hey cu/ck/s im not happy with my plating of my dinner special i sold 45 of em but it looks boring to me can anyone give me some alternative ideas for it
>grilled lamb chops
>san Danielle prosciutto wrapped asparagus
>mint pesto
>edible flowers
>butternut squash and hickory smoke puree
>micro chard sprouts
my owner wants it as a menu item but i dont want to send it out like this
Hey cu/ck/s im not happy with my plating of my dinner special i sold 45 of em but it looks boring to me can anyone give...
sprinkle a bit of smegma on top and badaboom you're looking good mate
It looks pretty to any normie so i think its pretty fine
Could use some more angles, it doesn't look too bad. I don't like the flower, but I'm not sure what I'd replace it with. Giving it some thought.
agreed i literally just wanted the sprouts and the flowers were a decoration for the patio i planted my owner used to be an arborist/ gardener and she found out there edible so now i have to put flowers on pretty much everything
Ugh, fuckin monster. I shouldn't have to guess whether or not something is edible on a plate.
I can't find a picture of my lamb chops, but I'll try to describe it. Rectangle plate, almost a herringbone type pattern of alternating chop and broccolini, sitting on top of a roasted kale and beet puree salad.
Honestly not my best, but it seemed to go over well. Maybe instead of dots of the puree, drag a stroke of it around the inner edge of the plate. Give it a bit more color not in the center of the plate.
Looks like fairly standard plating for lamb chops, so kinda boring, you're right. Since you're doing 3 chops you might be able to pull off some asymmetry if you use a non-circular plate. sounds like they're on to something, idk what plates you have access to though.
Shame they're making you throw flowers on there, they don't really make much sense with lamb. I fuckin' love chard though, put more of that shit in.
If I were plating I'd probably do something retarded like a long flat rectangle plate and keep everything ~1cm apart, using contrasting colors and keeping nothing symmetrical. Would look something like a cubism mspaint image, and there would be no flowers. I like to plate things like a shithead on purpose sometimes lol, and it doesn't sound like yer boss would like it much.
as a plebian who just likes to plow food into my face, is there a pattern or reasoning to how 'plating' works? do certain dishes need to appear a certain way, such as the lamb here being "standard"?
like my concern is quantity when I go to eat so I guess a heathen like me really just won't understand.
Rather than a little teepee, what about arranging them the the attached PNG, resting on top of one another?
Nothing needs to appear any way, it just needs to look good. Saying "this is a standard plating for lamb chops" just means that this is how a lot of folks plate lamb chops.
When I plate something, I focus on a few things. Bring focus on the entree, guide the diner to combine the flavors how you want, and balance sauces/garnish and colors to make it looks good.
My honest opinion, I plate food to make it seem worth the money they've paid for it. If I just threw some shit on a plate they've paid 60 bucks for, the response isn't as great as if it looks worth it. Sure, my ingredients are top, and I spent three hours perfecting that sauce, but they don't know that.
That's kind of what I meant with the herringbone, I did this with them standing up, alternating broccolini between them. I wish I took a picture.
Hey here, I didn't mean to make OP's plating sound "standard", just that standing lamb chops like that is a common method of plating, and that's because it looks great to someone who hasn't made 45 of those specials in one night.
Your concern is quantity, so plating obviously doesn't matter at all.
Some people go out to eat for the experience rather than sustenance. They enjoy the quality of food, rather than quantity. They pay $40 for three lamb chops and etcetera because it's prepared skillfully, presented in a unique manner and accompanied by atmosphere and service. They can drink some fancy wine and have a good time while they enjoy bites of unique flavor they wouldn't experience elsewhere. That's what happens when people have a great deal of disposable income, and other clever folks are willing to dispose of it for them.
>san Danielle prosciutto wrapped asparagus
I want lebbit to go and stay go
You are such a faggot
That's annoying - seriously why do people have bad ideas like this? Who the hell is inspired to eat anything when presented with a flower? A fuckin' bee? That being said OP I think the plating is just okay, it's not like I'd comment on it if I ordered it
2 heaping tablespoons of tzatziki intentionally covering most of the lamb meat...
you should cut the meat off of the bone, maybe cut it into bite size pieces and build a tower with it. I don't like to have bones touching my food because they can hurt my teeth and they seem dirty also it looks bad
looks good op just ditch the flowers and replace it with orange peel curls
also more of the squash
Try something like this for a plate and see how it looks.
Swirl the pesto around so you have a bit more of a full plate color-wise.
Leave only one of the flowers and use only some petals if you really feel the need to dump them somewhere. Like 2-3 petals for the color and freshness.
The flowers look good, but I wouldn't want them on my plate.
I wouldn't complain about it ..I would just order something different next time as the dish looks way to decorated and I don't want to eat raw flowers if they don't taste well with the meat. A slice of tomato would have given me a better impression.
Good suggestion OP, try this
Ignore this faggot as he is clearly mentally retarded
this looks like a lamb staring at me desu
If you dont like flowers do some picked radishez and shaved candy cane beets, a folded black radish looks great and tastes good, id use a sweet pickling recipe.
Ditch the mint pesto and change it to romenesco sauce and make a mint thyme pine nut and currant salsa verde, i find mint pesto very cliche
Sharpie in pooper