These were the fucking days

These were the fucking days

why the fuck didnt i just sell and quit my job

>tfw sold my free 500 trx at ath

Heh nothing personal for crashing the market


listened to your dick instead of gut

>Didn't exit all markets in December
How does it feel to be a brainlet

fucking meant for

Back in the days when the world’s shittiest coins made the world’s shittiest people ultra wealthy.

Put your money in something worthwhile that will also Moon when the time comes. None of this Tron or Funfair bullshit

Oh hell no motherfucker fyte me

TRX and XVG literally x30 or more while only being pure marketing and having a strong mob mentality produced by McCafe himself.

The whales behind these are the true winners.

We'll never see anything like that again anons, unless...

Please happen again PLEASE!!!

unironically this

>he actually has hope
Why would it ever happen again, user? WHy?
Unless what? Give me one good reason why crypto isn't over and on its death bed.

April will be this, get ready for it boys. Then after about 3 months, what we are experiencing now. Don't be greedy, take profits.

Just find some lowcap tokens full of hype that might get listed on Binance.

to think I reached my ath with 100%portfolio in funfair

January 7th I believe? Right before the Korea FUD really kicked our shit in.

you cleary missed early 2017 you newfag

>why would it ever happen again
Because of utility.
Round 1 was the realization that blockchain may be a viable currency

Round 2 will be the realization that blockchain tech may be a viable utility.

You'd be surprised how many people still cannot comprehend that.

i still hate that fucking indian periodist

I remember some dude posting daily around late Dec/early Jan who had 1mm DBC and 1mm TRX. This guy was a real fucking asshole. Egotistical, mean-spirited, and just generally unpleasant. His portfolio was almost at or just over $1mil at one point back then, I forget. I wonder what happened to that guy? hahahahahaha

> TRX $0.21
HAHAHAHA, man these were the days
You know you're in a bubble when you see shit like that