Eating Disorder General

what are some purging tips?

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Drink some water between pukes and when you feel a burp coming on over exaggerate it from your abdomen.

Hope this helps.

yes, i just puked but i feel like i can't puke anymore. i binged at least 2k calories but feel only 500 came out. do i try again?

This is how I was able to black out 4 nights a week at the bars and be functional at 8 am the next morning in college. I miss those days...sigh.

what do you do with your days now

Purging is awful and i wouldnt recommend it at all. Theres a lot more other stuff you can do. Whats your disorder?

I've tried to purge a bunch of times but I can't. Just won't come up. I've been stress eating a lot lately so I wish I could. :(


I used to have BED now it's bulimia.

I had this too. EDNOS and i absolutely despise purging so after binging i'd just lay there and cry if the pain was too much. Thats why i preferred restricting or only eating certain foods.

I always start gagging and then pull my fingers out immediately. It's like a reflex.

flush and then have some v8 when you're finished

I used to have this problem but I feel bad advising you on how to eating disorder.

nigger that's juice calories

Then don't have it, but you have to drink more or eat ice cream if you want to purge more

ahh yeah, honestly the best purging food is ice cream and creamy food. are carbs like instantly digested? didn't see any oreos in my puke.

>tfw hair falling out in clumps, breaking off along hair line
>really cold
>have extremely vivid dreams about eating, then wake up and get paranoid
>can't donate plasma for dosh cause under 110lbs
>haven't pooped in 5 days

Fuck man, my innards hurt. My innards.

No, I don't think any food is instantly digested. Oreos usually come out really clumpy for me so they might be hard to get out.

My hair is getting thinner too but isnt falling out in chunks. I cant wear it pulled back though :/
I wish i was under 110 pounds. Im going to get there if i have to starve myself completely to do it.

honestly i'm starting to feel more relief from purging than i used to while binging

bread always comes out and saw some salmon kek

It's like huge hair balls whenever I touch it, shedding every way and on every surface. And don't worry about the 110lbs thing, in my case I'm an undergrown subhuman that's only 5'3, yet still 96lbs which is rather hefty for my height and frame, plus the lack of muscle makes it all just sallow sacks of gob hanging off of bones.

But srs, if heavy restriction isn't something that your mind naturally forces you to do, don't force it. You're much better off taking a moderate normalfag approach, like eating at a 500-750 deficit and making sure to consume plenty of protein, fat, and fiber.

nigger you're dumb that's underweight

I completely lose my appetite if I go out to eat at a restaurant. Even if I don't eat anything else that day.

Underweight is a medical term, hefty is a subjective one. Skinnfat is a thing, and people's frames vary. Some people are created to look absolutely abhorrent with any amount of excess.

This is also an eating disorder general, user. Anorexics are retarded, can't expect them to look at things objectively.

much too busy trying to style my Trumpesque comb-over that i use to hide that fucked up hairline for objective thinking

>what are some purging tips?
Have good core strength.

By this I mean:
Flex and push in with your abs
Then play around with the back of your throat like you're burping
(the same way you establish any new muscle control, Try to do it until you do something and then remember the feeling and repeat.)
Keep doing this until you feel your stomach.

Drinking a lot of water beforehand also helps to get things going.

>went from BED to bulimia

Drink a lot of water
fingers in throat

Does any one else hate trannies because they get their body dysmorphia taken seriously and people try to defend their right to become disgusting freaks of nature, but heaven forbid someone choose to mainttain a very low body weight

What in the fuck is happening to this board?

This is a fucking Food and Cooking board, We're supposed to like it!

I have additional reasons, but yes.

I think that eating disorders are less than ideal, but a valid means to an ends.
I think faggotry and legitimate mental illness should not be normalized.
less than 65 years ago, We used to have a couple million people in mental institutions. Then after efforts to normalize crazy, the nutters got let out.
As it stands now we only have a couple dozen thousand people in mental institutions.

We did not get that good at treating crazy. Feelings are not more important that getting nutters the help they need for themselves and so that they don't disturb the rest of us.

we like food but we like being beautiful better

Getting a fat chipmunk face from puking up every meal isn't beautiful. Get a gym membership.

When did ck become a pro ana hangout for dumb teens?

>Some people are created to look absolutely abhorrent with any amount of excess.
Im so fucking scared of this. Fuck

I mean, I've purged plenty of times in the past, but I can't get the hang of purging whenever I eat.
How did you end up with bulimia after having BED?

These skinny faggots don't have a high enough resting metabolic rate to be able to just eat less and lose weight.

A gym membership to build muscle mass won't help them much.

>Gym is only for building mass

fuck off, do lots of cardio. or bike or run daily.

>If I don't love it, I don't swallow.

words to live by

I don't like being in the gym for an hour and a half for the equivalent of a bag of chips...

Cardio other than sprinting and swimming is shit for dieting.
What most people do for cardio is a meme, and a waste of time.

Increasing the calories your body uses during rest with increased muscle mass is a much more productive use of gym time.

1500 calories is fine, leave it for the day.


Don't be one of those sorts user, be an attractive faggot. Preserve your muscle mass, lift, moderate deficit, plenty of protein.

Nothing wrong with being heavy if you're "hard not lard"

Maybe you'll even keep your hair!

Unless of course you're already are too far gone, that's a shame if so

I like food and cooking much more than the average normalfag.

So much that I'll lovingly weigh each ingredient and only cook single portions, regardless of how long it takes to convert the recipe, all for the sake of cooking and eating, and calming my obsessive need to know everything I consume

Have you considered just using smaller cooking hardware?

I bet you smell really bad!

I already do.

That wouldn't change my need to weigh things, estimating makes me very uncomfortable. When I estimate I under eat to an extreme extent, due to fear of over eating.

In this case, the weighing option is healthier