RED 100k+ portfolio
Solid folio
Do people genuinely hold this many shitcoin? Jesus op, kill yourself
Your top 2 coins are good, your next three are memes, and I didn't look past there because holding more than 5 coins with a stack your size is fucking retarded.
Literally half is ETH.
>almost no bitcoin
Checks out
Yeah that makes it worse. You can have, maybe, 10% of your stack in one moonshot you have researched the fuck out of. Owning 30 coins just means you buy shit without researching it, because if you'd researched that many coins you would have found a handful that were significantly better than the others.
jesus christ
ICX is a meme? Ok, stay poor.
Stil retiring this month :)
For some reason I'm happy that I came to crypto in late November. Had 10k to add up and buy a better home, and did, but closer to December thought like "urrghh man you could put this in crypto and make x666 more". Can't imagine what I would feel during this correction if I saw my folio bleeding like half a million. I already was freaking up like crazy when it went from 2000$ to 340$. But at least I was freaking in my new living place which was worth buying.
No idea what you expect holding so much shit, you could sell half of them and invest in something different which will moon this year. Do you hate money?
Implying ETH wont moon?
What happens if or when they all turn green again?
Haven't read about any new coins since January. Any recommendations?
What coins?
It will, why not
I'm not sure If I want to disclose any info for less than 5g of cocaine/heroin (you pick) in eth. I'm 3 months in research 18-20 hours per day.
You just passive hold and don't care?
I mean you will make it with ETH and ICX, but you could sweep some shit (at least zcl) out of the list and replace it with stuff which will be trendy in 2018. But as you know, DYOR is hard
>Samsung S12
Am I doing it right?
Like OMG? STK?
What is continuous screenshot
Not only. OMG is lying on a surface, there are more. And I'm not talking about /biz shills like link'n'nano
If you're interested we could negotiate about cocaine price, but time is running and I will go off in 20-30 minutes