I shilled you ETH at 10$, OMG at 1$, LINK at 10 cents, REQ at 10 cents, Antshares at 4$, ETP Metaverse at 1$, TRX at 120 sats.
Today, I show you the next moon mission : NCASH.
Why? -very cheap coin (important because normies don't understand MC and love cheap coins) -newly added on binance (binance only add coins that pump nowadays) -Solid team (harvard lads) -Working product -many partnerships already -high volume
You do not have to listen to me. It's gonna pump soon with or without biz, maybe 5% of you will listen and join me on the rocketship.
Proof that no larp : you started calling me pajeet with Metaverse ETP, it felt nice seing it go X5 in 3 days.
Gabriel Walker
Hi biz,
I shilled you ETH at 10$, OMG at 1$, LINK at 10 cents, REQ at 10 cents, Antshares at 4$, ETP Metaverse at 1$, TRX at 120 sats.
Today, I show you the absolute worst shitcoin I've ever encountered : NCASH.
Why? - It's a cheap shitcoin with a high circ. supply as an obvious cashgrab -only on 1 major exchange -team is random guys who claim to be from ivy league universities -Working product -shit "partnerships" -being targeted by P&D groups -slogan is an obvious ripoff of "bank the unbanked"
You do not have to listen to me. It's gonna dump soon with or without biz, maybe 5% of you will listen and join me on the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Jace Taylor
thanks sold 100k
Joshua Rodriguez
lmao, stay poor, can't wait to sell you my bags at 2000 sats.
Levi Scott
>hi Veeky Forums, i shilled you x, and now i'm here to tell you about-
Adam Jenkins
It’s about to moon. 70% increase over the next week, then the FOMO will really get going. x5 by June, 10x by September.
Parker Gutierrez
We’re going to launch hard very soon. I felt the same way about ICX back when it hit Binance. Easiest x6 I ever bought.
Colton Butler
get fucked paid shills
This is the pajeet (literally look at the team) spyware shitcoin that killed ICX at the summit.
IF this shitcoin didn't exist ICX would still be over 8k
Jeremiah Morgan
Cheap as fuck and these idiots still don't accumulate lol.
Michael Miller
Honestly, I listened. Putting a good 100$ on your bet, OP. Did a bit of looking on my own
Benjamin Gray
Look at the chart of this thing....the breakout is gonna be insane.
Jaxson Hill
You're literally retarded if you're buying this coin. Any other coin on Binance is less of a shitcoin
Their tech doesn't exist and no businesses would want it if it did
Kayden Stewart
Xavier Howard
>Honestly, I listened. Putting a good 100$ on your bet, OP. Did a bit of looking on my own you're gonna make it
Xavier Johnson
started with 500$ and now I have 250k, I'm 19, you're probably like 27 calling people pajeets on the internet, suck my dick
Robert Roberts
Adam Kelly
the absolute state
Nicholas Martinez
Then don't fucking buy it??? Looking at a modest 2x in price...this has a greater likelihood as opposed to something like ethererum, which is great in it's own respects. And saying the tech isn't there and no one would want it anyway??
Yea I'm sure the same was said about an MP3 phone that could browse the internet back in 01 as well.
Jonathan Scott
this tech isn't dependent on lots of hardware sensors n shit. it's purely software based except for maybe the IOT smart phone store entry wifi. look at things like MAN and VEN that are completely dependent on undeveloped sensor tech
Gabriel Johnson
I only own about 3000 NCASH - only did it because it just popped onto binance and coins normally increase at least 30% their first week on binance.
I’ll buy more if you sell me on Why it’s going to be valuable in 1-3 years. Furthermore, why does it need blockchain to do what it claims to accomplish? It’s already possible to do something similar without blockchain
Adam Clark
hurr durrr I brought you errrr antshares and eth and omg and every other cheap coin that x100’d and herrrr no I tell you about the next one durrrr it’s durrr ncash
Wyatt Martinez
image name
Carson Kelly
the absolute state
you're right you are an idiot lmao
Caleb Rivera
> mfw the easiest 10x atm is NintendoCoin on Etherdelta.