Nightly affirmations thread, get in boys

We post our affirmations before bed time, we’ve got a big, long day tomorrow, right bros?

>I will make money this year trading crypto currencies
>I will become handsome this year
>I will finally have sex
>I will stop being a depressed, ugly, disgusting loser failure

>I will make money this year trading crypto currencies
>I will become handsome this year
>I will finally have sex
>I will stop being a depressed, ugly, disgusting loser failure

Other urls found in this thread:

>I will become handsome this year

>i will become handsome
should we tell him?

Looksmaxxing. In my opinion everyone can be decently good looking if they’re young and make a concerted effort, not everyone can be a model but you can look physically attractive, assuming you don’t have any craniofacial disorders.

if youre overweight you can become literally 100x better looking facially by losing weight, you can take care of your skin if you have bad skin, choose better haircuts. Its possible to become more handsome, you might still not be brad pit but most people can go from a 3 to a 7 with some work and money

>I will stop being...
remove this part. it's not an affirmation and directs your focus towards what you do not want and away from what you do

Thanks for the advice brother. I think you’re right.

Doesn’t anyone else have any affirmations?

>I will make money this year trading crypto currencies
>tomorrow i will be super productive
>i will soon be rich enough to quit job and become neet.
>bch will flip, satoshis vision
>i can do this, ugh

you're welcome. been doing this for over a decade. it does work. a pro tip is to really feel good when you're saying them. imagine how you would feel if they were true right now. do that and the affirmations will be much more effective.

> I will make money this year trading crypto
> i will stop spending money on cocaine and get my laptop fixed
> I will actually manage my time correctly and study

are u me?

study health increase your lifeforce

Thank you bro, I’ll try it out.

Positive affirmations within the business world goes way back.

uh-huh : )

I'll date you, just buy me muffins.

>I won't hate myself tomorrow
>I'll be productive at work tomorrow
>I won't get upset that I'm a fucking idiot that'll never make it
>I'll do my best to give a shit tomorrow

I dunno guys, not sure I'm feeling it

>I dunno guys, not sure I'm feeling it

Your digits tell another story

read this

Good night bros. We will have a good day tomorrow. We will have a good day tomorrow.

>i will pay my taxes

I will stop lying for gain, deceit and enjoyment.

I will not consume alcahol in 2018

I will eat high quality food and consume vitamins regularly.

I will improve my life financially and spiritually so I can help my family improve their life.

I will practice and defend my faith
I will practice and defend my constitution.

I'm on board with this, the last one isn't really all that important to me though

Thank god you can still consume alcohol

Guess you live in a shit hole and don't own guns then? It's cool, being a beta without a means to defend your family is ok too.

Lol. Right!!

more like a 3 to a 5, still a world of difference in how people treat you
someone who can be a 7 is always going to be somewhat attractive even if they're fat and unfashionable

>most people can go from a 3 to a 7 with some work and money
I doubt it pal

The fuck? Today I learned I'm a 7, time to up my game.


How is the dude with the hat a 9?
He's a 5.

it's a meme pal

Behead those that insult Scooby

NATTY KING is objectively at least a 9