You have ten seconds to name a better fast food fish sandwich

You have ten seconds to name a better fast food fish sandwich.


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For me it is the McFish, the best fast food sandwich.

Is it really called "Deep Sea Double"?

I bet it's not from the deep sea at all.

You're goddamn right it is.

I love the fish sandwich w/ chicken from Long John Silvers

Never had it but that looks pretty damn good.

Hardees/carls jr is much better but filet o fish price can't be beat.

You, sir, have never had Culver's before. The only fast food worth eating, outside of Five Guys.

I'm 31 years old and despite the countless times I have McDonald's in my life time I've never once had a Filet-O-Fish.

Am I missing out?

If it is hot and fresh it's good, the half a slice of chs sucks and too much tartare can overpower it

mcfish, hands down all around. Get one every friday

I'm always sad there is one five guys within 10 miles of me, and its in a mall food court. I've only been able to get it twice before.

Checkers and Rallys both are fucking disgusting. The amount of salt in EVERYTHING they have is a travesty. I'd literally rather dig a week old Whopper out of the ass of a dead skunk.

what's the best custard flavor of the day, and why is it Twix Mix?

does that checkers sandwich only have half a slice of cheese too?

what's going on with this half-slice meme?

>what's the best custard flavor of the day, and why is it Twix Mix?
I don't know what this means. Please enlighten me.

every day Culver's has a flavor of the day and they sell pints of that flavor
Usually they're just vanilla with some kind of candy, my favorite is Twix Mix because Twix is a god tier candy bar

Cold stone style mix, or just dropped in?

it's mixed in. It's really good, Culver's is probably the best fast food place in the Midwest/Texas.
They also have great sandwiches in addition to the frozen custard

These are burgers, you retards

I don't think fish grinds particularly well...

Found the UK fag. Try harder.

They just came to Florida a year or two ago. My new favorite fast food place.

Checkers/Rallys rules....I would get a large fry, a spicey chicken sandwich, and two chilli cheeseburgers with a strawberry milkshake and just pig out

I refuse to eat fast food fish

I go catch one or go to an actual wharf for freshness

a burger is anything formed into a patty you dingus


Big Buford is better from the same chain.

The Big Buford is quite a fine sandwich and to some I'm sure represents the ideal burger, but I find that I prefer the porcine delights of the Baconator