>hi, I'm here for the job interview
Hi, I'm here for the job interview
wtf is that tie
You know actually there was a mistake.. We no longer are looking for that position. Sorry.
I once saw a woman behind the counter at a coffee shop with self-harm scars all along her thighs. She wore short shorts, not even hiding it.
She managed to get a job and I haven't.
My only motivation for starting my own business is to shit on retards like this. Literally. I'm going to shit on em during the interview.
>tie has skull design on it
>unironically thinks that this somehow makes him look dominant
Sorry, we don't hire edgelords at our company.
She's a woman and would have been able to sue if she claimed that they refused to hire her because of her scars. Especially if she posted about the ordeal on social media.
>I'm here to grovel for the honor of being your wageslave, sir.
>Kira tie
Insta hire. This guy is a jojo coinosseur which self identifies with Kira. His OCD will be of great help for the company
gureato desu yo
Hello everyone! This is running on empty... foOOod review!
It's from an autistic anime.
Have you even attempted to get a job at a shitty coffee shop, user? Be honest.
>hi, I‘m here for the food review
>Tfw my bipolar ass gf has scars on her wrist and has a huge complex about it
At least she understands it's shameful I guess
Neet here, I've got way too many gaps in my resume. Should I just buy some burner sims and set-up fake references. Maybe research some companies that have shutdown and add those to my resume as well?
I applied to that exact one once.
That’s exactly what you should do. Play the game, user.
how does reviewbrah take the heat and humidity in Florida summer in a suit everyday?
For his fans.
That's rough.
My old boss works independently and is willing to cover for my gaps if I ever decide to get another job. I just hope I never have to resort to that.
Not a single one of his suits fits.. he has plenty of air flow. He will defend himself saying "but that's the style of the suit.." in reality, any piece of worthile clothing should be tailored. He buys shit at pawn shops so it doesn't fit. At least he tries..
I agree with you on the tailoring part, but he does kind of nail the look he goes for, I feel like it's only fair to give him that. Also for his build/frame tailoring the suit would make him look even smaller. I personally like his style.The dude has confidence, he doesn't really give a fuck what anyone thinks.
Lmao. No jawline.
Meme-tier service jobs will always hire women because you don't actually need to work you just need someone to smile and talk to people so boomers don't sperg out