I just finished making a non-pajeet Ether game, it's called Bounty Hunter 0x, the rules are:
- 8 bounty hunters to hire - hiring prices double with each purchase - 30% of new hire funds stay in the contract to make up a bounty pool - when you hire a bounty hunter you have a 20% chance of fucking over someone else,removing them from the game and resetting their contract price to .01 eth (starting price), as well as draining the contract bounty pool. - Can't kill your own bounty hunter
There's also an Italian mafia themed one but I forget the URL now
Hudson Bell
If you're the first, I'll be the second. This *unironically* seems less scammy than the jpg collectible bullshit that goes on every day.
Joseph Young
It's not even similar, that shit looks stupid to be honest.
Sorry if you're carrying bags there.
Elijah Watson
What do you mean? It's literally the same thing, a jpg trading bullshit game with a small layer of extra gameplay on top where you "attack" other jpgs. Sorry that the game you're trying to shill still isn't taking off, literally 0 transactions so far on etherscan and you're trying to pity me, kek.
Jason Allen
I'm actually good at programming and wouldn't make such a piece of shit.
Jack Baker
very low effort pajeet ponzi scheme you got here
Chase Reyes
Fuck it im in. Lets play boys
Austin Long
Volume going up,
You guys don't hate money.... do you?
Connor Williams
Pepe got fucked... Sorry pepe
Luis Sullivan
> Volume going up 2 tx
Benjamin Cox
Seems like you got killshotted. Fuck this is actually kind of dope.
Jeremiah Powell
No matter how much you hate, your mouth drops.
Ian Myers
Looks like some easy flips when the volume picks up + the possibility of a pretty nice payout if you win the bounty
Bentley Allen
Look at that sick volume. OK i'm done bumping your pajeet Veeky Forums meme ponzi scheme
Easton Hernandez
Is this the perfect balance between ponzi and eth gambling?
Can someone smarter than me tell me the contract isn't a scam?
Nolan Watson
fuck it, im in
Christian Rogers
nu-Veeky Forums soyboys don’t have the balls to play this game, should have made some stupid “collectible” pictures instead. Sorry OP
Ian Brown
I don't think OP is into the ponzi shit, but who knows. I feel like if this was shilled properly it could do alright.
Christopher Gutierrez
God damn it. Well played, whoever sniped me
Joshua Sanchez
Jaxson Bell
Just made a Medium post, gonna post it on Reddit too but I wanted to give my friends over here a sneak peek ;)
The bounty is more than it costs to buy a hunter by 50%, or am I retarded?
Nathaniel Reed
No that's right. Whoever buys the next ground floor has a 20% chance of making money immediately, then they would 1.7x their purchase when someone buys their contract from them
Evan Brown
$18 bounty now, fuckkk
Elijah Cox
I made a Twitter, if you don't wanna play, at least give me a follow
Unironically bought one and I didn’t get the bounty. Sad.
Daniel Thompson
I'm in lads
Jayden Edwards
wew lad
Samuel Morales
It's okay, you'll still make money since someone else will buy your contract
It's only a (1/5)*(1/7) = 2% chance someone fucks you over
Oliver Bennett
Contract balance is .02 and current floor is .02. Someone may buy a free bag.
David Walker
>20% chance on getting the bounty with each buy
Sounds elusive enough. >Buy 3 peeps and don't get bounty
Fuck. Im going g To get shot next purchase, aren't I?
Carter Wood
Well Veeky Forums?
You got balls?
Jace Hughes
Charles Nelson
no one owns 3 of them though
Blake Jackson
>Nobody is buying my bags in shitty villain game that's oversaturated with too many jpg files, so I'll shit up this thread
Other game has too much to choose from. For a game like this with a "kill" feature you need less choice to make decisions actually have weight.
Lucas Thomas
What happens if the bounty gets to be really high?
Charles Wilson
Hard to shit up a thread when it's just you having a conversation with yourself, 0xc10A6
Alexander Phillips
Stay mad faggot. This game is mayja.
Juan Foster
Get fucked retard, people love my game
Jordan Nelson
I used to own People, Bin Laden, and Wojack. As expected, someone flipped Pepe and killed Bin Laden. Fuck my ass.
New floor is .04 eth now.
Angel Stewart
Bounty is fucking fat right now.
Julian Ward
Congrats to whoever got that fat payout
David Baker
I mean, you made $ off Pepe, right?
Jack Reed
Damn dev, sick $9.51 profit you made. I hope those days making the site and writing up the contract, and hours shilling paid off. You made like $0.08 an hour, grats!
Noah Gomez
Lmao I made it in 2 hours, check the owner address
Post what bags your holding from your favorite ponzi and I will consider buying them
Julian Evans
I don't know what the bottom of the barrel wages are in India but I'm pretty sure he would've been better off in a sweatshop at this point.
Dominic Roberts
You're either hating because you're too retarded to write solidity, or because you're holding bags from another game. Everyone else is having fun except you and your green ID butt buddy (you on your phone).
Ayden Phillips
Looks like he's made $200 since this thread was created, and this is day 1. Idk about India wages, but you're deluded
Samuel Russell
Fuck that guy buy my bags instead.
Nolan Davis
Bounty is now .2 eth, $175. Get in or stay poor
Levi Russell
Dammnnn someone's about to get a stupid payout
Zachary Butler
Fat bounty.
>pic related
Liam Ward
is 20% randomised or is it every fifth flip?
Nicholas Powell
I wish I wasn’t such a pussy, I’d hop in right now
Benjamin Lee
It’s “random” based on block hashes and a little arithmetic
Jack Diaz
Hop in, faggot. 1/5 chance that you immediately profit, and if not, your bags will probably sell because if you don't get the bounty, the floor will move up because the bounty goes higher.
Levi Hughes
Scared money doesn't make money.
Grayson Gomez
The next .16 will determine whether or not this shit moons right now. If someone buys a .16 and doesn't get the bounty, the bounty will be high enough to make the potential reward worth buying in at higher prices. Screencap this.
Brandon Peterson
Putin is one true god emperor.
Camden Martin
>makes a ponzi game >non pajeet
Easton Turner
Someday my picture will be in a book with a caption under it saying "known for making the first non-pajeet ether ponzi on the internet"
Thomas Perry
brainlet detected
Luis Russell
>wojak got JUSTed how fitting lmao
Ian Taylor
kek'd i wonder who got the bounty, that was a fat fuckin payout.
Nathan Nguyen
I should change the picture to a pink wojak
Kevin Turner
someone unironically bought one at .32
Luke Bell
swap it to pink wojak now
Carson Thomas
too bad the smart contract uses a past blockhash for RNG, leaving it open to miner manipulation
I'm aware of the downfalls of using a single blockhash for entropy but if someone wants to manipulate the entire eth network in order to get a slight edge in winning a $100 bounty then they honestly deserve it.
Christian Sanders
you're right. just let me put my complete faith and money into something that was just completed by someone, without any review/audit
good luck
Nolan Clark
>ether game >non pajeet also, fuck off pajeet.
Evan Hall
pep just release AH already you fucking slut
Christian Brooks
that's true. i'm just highly skeptical of stuff pushed on Veeky Forums and reddit all of a sudden. I'll give it a closer look
Ryan Green
stop posting brypto, you craftscammers aren't any better
Brandon Foster
bounty $180 faggots
John Nelson
RIP old man
Adam Ward
>Putin is still alive at 64 rigged
Brandon Cooper
sam hyde just got BTFO. only a matter of time
Gabriel White
Lol Brypto. That dude is everywhere, he is vouched in these ethgames