I never thought about it like that. Selling all my bitcoin.
I never thought about it like that. Selling all my bitcoin
When are those damn white people going to stop doing whats best for themselves?
Stupid nigger was too busy raping and living off food stamps to invest in the technology but let’s blame the whites. If it wasn’t for whites and his nigger tribe leaders he’d still be in africa running from lions making noises with his tongue to communicate.
da white man at it again!
>muh digital colonization
Bitcoin was created by an asian
please stop my sides
they pain
>ayoo airdrops me dat
>digital colonisers
talk about holding a grudge
LOL. When's the last time you saw a nigger give ANYTHING away?
Go away XLM devs
do AIDS and samples of crack count
Lol niggers just mad they don’t get the tech. Fucking niggers.
i just spent 3 or 4 minutes writing a rebuttal then realised its never worth it when your dealing with niggers, so i'll just call him a nigger instead
Niggers gonna nig.
>genius pattern matchers
kek, Veeky Forums lurker confirmed, eternally triggered and cannot make sense of reality unless its through a frame of victim status
maybe instead of buying games, weed, booze, or generally braindead distractions and entertainment, he should have invested
but thats racist, isnt it?
what a joke
Satoshi is white.
blacks have objectively lower iqs than whites and asians, its not racist its just a fact. Its not that they are too focused on other less important things, they just simply cant comprehend it, its like explaining physics to a monkey
As opposed to 15th century digital colonizers? Kek, negros and their use of big words to sound intelligent.
>i can't do it so it's bad
Guarantee he browses /r/buttcoin
Why do niggers always play the victim card?
Chinks were enslaved and treated like shit too. And even Chinks managed to rise up. Niggers just keep complaining that they don't get more free money.
>making noises with his tongue to communicate.
i've got bad news for you user
Just think about all the cumulative time loss on nigger and commie posts. Everyday you're being baited into reading text-vomit by subhumans and mentally ill people, life's too short for this trash.
Sage and move on.
hell, jews have been slaves. the thing is, only blacks have been shipped by the boatload.
>he doesnt use a subcranial radio implant to communicate with other transhumanists
Not going to make it
Has a nigger ever taken any initiative outside of taking it upon himself to lie, shoot, steal, kill, bounce or throw a ball, blame someone else for his problems, or start randomly shucking and jiving in public?
Do niggers have personalities? Or hobbies? Or interests? Or passions? I’ve never seen a nigger do anything that wasn’t mentioned above. Niggers love to go on and on about creative and awesome they are when they’re not oppressed, but have niggers ever stop to question why ever single other race across every time period and every culture has had the exact same stereotypes for them: lazy, violent, dumb, and criminal? When do they realize that they might have to look inward for once?
>technological advancement is oppression
kek, i fucking hate niggers so much. They get more special treatment and free shit than any other race, yet they complain the most and produce the least.
fun fact, a full 50% of nigger women have herpes.