LINK isn't going to moon
REQ isn't going to moon
give it up marines
LINK isn't going to moon
why do people care so much that people hold LINK and REQ?
Because it gets shilled every fucking day
Never used to be shilled everyday, it's going to be huge soon, something tells me
It gets shilled everyday because it's not a pnd, and they're both solid coins with long term potential.
They're both going to moon.
So is AMB, iExec, Hubii, Dovu
All underhyped and best in category with the most promising official partnerships and several more partnerships under NDA.
If people weren't so ignorant and prone to hypewaves, they wouldn't buy stuff like VEN.
no moons here m8
Marianas trench looking more likely
I'm not taking the "educate me" bait.
It's very easy to find the necessary information. I'm not done accumulating so the only co-accumulators I care to share accumulation with are the worthy ones anyway. The less lazy brainlets that get turborich, the better.
Enjoy buying 1bn+ marketcap tokens for objectively inferior products after the first waves of fomo while you hope for another wave as it slowly bleeds out.
I just hope the moon mission is delayed a bit longer. I've only got a measly 10k. Am trying to wagecuck a bit of OT to acquire around 1,000 REQ per month. I think I'll be comfy and ready for lift-off once I've got around 15,000
I hope everyone listens to OP. I want to accumulate as much as I can before the conference starts. Lookiing to get 10k link total.
today we witnessed LINK decoupling from REQ in price movement. This indicates an opportunity to make some serious cash by moving your trading stack into each one back and forth.
I just noticed this, and moved my Req over to link 15 minutes ago. Might move it back for the reversal if the pattern holds, might just stay all in Link. These are the only two projects I care about right now though.
Cant wait to break even with this piece of shit and quitting crypto forever.
I wish I had the heart for trading back and forth. I'm like a retarded child, and cannot handle the pressure of trading. so I HODL.
god speed anons
Same here. I've tried shorting. The first time I tried shorting was with my 150 stack of KCS. I successfully shorted my way from 150 to 160. A few hours later I tried it again and sold at what I thought was the top. Nope. Shit just kept on going up and up. I eventually FOMO'd back in and ended up losing 48 KCS. I tried again a few days later and THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENED. Couple weeks later... SAME FUCKING THING. I give up. I just hold now
Heh, didn't mean to post THAT webm
This happens a lot to me too, so I usually won't do anything unless it is really obvious a reversal is happening. Still pretty nerve wracking though!
Yeah, I can't stand that nervousness. I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. And I'm only playing with small amounts of money when I tried it. I can't imagine how nerve wracking it would be with like, a couple hundred thousand $$$. Fuck that, I'm not that lucky and/or skilled at this game. I'll just hold. Best of luck to you bro!!
haha we're all pussies. why can't I stop checking binance?
user.. have you need the req chart. I'm sorry to tell you.. have a sit
>why can't I stop checking binance?
I forced myself to get back into neglected hobbies to avoid doing this. I've started practicing my guitar more and started building custom vivariums for reptiles again. It works like a charm
Extreme parkour, mang
custom vivariums, eh? I'm intrigued
me an the missus are in the market for a lizard friend. not really sure what to get. have two cats and a dog .. do lizards have the ability to recognize you, or are they just little bio machines?
That feeling, over years and years, is at least partially responsible for making George Soros into the thing he is today. I just want to make $5M and I'm out for good. Only have $4,995,000 to go!
do the needful, sir
>Link will moon, REQ will moon, Veeky Forums will make it
>Link will moon, REQ will moon, Veeky Forums will make it
>Link will moon, REQ will moon, Veeky Forums will make it
Not sure about lizards really but my girlfriends sister gave us her ball python because she could not take care of it. Our python really SEEMS to recognize us and is very shy and docile. Not at all the evil killing machine everything thinks snakes are. Once he started getting too big for his little habitat, I started looking into buying him a new home. Upon discovering how expensive they are, I decided to build my own. Upon doing so, I discovered that I really enjoyed it and am actually really good at it. I learned how to make evrtyhing, even his little hide (cave). I don't have any pictures of my work with me but this is VERY close to what I made for him. Since making the first one for him, I've made 3 others, each more impressive than the last. I've managed to sell the others on craigslist for a nice profit, thus making mine a profitable hobby. Give it a shot! Maybe you'll find you're good at it, too
Wow, that's damn near exactly where I'm at and my goal too
27k REQ
11k LINK
Not selling till 2020, see you on Mars
We are going to make it. Good luck, brother!
oh cool. love the side hustle bro. nice to find a hobby you enjoy and can make a few extra bucks.
I bartend one night a week for a side gig and invest that money into crypto
I'll give you a hint. OP holds both of them, he is a bit worried, and hoping for someone to tell him that everything will be alright. This is the same thread as "Shill me on Req and Link"
Right on, bro. We are definitely going to make it
Cool. I bet that's fun. I've thought about trying that but I get all autistic in big crowds haha. I hear the tips are pretty damn good with bartending though. Best of luck to you and the missus!
Learn to use a filter then you inept bich basterd
thanks man. good luck out there.
I only hold Bean Cash
>no Kringle
You're not gonna make it.
This shit is dumb
Not even mildy aroused