Face it, you're never getting your money back
Face it, you're never getting your money back
The house always wins...
what's a realistic price by August? $1? $1.5?
the I bought in at 3 cents
How's news on this one? I bought in at 0.11
Was this a scam all along?
>FUDers trying to accumulate
>just wait until casinos use this shitty tech they don’t need!
>tfw 500k FUN, tfw comfy
I hope all of your parents ground you. Absolute state of this fucking board.
I bought in at .11 as well user it’s not looking good
People don’t want to hear that because they ar impatient lambo chasers.
It can be 1.00 by EOY with a very lucky streak if adoptions and volume.
Relax. Accumulate if you can, and let’s get rich.
I’m having a fucking blast actually. I’ll keep buying any price under .07
If you look closely in FUN source code, it is set to $1 in exactly one month from now!
Just kidding, we are all doomed.
This coin is a proven scam, there's no way gambling and blockchain will work.
Ok prove it then faggot. Let’s see some evidence.
Why would casinos make games fair when they've been making a killing ripping people off?
God you're poor, you don't even have 1BTC. keep throwing money into that FUN shredder.
always think before putting your money in these scams
why would a casino use these memecoins instead of their own?
Because they can make more money by the games still being fair and having winning odds on every game, which means there's always profit. More people, more money. Keep in mind these are global casinos, so to speak.
everyone who fell for the meme deserves to be poor. obv scam
because customers worry about honesty of online casinos. blockchain forces honesty. but i wouldnt expect a blockchain brainlet to understand that
Ok, let's ignore the fact that Jez has been approached by many operators already...
Because it's a new technology. They developed a working platform that is already connected to the ETH blockchain and are going to launch it in 2-3 months, it's just a matter of picking the casino who they'll be working with. They also have fate channel technology which is a thing no other gambling coin/platform has, it reduces transaction fees so that the money you put in and the money you withdraw will always be as close to the real thing as possible. That's why.
But Jez already has willing partners. So now it's just a matter of if they get any competition. I doubt it though, since FUN is light-years ahead. Everyone else is still writing whitepapers.
No they dont, do you know how much money online casinos make?
Honestly wish FUN and ADA would stop getting memeshilled with the likes of TRX and whatever. They don't need to be shilled. These aren't 100x anyways.
i sold after i went on their site and their games were worse than 2002 albinoblacksheep flash games. the funnier thing is that i bought before i bothered to try them. still made some small profit but i got out before the huge crash so i'm lucky
Yeah, a lot. And they're still missing out on my money and the money of a bunch of other people who don't think online casinos are fair.
How deluded can you guys be? You have this illusion people don't gamble because they think its rigged and will suddenly start because some shitcoin will make it " fair". Protip: gambling is mostly an addiction, those who do it know it's rigged and don't care, Casinos know it and take advantage of that, common people are turned off by it because they think it's degenerate, throwing crypto into it (something they're already suspicious of too) won't help, sorry.
>didnt sell at 15+ cents
>You have this illusion people don't gamble because they think its rigged and will suddenly start because some shitcoin will make it " fair".
It's not an illusion. I myself would throw a few bucks into a casino where I know I have a guaranteed 47.4% chance to win at roulette. In fact, I'm planning on using some of my money when the platform is released. A casino can tell you you have 47.4% odds on roulette, but do you really? Probably not.
I want straight odds. Everybody gambles, but people like to take gambles everybody else takes because they think those are safe. See you end of Q2 Kemosabe.
>FUN cunts actually believe casinos are laying in wait to go onto Coinbase, buy ETH, put it all onto a backwater exchange, buy FUN, then transfer those FUN to their own wallet to use for gambling
LMFAO you utter utter utter dumb sacks of shit
Literally TRX is a better buy than this turd coin
TRX barely has any code. The internet is never going to be hosted on your computer. Retards.
0.03 USD.
Might be as high as 0.25 though if another bullrun happens during August.
Only gamblers like this coin.
Prove me wrong.
>Gamblers almost always lose money
funfair is just going to be the underlying engine on websites that otherwise look like completely normal gambling websites. customers wont need to know a single thing about crypto or tokens