I feel bad for everyone falling for LINK Linkies are grasping at straws in every way possible >kek prophecy >secret insiders >secret partners >conspiracies Everytime some name comes up their mental gymnastics to spin it into their lore of LINK is unbelievable If anything happens they are keen to blow it out of proposition I.ex. Muh 5th dev - oh wait no, it's just a guy fixing a grammar
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my other coins. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty coins on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking faggot.
John Fisher
That's a nice cherry you picked there, OP.
Chase Barnes
Nice trips But i didn't say they werent working on it Learn to read faggot
Jace Thomas
I guess you made this thread for no reason then. :^)
Andrew Hill
Learn to read, deluded retard.
Justin Barnes
OP BTFO by Linkmarine’s trips of truth.
Logan Perry
Kek speaks, I will learn to read this year
Levi Young
steve some retard asking for help with his mac lennart is doing what? bot
nice. undeniable proof its being worked on by great minds of every fortune 500 company and the project is surrounded by ndas.
Anthony Rodriguez
I just wanted to warn new fags about link and bully bagholders because you guys are more insufferable than trx normies 3 ppl working on a project as they are supposed to doesn't impress me Also if you would understand anything about coding you would see that the json parser is more than a meme and was made into a pasta to ridicule its point - that it is actually a bunch of json parsers Go to github and i doubt you can say honestly you are impressed by the amount of work they have done in the last couple of months Also the only thing that would make chainlink valuable is the network Too bad all the "partnerships" you guys dug up are either fictional wish thinking, in talk with, or meaningless Wow origami will use chainlink an ico with no working product
Isaac Edwards
>3 ppl working on a project as they are supposed to doesn't impress me But it did impress Swift, AXA, Sony, BNP Paribas, Santander, Barclays, ... enough to dip their toes in.
You act as if the board of directors of those companies sat around and discussed chainlink in-depth or something... Those connections are literally nothing.
Caleb Gomez
Good argument Looking into something doesn't equal usage nor partnerships I think this was brought up numerous times in past threads Banks are force to research new technology The departments for innovation and all they do is check out new tech Thats like saying ripple will be huge because they cooperate and work with some banks When all they do is exchange information
Liam Jackson
Caleb Reed
Lmao, top deluded.
Brody Robinson
user you do know that axa and sony and some others were literally placeholders for smartcontract tests and not them actually testing out the network...
James Wilson
You have to admit Chainlink could be very, very big Between swift, psd2, iso20022 these would make it legitimate for cross chain communication for private corporate hyperledger blockchains, as well as data-driven/digital signature/blockchain-data- requesting smartcontracts which may include payouts
or it could fail to $0. Just like lots of other projects. At least the upside is there.
William Butler
this No-link faggots are subhumans
Wyatt Lopez
Hunter James
Just to humor you retards; Chainlink was the ONLY external crypto to develop a PoC for Swift and showcase it at Sibos last year.
And obviously, when I says they "dipped their toes in", that does not imply anything "in-depth", or mean they have "muh partnership" right now. How would they, the finished product isn't even out yet.
You are seriously demented.
Connor Turner
Ofc i never said anything about its potential but you can say that about nearly every blockchain project besides the obvious shitprojects All of them are very ambitious as they should be But the points of failure for link aren't few Also link is over represented here to a point its very annoying And i blame them partially for the decline of quality of this board The constant shilling and shitposting coupled with the flow of normies coming here spiraled into a shitshow
Jacob Smith
Unibright IO just confirmed in their telegram they are working w/ chainlink. Unibright makes private blockchains for big businesses.
Parker Sanders
>i never said anything about its potential but you can say that about nearly every blockchain project How many have had names like Swift, AXA, Sony, BNP Paribas, Santander, Barclays, ... attached directly to them?
Hell, all OMG ever had was McD Thailand and a few local banks.
Brandon Taylor
thanks for your blogpost
Colton Cruz
yeah funny how someone interested in smart contracts would end up on smartcontract.com also axa already uses a diffrent oracle
Kevin Thompson
>yeah funny how someone interested in smart contracts would end up on smartcontract.com You're right, that domain name is a massive benefit in and of itself.
>also axa already uses a diffrent oracle You mean different from the one that isn't actually finished yet? No shit.
Also, oracles aren't new. Anyone can set one up in a day. Decentralized oracles are something else entirely, however.
Oliver Lewis
>attached directly to them? The level of desperation of shills, "attached difrectly to them". Lmao. Omise processes millions of dollars a day btw. Chainlink is a philosophy major operating out of a leased room above a dry cleaners.
Wyatt Edwards
>The level of desperation of shills, "attached difrectly to them". Lmao. Yes, attached directly to them. Do you need help with English?
>Omise processes millions of dollars a day btw. And how is the token used right now?
Parker Jackson
There is no attachment at all. Muh swift and sibos is all you got nigger, and we both know how well that went. 80% dump from the height of sibos pump. Its a shitcoin. Deal with it.
>And how is the token used right now? Projects in development buddy, dont worry yourself :^)
Adam Richardson
>There is no attachment at all. Yes, and the sun doesn't rise in the morning.
>Muh swift and sibos is all you got nigger That's 11k banks right there, bucko.
>Projects in development buddy YOU DON'T SAY So is Chainlink, and the names attached to it infinitely bigger and more numerous than anything attached to OMG.
Charles Torres
>the sun doesn't rise in the morning it doesnt. the earth just rotates.
>doing an appearance at sibos means 11,000 banks are going to use a shitty erc20 token made by two people top kek im done here
Charles Perez
>it doesnt. the earth just rotates. Autism.
>doing an appearance at sibos means 11,000 banks are going to use a shitty erc20 token made by two people >top kek im done here Sibos was arguably one of the biggest marketing event any one crypto has ever experienced. You'd have to be pretty damn braindead to try and downplay this, and clearly you fit the requirement.
Joshua Hernandez
Sometimes you gotta risk it for the biscuit OP. If chainlink really does come through, its potential is bigger then any other coin right now in these price ranges.
If you really think you need to be a fortune 500 company in the tech space to make it then look at any other company that in the beginning was started with 2-3 people. (Facebook, google (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Google)
I believe they are working fine on their development and having too many people will probably do more harm then good to the project.
Good luck OP
Carter Bennett
comfy post, user
Adam Brown
>jokes on them I was only pretending to be retarded
Connor Nelson
Fake news
Brandon Perez
but we need a team of 50 shitty developers kek
Sebastian Hill
Samuel Perry
For all the ignorant fags out there, I advise you to read 'zero to one' by Peter Thiel so you can put your '2 dev' fud to rest
Matthew Foster
Jack Flores
They have so many programmers that someone's entire job is to look for typos
Nolinkies btfo, comfy desu desu desu
Jordan Wright
>complains about too many chainlink threads >makes a chainlink thread
Tyler Young
the age of truth is upon us
usd collapse eoy
Jace Watson
only made profit until now. waiting for the first fiat market
Adrian Wright
This is extremely encouraging.
Easton Fisher
It's also many months old. The fact that Chainlink hasn't spent the last 5 months in the top 10 on CMC is nothing short of bizarre.
Adrian Martinez
Can the LINK fudders ask some of their more intelligent friends to FUD for them? The standard is fucking miserable at the moment.
Robert Cox
This is actually kind of genuinely embarrassing because it demonstrates a lack of basic knowledge of open source principles and github, yet they feel the need to comment on it.
Andrew Thompson
coreyleveen doesn't do anything more in that picture, retard. Still just a typo fix.
lol poop xd
Hows that 150 BTC volume coming along for you guys kek
With the kind of trash that link shills are, you're ruining your own chances
Jeremiah Brown
>Hows that 150 BTC volume coming along for you guys kek why should I care about volume? monero had like 100-200btc volume very recently too and it's a much bigger coin
Adrian Watson
>150btc volume
Order books are razor thin because link marines aren't selling
Eli Roberts
Just admit it, you bought a pump and dump. No-one cares about LINK, and if they ever do you are a fool for buying it now and missing out on profits everywhere else for months.
Lincoln Morris
I bought when Link was 13-17c and I couldn't care less about an advice from some fucking nobody on an albanian fishing forum
Jason Hall
>I-it's gonna moon, $1000 e-eoy >please help
Leo Williams
I need link to hit $4-$5 and I can retire for life, that's not even accounting for all my other coins. Keep fudding, I'll laugh on my way to retirement
Elijah Johnson
>Hows that 150 BTC volume coming along for you guys kek Look up "low volume pullback"
Juan Phillips
Whypeople are whining about short term price when link is a long term play is beyond me
Tyler Smith
Idiots. Or just trying to fud
Luis King
>they think LINK will ever be worth more than $0.5
William Cruz
>he he your coin will never go up because I'm a butthurt faggot he he pic rel is you,
Josiah Nelson
it currently is, $2 gains is only 20x for non old fags so you could've used this figure
Jayden Clark
The people shilling link now aren't even the original Linkies that spammed on Veeky Forums. They've long since cashed out, and are laughing their asses off now.
The ones who are shilling now are the ones who got tricked into buying and are desperately trying to convince others to fall into the trap so they can at least break even.
Ryan Roberts
The funny thing is, "decentralized" nodes are still divided into reputable and non-reputable
Levi Martinez
Even if link ever goes to $5-$10 it is going to be dumped so hard by eager bagholders, I wonder if it really could ever go over this. I intend to hold for a few years in necessary to hit $20-$50, which seems reasonable if the project pans out.
Ryan Phillips
This fud is gonna be so delicious when stinky linky 1000
Levi Rodriguez
fud for sure lol. i antagonize fellow marines when im bored
Every coin goes through that sort of growing pain if/when it gets its first, big breakout. It will cause a dip/correction, sure, but there's no reason why it wouldn't be able to recover
Austin Richardson
>only 3 people You clearly don’t know about team size and software development efficiency.