$1000 LINK price meme

how did it come about? is it just a meme or did some intelligent anons actually do some math to back it up?

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meme idiots creating fomo


Kek wills it.

i cannot actually believe people on here bought this pajeet tier coin.

if you actually can look past the memes and will your ADHD /pol/tard brain into reading the whitepaper, you will realize it's one of the most legitimate projects in crypto right now.

35%- held by node operators
35%- locked in staking
15%-held by whales
15%-out on exchanges
150B true marketcap seems reasonable for the ultimate Global escrow

LINK rhymes with STINK what else do you need to hear to realize that this project is garbage. Don't waste your money


2 + 2 = EOY$LINK(0.004)

thanks for the contribution to what was intended to be an intelligent discussion.

np desu

SXSW right around the corner with DocuSign. the writing is on the wall. touldn't be comfier right now famalam.

biggest questions for me - do I sell the news?

I don't expect a partnership to be announced, but it's still a great sign of things to come. Sergey being active with big league players.

its a meme

>2/3rds of supply held by team
>registered in cayman islands
I dont care what the white paper says, this is nothing but a red flag.

Seriously... why could this coin NOT reach $1000?

I mean, look at ETH, NEO etc.
Sure they're built on creating ICO's, but LINK is built on Oracles. Oracles are rewarded with LINK. In 5 years time, when airports are using Oracles for weather data, when insurance companies are using Oracles for speed readings, when police are using Oracles for forensic application, when cyber security applications are using Oracles for public key encryption, when applications are using Oracles for authentication, when cloud hosting providers are using Oracles for traffic analysis, when retail firms are using Oracles for validating their till balances, when audit firms are using Oracles for invoice validation, when manufacturing firms are using Oracles for product quality control, when freight companies are using Oracles for logistics handling, when GPS providers / Google Earth are using Oracles for positioning data, when global advertising conglomerates are using Oracles for audience demographics, when companies are using Oracles for directorship votes, when banking conglomerates are using Oracles for transaction assurance, when oil titans are using Oracles for contract assurance, when nation states are using Oracles for census data, when governments are using Oracles for voting polls, when armies are using Oracles for command and control verification, when the UN is using Oracles for voting for permanent 5 members, and when Oracles are using Oracles for veracity; does LINK at $1000 sound reasonable? If not, does it sound more reasonable than LINK at $2?

What are your thoughts.

Too bad that you cant stake link

>cayman islands

it's your life fammer bammer. i'm not.

Oracle isnt a noun

actually, you have to stake link in order to get priority as a node.

anyone feel like defining what it means to stake something

fuck you I'm drunk

Total supply of 1billion is the reason why it will never reach 1000$ price per coin.

Multiply outstanding link coins by $1000 and tell me if that number makes any fucking sense whatsoever. If it makes sense to you, please do us all a favor and kys.

Link may be worth something. $1000 is out of the picture. Same meme as ripple to $100. Not even remotely possibly. Get it together, tired of seeing my bizbros getting butt fucked

>m-muh marketcap

Refer to my post above,

How will you end it, user?

I just read the whitepaper. You brainlets getting fudded out of this are going to get JUSTed.

You wanna explain why?

Literally making fun of yourself

The absolute state of /biz

No it's not, only a certain supply is in the market


accumulate while you can. it's not gonna hit $1000, but if it hits $250 I'm a millionaire... accumulate, because it is going to grow.

>still using marketcap as a predictor of anything

The absolute state of this heathen board

>not understanding what the marketcap meme is
>posts "Multiply outstanding link coins by $1000"



Do brainlets really not get why market cap is important?

1000 eoy is obviously bs. But I can not fathom how this coin will be less than 15 EOY of 2019. 25x is still super awesome gains

have you not read it? all the fud i read here is addressed; token usage, necessity of a decentralized oracle, etc.

they really don't. which is ironically why it's not that important in some cases, like retards fomoing into "cheap coins" on coinbase like they're all going to reach 10k as easily as bitcoin even though the supply is infinity and beyond.

>25x is still super awesome gains
Not in crypto. In crypto, that's medium tier gains.

marketcap is a meme is a meme.. idiots.

brown person detected :)

>it can reach 250 because then ill be a millionaire

Classic/biz/ logic

25x is god tier gains in crypto. so many ass hats laugh at the prospect of anything under 10x like its a joke. who has successfully pulled off constant 100x's? if crypto was as easy as you idiots think then jeff bezos would be in the bottom 1000 of the richest men in the world

I caught oyster pearl around 2 cents. nearly did 200x

Once you've see in happen, 20x seems like a cakewalk for a decent project.

its shilled by poorfucks who own less than 10k link

I'm just saying to lower your 'made it' threshold by accumulating while it's under a buck. cuz it is going up.

basically this


I just sold my 100k LINK bc of the utter stupidity of this laughable excuse of a post. Congrats on this srs

you keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.