How can I keep my brain sharp?Don't be afraid to make long posts about it

How can I keep my brain sharp?Don't be afraid to make long posts about it.

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Put it in a pencil sharpener.


define brain sharp

Work on your memory and being more present.

When you enter a new space, identify:
>People, their ethnicity, age, hair colour, eyes, clothes, shoes
>Change in weather for the next 15-20 minutes, time of day, cardinal directions
>Exits, relevant objects (sharp or dangerous blunt weapons), light switches

This attention to detail is important for two reasons. It stresses and practices your short term memory, and it helps you (after doing this for a few weeks) to find connections you may have previously overlooked.

When it comes to human activities in general, the most successful among us tend to be those with a very keen sense of focus and attention to detail. This helps them spot patterns a lot of us otherwise miss, because were are not looking. Whether it's driven by sheer curiosity or some goal, it will benefit you greatly to practice the mechanistic approach of repetitive attention to detail and analysis in the real world, using your physical senses. Think of it as a game, the more you play the better you will get. This will help you with studying new things and it will prevent you from falling into bad habits, multitasking without a purpose is just filling in time.

Intelligence organisations and military units around the world train diligently situation awareness, in unknown environments with imperfect information pattern recognition and decision making could be a critical. They spend a lot of money on training people, so they end up focusing on what works.

Two examples of this would be:
>Whenever you talk to someone, make a subtle habit of studying their hands. Often their hands will betray intent through movement, before a facial expression change.
>There is a natural distance you learn in boxing at which someone is too close and potentially a threat.

With enough hours of drilling, these two habits become second nature and you incorporate them into your normal interaction. Good study habits are similar, practice towards a goal.

Thanks!I really appreciate it

Just cringe

For make your brain sharpen you must:

Think much.
Don't drink alchohol.
Don't have a sex.
Do jogging.

Fap furiously to qt or fuck them.

By doing productive stuff

Play lots of card games. Learn a new craft, hobby or skill, such as computing or macrame. Read outside your comfort zone. Talk about your past with your grandchildren, but learn about the present, too.

Just die and start again.

>How to Train Autism - A Tutorial

Forcing yourself to exert more mental effort in needless tasks is exactly the opposite of how to "stay sharp" mentally.

still made me laugh
but then again ill laugh at almost anything

I do not know it that guy had sharp mind but he was heavy drinker. But then again, subhuman Slavic white nigger monkeys do not count.

please explain what should i do then ffs



Keep neural inflammation to a minimum.

> Eat healthy
> Exercise
> Have sex
> Get enough sleep
> Relax
> Read
> Critically analyze things

It really is that simple.

you could start by putting a space after your punctuation

>math or any type of problem solving
>grape seed extract-polyphenols

Is there something to read about this??

how user?


>How can I keep my brain sharp?

Eat lots of roughage, apparently:
>about 4-5 minutes before feeling a very compelling desire to take a shit I get this hyper focus.
>Suddenly reading some new wikipedia article, learning something new, studying on something usually boring and mundane becomes extremely interesting to me.


Not specific to brain health, but moderating blood sugar is the best way to maintain alertness and focus
There's no silver bullet, but generally you want to have routine meals of about the same size and carb content to avoid binges and slipping into what I call a "carbo-coma", or post-meal lethargy
It's worked for me desu but I'm a worthless humanities scholar, what do I know



Well, it is commonly accepted that training your complex reaction time is the only activity with carry-over effects all across G, so you should do this daily.

But the thing is, you should keep in mind every game is already essentially a complex reaction time test, so you need to go plus ultra if you want to see results.

I think I summarized the concept pretty well: "Pay attention."

You can read into the history of Stoicism, and various eastern philosophies which also discuss mindfulness, but it requires a significant amount of patience. The arguments against it are well established, and generally summarize to "but I don't wanna work hard, it's not fun."

The other anons gave good advice about rising early (5am is ideal), eating clean (fruits+veg), and prioritizing sexual intercourse over masturbation if you cannot abstain.

On a personal note, the most successful people in my life are constantly busy doing something throughout the day, cleaning, reading, exercising, studying. And the least successful I can always count on vegging out in front of a show or watching clips on their phone, or just refreshing their feeds and favourite sites.

Surprisingly this includes playing games also. I'll have friends who are terrible but have sunk in thousands of hours into a game, and friends that play

What do you mean by that?How am I supposed to train it?

I'm not an expert neither anyone here, but what you could do to be "alert" is by exercising, doing yoga and meditation, also drinking coffee helps.

>If your practice is shit, no amount of practice will make you good, you need to be making slow incremental improvement each session, or you are just going to maintain your level.

A good primer on getting good practice as opposed to bad practice can be found in K. Anders Ericsson's book "Peak", released really recently too. It's a bit clunky for a pop-sci book, but it's written by the actual researcher who made the topic of expertise and practice famous.

Generally, it narrows down to a few things, namely:

1. Short, intense bursts of focus and attention. Generally bursts of 1 to 3 hours where you don't watch anything else, you don't listen to music, don't think about anything about the practice at hand and...

2. A Specific Stretch Goal.
Essentially, this is like being capable of doing 30 push-ups and aiming for 35 this session, and aiming to eventually do 100. Setting stretch goals with smaller achievable ones along the way for each session keeps you motivated to do it

3. Regularly.
This tends to go without saying,

4. Coached and tracked by experts in the field.
While you can keep progress in your own personal journal, there's a reason (tw: sanity) why the most successful tend to be privileged; they're able to have connections with people who have deep knowledge in the existing field and can provide instant, detailed, actionable

5. Feedback that you respond to and reflect on.

In short, be purposeful. Be informed. Build on and modify your progress.

Other good books are "Deep Work" by Cal Newport (not very sciencey, but gives you a good framework for shutting out distraction) and "Grit" by Angela Duckworth

>I don't know what brain elasticity is

The brain is more like a muscle than a hard drive. "Exerting mental effort on needless tasks" is exactly how we practice and strengthen mental ability.

Nutrition is highly underrated. Everyone should be taking daily supplements tailored to their nutrient deficiencies. A great example of a popular deficiency is Vitamin K2, which is primarily found in organ meats. Unfortunately, most Americans (myself included) don't eat organ meat regularly. Naturally, supplementation becomes necessary. Chronic inflammation is also almost certainly responsible for cancer the majority of the time. There's many anti-inflammatory options that are so effective (Turmeric, Ginger Root) that they also require daily consumption. Basically, your health is almost entirely related to your diet. Even your health 40-50 years from now. Cognitive decline? Just another symptom of decades of poor nutrition. Expect to have lost 40 IQ points by the time you get to 80 if nutrition is left to the wayside.

Everyone should be lifting or doing cardio every day. Optimal hormone levels are regulated by frequent physical exertion. Having 10-20% more Testosterone can make a significant difference in a male's sense of "drive". Exercise also does a billion other healthy things in the body like modulating our stress response which is tied to inflammation.

Nootropics is also underrated. The effects that focus on an 'experience' are uninteresting, but there's quite a few many compounds that are tailored with health in mind. Peptides like Noopept increase Nerve growth factor in the brain. Unreleased but promising compounds like NSI-189 can allegedly increase hippocampal volume by 20% in healthy subjects. There's also a myriad of nutrients that have been misbranded as nootropics. Choline (found in egg yolk) or Uridine (found in spirulina) both attenuate cognitive decline while providing mild stimulatory effects.

I could go on, but generally taking good care of your body gives you the strong and necessary foundation to live intelligently and productively. Otherwise, you're playing with figurative fire.

>Everyone should be lifting or doing cardio every day
wouldnt that just make you overtrain and make everything even worse for you(bad sleep tired all the time etc.

>Having 10-20% more Testosterone can make a significant difference in a male's sense of "drive".

Dude, I'm a steroid user. I currently only use a replacement dose, but when I was bodybuilding, I went up to a gram a week of test enanthate which is roughly ten times what the average male produces. My drive was not altered at all. I gained a lot of muscle and acne--sure--but the drive thing just wasn't there.

A sudden change in environment may affect your brains sharpness

If you do heavy lifting everyday, without being used to it, yes.
If you go for a 30 minute jog every morning that will probably not have any negative effects, unless you're overweight and should probably do a different sport than running in the first place.


Read daily

i was just teaching sudents about this other day m8

keepin it basic

1) have sex, and lots of it. find someone to love; find someones if you wanna.
2) exercise a lot. running, lifting things.
3) eat healthy.
4) keep yourself stress free by doing things that make gou sincere

Yeah heavy lifting 3x a week full body is the way to go for the first year+

Obviously do as much cardio as you want but lots will naturally impact other physical activities/recovery negatively.

Yes but low test can and does cause apathy.

Solve triple integrals everyday.

You can chalk up your effects or lack thereof to people's bodies being different. Generally though, more testosterone acquired through natural means (eg. working out) is always a good thing. Testosterone gives you energy, 'drive', and literally grows muscle on your body while you do nothing. I'd advise against synthetic steroids as these almost always have catch like increased estrogen levels via aromatase.

Very well said.

tup ac


Take LSD and once it kicks in start self reflecting, remember every bad decision you ever made, after doing this for 8 hours you will be pure like jesus christ and will be able to do complex math, like AES encryption in your head almost instantly.

>have sex, and lots of it. find someone to love; find someones if you wanna.
Well, i love myself so that counts right?