share your best financial advice
Financal Advice
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Don't buy shit you don't need with money you don't have.
Buy EOS before launch
Buy when the stalks are green. Green = good
finances are pretty situational
there aren't many useful rules of thumb
then again, I thought that it was obvious that putting your life savings into crypto is a bad idea
This. Congratulations, you're now smarter than more than 50% of the world's population.
dont be poor
The only way to accurately measure the value of something over time is with gold
This. Congratulations, you're now smarter than more than 79% of the world's population.
>yfw you realize she's not at an order booth and is talking to a trash can
Stop trying to time the market/prospect and dump into ETFs and hold. SPY and UPRO outperform the best day traders over a 10 year period. The .1% of daytraders and brokers that go against this rule are insider trading. If you know anyone that works on wall street in finance ask them about it and they will tell you the same thing.
Buy BNB, it's about to explode
Aim to push up your net worth through unrealized gain
Hodl ETH
The are only 5 cryptos you should ever invest in for the long term (you already know your niche alt isn't going to last forever) The rest aren't going to make it.
1) BTC
2) ETH
3) XMR
4) ADA
>Unironically buy some NintendoCoin on Etherdelta and enjoy dumping it on normies.
1. Don't finance a vehicle
2. Don't buy stupid trendy gadgets (smartwatches, dre beats, etc...)
Live below your means, invest the difference.
Don't buy all of one kind of stock or investment.
Avoid addictions of all kinds.
Choose a GF/BF who is also good with money.
Don't act like a charity with friends/senpai.
Read Rich Dad Poor Dad.
Don't time the market, buy for cashflow.
Go where your career is.
Do what you love and are good at.
I'm in NYC.
The "lemme getta" request cuts me deep.
Is "I will have" or "may I have" the way most of you order things or am I just being a fag?
If you start a business apply pic related
I'd recommend the richest man in Babylon
It's a light read with some good principles that could help anyone struggling with finance
What about buying a nut in her butt
Lmao it really is this simple
Also just think about the shit you buy. You don't need to buy lunch and dinner at the shop. Spend an hour or two on Sunday afternoon and make lunches for the week. With a lot of consummable shit lile fast food, booze, cigs, drugs, it's a short burst of satisfaction and then your money is gone. If you build up discipline it's actually more satisfying to save the dollars and put it toward a brighter future.
Annualise the shit you waste cash on. Lunch from a fast food joint is around 10 AUD. 5 takeaway lunches a week is 50, x 48 working weeks in a year is 2400. Apply this to luxury coffee, cigs, booze, dumb memberships and subscriptions, you quickly realize how much your financial laziness is costing you.
Try to make friends with non-normies. Normies are awful with money because they need to blow cash on trends in order to sustain their identity. They will drag you down with their identity.
Don't fomo.
There are still plenty of opportunities in crypto. Dont buy a shitcoin that's already mooned.
Drag you down with recklessness*
Sorry for retarded phoneposting lmao
good post thanks m8