Reminder to all soyboy ethereum shills that your jew backed currency will NEVER beat BTC and that ADA or BCASH will overtake ETH within this year. Your fees are high and ETH dev team is literally mega liberal shitskins and soyboys. You will never win. BTC IS KING
Umm sweaty, BTC is controlled by Blockstream which is venture capital from AXA and the CEO of AXA is the chairman of Bilderberg, LOL! looks like your wrong ;)
Fuck i hate liberal left wing faggots. All hail the king BTC !
yes i hate them to they grind my gears
>All hail the king BCH !
bought into eth at $200 and sold back into BTC at $870 or so during the dip. feelsgoodman
yes good job mate
> All hail the king BCC !
anything is better than ETH
>eth is a blue chip
>flippining soon
>dont worry, we'll go back up when btc goes up
Probably just means an ETH breakout is incoming
Save it OP, Veeky Forums stops caring as soon as something becomes popular. That's why they love altcoins so much. That and half of them can't afford to own Bitcoins.
target 0.04
>ETH breakout is incoming
they have TOO many genders . You cant do that . Bur n them gasss them kil them
Eth is the most useful coin on the market right now. Maybe ADA can overtake it when they have their network running, but Bcash? Fucking lol
> All hail the king BBC !
ETH beat Btc and Ada combined long ago you dumb faggot. Add erc20 tokens to ETH market cap and you will see.
t. soyboy
yeah, gross degenerates