked a very hot Korean girl in a fuck spot in LA. She looked like that chick from Gangnam Style and had perfect hairless skin with a beautiful small slit of a pussy.
Shit was amazing. Definitely in my spank bank.
sorry man, jap women are loose as fuck. Jungle goblins like thais, flips and indonesians for some reason are much tighter. Probably has to do with being malnourished.
why would you wanna do this, the chances of getting HIV are just too high
I guess beggars can't be choosers but I'd rather fuck a fleshlight
What's your experiences with Indonesian girls, user? How pretty are they? How do they behave?
Prostitutes don't turn me on as much as normal girls who love having sex. Somehow I don't feel like the only thing I deserve is to be beneath their feet.
yes there are korean whores in the US, but its like $200 - $300 and getting screened is difficult, and partaking is pretty illegal. They are a tier above white whores though.
If you go to korea the scene there is actually worse if you are not korean. can be more expensive. Seoul is not a cheap place.
Is that a new stock?
Chinese here and prostitution in Korea/China is huge. Most places in Korea won't do prostitution if you aren't asian/speak Korean but it's widely accessible if you go to an expat town like Itaewon. Chinese is stupid easy to find a prostitute if you go to a big city like Guangzhou/Hong Kong where theres a huge amount of foreigners that go there for business. Don't be deluded
>2/10 would not bang
Prostitution is the oldest profession in all of human history.
Also I've been to Korea and China if you're asian prostitution is easy, if you're white sex is readily available at any bar/club just because most girls want to experience something new. If you aren't either you're just unlucky
in thailand, a lot of bars and redlight areas actually won't let pajeets, arabs or blacks inside.
That's most asian countries
Where do you go for good Indonesian hookers? Bali?
I remember the story of pajeets would get a thai hooker to his room, have sex with her the invite his friends to have sex with her to try to cheap the system. Paid for 1 session but let everyone get their fill. Also pajeets doesn't tip. So yeah their rep is bad in some area of thailand.
where is this la fuck spot you speak of?
OK. These two sex-workers are $850 dollarydoos per hour (for the pair). Pricey? Yes. But much more preferable compared to some pan faced gook
sounds like paradise. east Asia gets better by the minute.
We all know why you want to go to Thailand you sick bastard. Do the world a favor and throw yourself in a woodchipper.
Dude that super expensive even for Aus
white women are loose and have shitty attitudes.
a gook whore will eat out your asshole, a white woman only does that for tyrone
>actually believing those girls are hot
dude you are gay if you think a Thai minx is less hot than those uggos
Yeah. You can get whores for about 1,000 baht. Which translates to about $33USD. Enjoy.
there's a good discord specifically for Veeky Forums thailand discussion from /trv/
discord. / aJnNxg
they look overweight and overpriced
Pay by the pound
I can't believe I'm the first guy i this thread to mention Germany. FKKs guys...
If you do this take prephylaxis therapy. Essentially it's part of the aids cocktail that will make it impossible for the virus to take root in your system. Also take the right antibiotics going in and get your hepatitis vaccines before going. Then pray you don't get antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. If you get Hep C that can usually be cured.
Almost all Korean
yeah what's up with all the porn on BLACKEDRAW with white girls eating ass
like every video has a part with a white girl eating black ass
every video
>PAYING to fuck women
r u stupid only old hags go there?
It is. I can openly criticize blacks and shitskins and only be met with nods of approval. I have no plans in moving back to burgerland. Schismatic cesspool.
White women don't discriminate on assholes they eat
Yeah I donno where that all came from.
I've been to Thailand. I don't like having sex w children looking for women .... didn't have sex w Thais
>all white women are fat whores
>goes to fuck dirty Thai whores of male persuasion
White women are on average the most obnoxious, entitled cunts I’ve come across during my travels. But I love seeing their reactions when chads are opting out for other women because they can’t stand those loud-mouth whores.
Niggers are the loudest mouth whores
And all women are whores
>pan faced gook
Jesus Christ you guys need to step back from the cuckold porn that was specifically designed to FUD whites by an actual kike
Had stop over in Pattaya when I was in the military, banged a top shelf gook whore, I mean big titted cover model type of girl, for like 2,000 - 3,000 Baht which was like 80 bucks American. She let me spunk down her throat and everything, bought her at this soapy massage parlor called Sobee Dee's or something like that. 10/10, would recommend.
Are there still literally child whores on the streets?
I was once there with my family when i was younger.
It was supposed to be a family friendly place yet the whores were everywhere. Occasionally you could see like 12 year olds literally ight on the side of the street.
Some asian girl i know also told me that theyre still there (as of 2 years ago)
Is it legal there or what the fuck?
Most 18 year old Thais look 13.
Spend 2000 baht gogo girl, spend 1500 bar girl, spend 500-1000 baht street girl, OR FLEX YOUR MUSCLE AND GET A GIRL FOR FREE IN THAILAND!!! FUCKING EAZYYYYY PEEAZYYY
If you lazy just go to any red light district, nana plaza, soi cowboy, or pattaya. If you fail there you suck at life!
>Tfw can only get sex by paying for it
Got to do market research. DYOR and all that.
The absolute state of biz
Desperate bottom feeders.
Virus to society.
the amount of soyboy queers / women here is off the charts
paying dumb sluts for sex = Veeky Forums past time
If you burgers go to live in another country you are immigrants and nothing else. That made up term doesn't change that fact