Diversifying my portfolio (worth 6 figures). Got $40k I want to invest into 3-5 coins. Shill me what coins will profit the most this year. EOY I will give $1k or more to whoever I picked on here and depending on my profits. I'm being completely serious. You can leave your btc address or email so I can contact you and we'll see at the end of the year.
Giving away $1k or more
Other urls found in this thread:
Just all in on GVT and HODL. It really is that simple.
This coin will easily be worth over $1,000 EOY
Engima & GYT, I don't know what else honestly.
JNT and NPX.
Dont need hand outs bro xxx
Meant GVT
BTC, you're welcome
Link and enigma
Trx thx me later
Bitcoin will moon first, Ethereum will follow and then Ripple. After or during that time, alt coins with good news or sudden announcements will moon hard. Personally, I have high hopes for ICX because of the token swap really soon and listing in Korea.
>12 btc is worth 6 figures
still blows my mind
I'll keep my word on this giveaway. I've been posting the past week and received no replies or people not taking me seriously. I appreciate all the replies I'm getting. Keep them coming
Credits (CS)
Experty (exy)
Ambrosus (amb)
It’s free for you poorfag
op never delievers
Blz mate
Can I give you my ETH address? I don't have one for bitcoin.
AMB as its the NA supply chain coin. Masternodes reduce supply, stacked team, etc
MOD as its actually getting used widely as soon as production finishes. Plus divies!
Bonus: Ripple... if you sell at the right time. It will probably pump again astronomically if BTC hits new highs/ we bubble again
eth address
That is fine. I'll be saving everyone's address/picks later tonight. And I'll be making my decision later this week.
I mean you can go for GVT REQ and NANO. Made a rookie mistake for investing LTC and XRP in December
NEX ico
Delete this thread
ONTOLOGY. EOY atleast $1. 1 bil marketcap so simple. That's a guaranteed 5x IF they list at 20 cents per. Not including the ONG you will make. It's not a x1000 coin but 5x is huge.
Thanks, good luck with your choices, I've only got like 5k in crypto right now because of bills so an extra 1k would be huge, hope your investments work out.
Eth address. Invest in JNT if you have any questions look at the medium pages and join our telegram, Talal will personally answer anything you might want to know. Also Don Tapscott is a financial advisor for it.
Sadly I live in the US, so most ICO's are banned here. I'll still look into it when NEX hits exchanges. And I started with $4300 last year. Hope you make good profits too this year.
Also pls hurry with decision I want to put it all in JNT while the price is low. This is a top 20 coin.
>Sadly I live in the US, so most ICO's are banned here.
I know that feel user, fuck the sec. And thanks, that's actually a good vote of confidence, If I can even hit 25k I'd be ecstatic.
Investing only no day trading
0x0358871e668B2f2E042dE5A1FC01f264E88c8f69 if real
DYOR on data manipulation
Sure thing: OMG
OMG is the gatekeeper for ETH's upcoming Plasma network. OMG will enable totally fungible assets to be transferred at 1,000,000 tps, and OMG holders can stake their coins as validators for the network. Stakers receive a percentage of the transaction fees so AND THIS IS THE BIG PART -- as the the Plasma network is adopted, the staking rewards go up, and the value of an OMG token will increase dramatically once they're locked away for staking starting Q3. Basically, this is a guaranteed 10x project, MINIMUM.
Moon Shot ICO: CryptoHunt
Happening right now, this is an augmented reality ETH game with its own token (CH coin, I believe) that aims to be the Pokemon GO of crypto. You can walk around your city and, based on clues, find treasure chests full of CH coin which will eventually be redeemable on a VISA/Cryptohunt debit card. You earn more CH by being in the ICO and playing the demo. Exchanges Q2.
Burger here too. Afaik this is legal for us to participate in. Could be misinformed.
I think you misread the post haha. Sorry but not till EOY. I'll keep my word though. So any coin posted on here I will look into and you could end up with an extra $1k or more in your pocket.
to clarify, OMG aims to be the invisible payment layer between ANY ASSET WITH TRANSFERABLE VALUE. that means literally anything can plug into the OMG network (banks, Starbucks, airline miles, WoW gold). there's a DEX to be released that will enable exchange off all these assets. and the beauty of OMG is that it's unnecessary for consumers to understand crypto to be using crypto -- it removes all the autistic jargon from the equation. and there's practically zero adjustments or overhead required for it to be implemented.
and the CryptoHunt ICO is currently happening over at cryptohuntgame.com
You're going die poor if you only have 6 figures and are giving away 1k prizes to dumbfucks on this site.
Zilliqa. This coin is a sleeping giant no one seems to mention. I would really look into it and throw some cash toward it.
BTC Adress:
ETH Adress:
Unironically trtl
It has the community to get listed on large exchanges and a very active group of developers
ICX gets shilled really hard, but I'm coming at you with it.
That's a good read for info on it. Have you been to Korea? I have had a friend who grew up there explain the nuances of Korean society to me.
Koreans believe everything must have a canon to it. If you're an accomplished national wrestler from another country and you show up at a wrestling gym in Korea, they'll make you take the intro class, the beginner class, all the way up before letting you do anything for real.
Ever notice how all the k-pop stars look alike? How there's one way all the girls do their make up and dress?
They have a single notion of perfection, coming from this canon that they need. Everything must be just so and if something new makes it in the world, like a new tech, or a new company, they become THE IT company and this is why they have huge powerful conglomerates, and why they adopt tech so fast.
Couple this with their Korean exceptionalism, and national pride, and you have a recipe for ADOPTION on a huge scale. I don't know what that does to the price. It'll go up, I don't know that it'll be the best gainer. It'll be great though.
Now throw in AION as well, working with military contractors in Canada, started the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, is a scaling solution for the Ethereum network, is entirely devoted to interoperability, has a trio alliance with ICX and WAN.
Things are going to be real.
Here's an ETH address you can get at me through if you feel like I gave you useful insight.
this is the stupidest scam ever lmao
you aren't getting any free investment advice from me buddy, sorry.
Care to explain?
Do it
LBC and STRAT x2 in the next to months. Don't hold them after that.
Top kek at that pic
BBN (Bibox - not on coinmarketcap yet but trust me)
HPB (Bibox)
AMB (Binance)
OMG (Binance)
If you chose this line up you will win. DYOR and good luck user.
You want me to explain about VEN when I'm talking about ICX AION and WAN?
Buy LINK and put that 1k you would have given me into more LINK.
Nexus OP. If you want to know more info feel free to ask or dyor. They are launching into space THIS YEAR. ath was 15, sitting around 3 at the moment.
I actually own 3000 strat haha
There's always that one guy lol. I don't really care if you believe me or not. By no means is this a "scam". I'm not taking anyone's money. I simply want to make a list of coins that I'll be looking into this week. And at the EOY I will send btc or whatever to whoever I pick
1k out of 40 should go to LINK due to its potential. You know its a serious project, with a good team, focusing on something that has big potential. Don't put much in it, but it has high potential for big returns if it takes off as much as this board expects it to.
Appreciate all the input. I will be saving this thread and everyone that provided their addresses. Not sure how I'm gonna do it if I pick a coin that 2 or more people mentioned. I'll make this as fair as I can don't worry. I got a good list going. Thanks again and good luck to you all this year.
go all in VEN user, and if you can please send a little help over here, i barely have anything to eat :(
>eating crypto currency
Haha, post your address for STRAT and I'll send some over.
SONM and OST. Dyor if interested.
ETH address if you take my advice: 0xf60ef231b483678f10be12a6a906af35dad63d39
ST7vkM3VKfXVixjjE24BMNimd3wRAPdsJa Thank you so much anón for real :_;
Credits is tradable on idex
Experty on kucoin
Link binance
Amb binance
No ico
NEO, ($NEO) Please user, whether you choose me or not, hold some NEO.
QLINK, ($QLC) NEP-5 coin based on decentralized mobile network offering unused data to be sold back. Based on NEO, and NEO backed.
1k will be a drop in the ocean for us user. China does not fuck around.
JNT, by far the biggest moon mission of the year. They are just out of ICO and already backed by royalty. Once you understand what it'll do it's a no-brainer.
Eth address: 0xE0972Cf422BD49eA16FC2bD453F685f893ee6A0a
XLM (10x easily till EOY)
[email protected]
DNA on kucoin, trying to get dna on the blockchain
carVertical, 0.5 BTC hold until 10x (probably gonna reach that in April - August). Buy more if you feel like it.
PPT, 1 BTC, sell in 2 weeks - 1 month.
AMB, 1 BTC, same as above.
Rest into XMR and OMG for holding. Reallocate PPT and AMB once you've made 2x into something more stable. XML might be a good buy by then.
Iolite and Urbit
Bitcoin level innovations here
Turtle Wallet:
Eth Wallet:
ETH: 0xFcf523585b5675D8614Cb7B0c5A5e3d50d48081A
Horizon State